Biden will be replaced

Not communistic, we pay for both of those things. Do you know that words mean things?
We pay for all governmental programs--SS, Medicare, food stamps, college grants, roads, bridges, education, etc.

Is it communistic if a nation has government provided health care? The citizens pay for that also. And, you do not pay for all your SS or Medicare. The benefits exceed your taxes.

To be communistic the government must own and control most of the major industries. And, to really be communist, the state must wither away to control by the workers. That means no nation really fits any definition of being communist. The only characteristic of communist nations is that they call themselves communist and the Communist Party rules largely without opposition (but characteristics vary largely by country). Those that refer to any policies of Democrats or Republicans as communist are just using derogatory terms to describe their political opponents.
No, the 15-20 percent of republicans that are still voting for Haley. Noone is going to win an election with 15-20% of their party not voting for them.
in your dreams......easily offset by the 15-20 percent of minorities who've walked away from the demmycrat racists.....
That's funny. Harris who is an attorney who was previously the Attorney General for California and a US Senator and currently is the highest-ranking female official in U.S. history and you think she is "dumb as a bag of rocks".
I challenge you to post one intelligent clip from that retarded whore.
We pay for all governmental programs--SS, Medicare, food stamps, college grants, roads, bridges, education, etc.

Is it communistic if a nation has government provided health care? The citizens pay for that also. And, you do not pay for all your SS or Medicare. The benefits exceed your taxes.

To be communistic the government must own and control most of the major industries. And, to really be communist, the state must wither away to control by the workers. That means no nation really fits any definition of being communist. The only characteristic of communist nations is that they call themselves communist and the Communist Party rules largely without opposition (but characteristics vary largely by country). Those that refer to any policies of Democrats or Republicans as communist are just using derogatory terms to describe their political opponents.

We pay for it, we pay into the retirement "fund" insurance that is SS and retirement medical insurance that is Medicare with each paycheck we earn, it is even a separate item for each on our paystubs.

The idea that we pay into the insurance program then get the benefit later is not communism, it is literally paying into insurance. Some folks are morons, usually the same idiots who think government owned hospitals are the same as privately owned hospitals and ignore the inefficiencies. Personally I think the US is particularly well positioned to use 50 states as an experiment to find out what the best system is that allows folks to actually get into a doctor before they die, once we figure it out places like Canada can copy us so that PMs don't leave Canada and go to Florida for treatment for what ails them.

Anyway, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. It's like pretending that 401Ks are "communism" because we pay into them and get the money later like Social Security and Medicare.

We pay for it, we pay into the retirement "fund" insurance that is SS and retirement medical insurance that is Medicare with each paycheck we earn, it is even a separate item for each on our paystubs.

The idea that we pay into the insurance program then get the benefit later is not communism, it is literally paying into insurance. Some folks are morons, usually the same idiots who think government owned hospitals are the same as privately owned hospitals and ignore the inefficiencies. Personally I think the US is particularly well positioned to use 50 states as an experiment to find out what the best system is that allows folks to actually get into a doctor before they die, once we figure it out places like Canada can copy us so that PMs don't leave Canada and go to Florida for treatment for what ails them.

Anyway, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. It's like pretending that 401Ks are "communism" because we pay into them and get the money later like Social Security and Medicare.
Because you pay into SS and Medicare separately does not make it any more or less communist than if it is paid for as part of your overall taxes. Calling it "insurance" is misleading because everybody is eligible to collect their SS (even if you did not pay in the 40 quarters) whereas you only collect on car insurance if you have an accident; if not, you collect nothing.

As I explained, neither of these health programs define communism. People confuse social welfare systems with economic systems. Many European nations have large social welfare programs and are capitalistic systems since their major industries are privately owned.
There is still no clarification on my grapevine as to who the replacement will be.....I have long been hearing that the people who run America from the shadows cant decide.
Because you pay into SS and Medicare separately does not make it any more or less communist than if it is paid for as part of your overall taxes. Calling it "insurance" is misleading because everybody is eligible to collect their SS (even if you did not pay in the 40 quarters) whereas you only collect on car insurance if you have an accident; if not, you collect nothing.

As I explained, neither of these health programs define communism. People confuse social welfare systems with economic systems. Many European nations have large social welfare programs and are capitalistic systems since their major industries are privately owned.
Inane. Insurance is not communism, words mean things. You "explained" your unsupported opinion, we explained why it is wrong. You confuse insurance with economic systems. You also confuse socialism and communism which are different steps in Marx's manifesto and not the same thing. You could suggest that they are socialism, except they aren't... because they are insurance we pay for. Telling someone that taking money from SS is "communism" is idiocy... because words mean things and that sentence is simply false.
Inane. Insurance is not communism, words mean things. You "explained" your unsupported opinion, we explained why it is wrong. You confuse insurance with economic systems. You also confuse socialism and communism which are different steps in Marx's manifesto and not the same thing. You could suggest that they are socialism, except they aren't... because they are insurance we pay for. Telling someone that taking money from SS is "communism" is idiocy... because words mean things and that sentence is simply false.
I never said taking money for SS was commnism. My point is simply that we pay for all governmental programs under capitalism or socialism. If I pay taxes to the government and get SS when I retire, that is no different than a system in which I pay separately into a SS account. Taxes pay for both SS and food stamps although SS is a separate payroll tax and food stamps go to all who qualify, but they also pay for that program with their taxes.
I never said taking money for SS was commnism. My point is simply that we pay for all governmental programs under capitalism or socialism. If I pay taxes to the government and get SS when I retire, that is no different than a system in which I pay separately into a SS account. Taxes pay for both SS and food stamps although SS is a separate payroll tax and food stamps go to all who qualify, but they also pay for that program with their taxes.
About 25% of government spending is charged to the kids/grandkids/unborn....we suck that much.
I never said taking money for SS was commnism. My point is simply that we pay for all governmental programs under capitalism or socialism. If I pay taxes to the government and get SS when I retire, that is no different than a system in which I pay separately into a SS account. Taxes pay for both SS and food stamps although SS is a separate payroll tax and food stamps go to all who qualify, but they also pay for that program with their taxes.
You still are conflating things. Even government mandated insurance is still not socialism. Repeating something wrong does not make it more right, it just means you are wrong on the same subject often. Food stamps is not Social Security, we do not pay into it as insurance that we collect later, it is something that you may call socialism and be right about, you should stick with that one.