Biden will be replaced

Most of the posts I replied to had nothing to do with Biden but with Republican lies about voter fraud, January 6 insurrection...........

Communist "logic" cracks me up. Out of one side of your mouth you demand that unarmed protesters questioning the 2020 election were about to topple "muh duhmobcracy" and hang Mike Pence. Waving the symbol of hate, the American Flag, the government almost fell, if not for the brave efforts of BLM member Michael Byrd summarily executing Ashli Babbett, Trump would have established a fascist dictatorship through protestors putting their feet on Nancy Pelosi's desk.

But out of the OTHER side of your mouth you SWEAR that the peasants must be disarmed because guns are useless against the awesome might of the all powerful and unbeatable government.

Yeah, it's all demagoguery to smear and slander the enemies of the Communist party - but the utter insanity of the contradiction never seems to sink in with those like you.

Because I was most concerned with Trump's attempt to block the constitutional transfer of power does not mean I support Biden.

That you blatantly lie that Trump did such a thing sure does.

That is a major problem with many posters--if a poster does not support everything they say that must mean they support the other party. Simplistic assumptions.

The utter insanity of that lie is pure propaganda by the Communist party. Anyone pushing such moronic propaganda are promoting the Communist party - which at this moment is under Joe Biden.
Communist "logic" cracks me up. Out of one side of your mouth you demand that unarmed protesters questioning the 2020 election were about to topple "muh duhmobcracy" and hang Mike Pence. Waving the symbol of hate, the American Flag, the government almost fell, if not for the brave efforts of BLM member Michael Byrd summarily executing Ashli Babbett, Trump would have established a fascist dictatorship through protestors putting their feet on Nancy Pelosi's desk.

But out of the OTHER side of your mouth you SWEAR that the peasants must be disarmed because guns are useless against the awesome might of the all powerful and unbeatable government.

Yeah, it's all demagoguery to smear and slander the enemies of the Communist party - but the utter insanity of the contradiction never seems to sink in with those like you.

That you blatantly lie that Trump did such a thing sure does.

The utter insanity of that lie is pure propaganda by the Communist party. Anyone pushing such moronic propaganda are promoting the Communist party - which at this moment is under Joe Biden.
Anybody still talking about "the Communist party" as the boogeyman is still in the 1950's.
Funny, yet pathetic. They are still fighting the Cold War.
And using "communist," "socialist," and "Marxist" without the slightest understanding of what it means. They just think it sounds like a way to smear those with which they disagree with negative connotations.
And using "communist," "socialist," and "Marxist" without the slightest understanding of what it means. They just think it sounds like a way to smear those with which they disagree with negative connotations.
That's funny. Harris who is an attorney who was previously the Attorney General for California and a US Senator and currently is the highest-ranking female official in U.S. history and you think she is "dumb as a bag of rocks".

Kamaltoe Harris is an inspiration to girls across the nation - proving that any woman can get to the top as long as she is on her back with her legs spread...

My vote is useless. I live in Texas which is heavily Republican (although only six states had a narrower margin in 2020). I usually vote Libertarian just to keep the party on the ballot and they are closer to conservative than Republicans. I really can't vote for a candidate who betrayed his oath to uphold the Constitution by trying to block an election.
If your vote is useless then why would you bother to go and vote. You could at least show that not everyone in Texas is an asshole. At least some will vote against "a candidate who betrayed his oath to uphold the Constitution"
One-sided thinking and ironic since you want the Constitution "restored" by supporting a man who wants to suspend it, be a dictator for a day, and who actually tried to block the successful transfer of power. Biden is just a harmless old fool who spends almost as much as Trump did.
ridiculous lies.....
That's funny. Harris who is an attorney who was previously the Attorney General for California and a US Senator and currently is the highest-ranking female official in U.S. history and you think she is "dumb as a bag of rocks".
That is exactly how she presents herself.
Thing is, both Uncle Joe and Cheeto Jeezus seem to be unraveling right before our eyes in various ways. Comedian Jimmy Dore has a pod cast excerpt going around (supposedly unedited) where Biden starts babbling incoherently for a few brief seconds during a press conference/address. Given as Cheeto Jeezus numerous ramblings and babbling during his stump speeches and how his meeting with execs and such result in people saying he's the dumbest thing going, it looks like I'll be doing a write in candidate in November again!
One-sided thinking and ironic since you want the Constitution "restored" by supporting a man who wants to suspend it, be a dictator for a day, and who actually tried to block the successful transfer of power. Biden is just a harmless old fool who spends almost as much as Trump did.

See, telling democrat lies does little to convince anyone that you are not a Communist drone.
That's funny. Harris who is an attorney who was previously the Attorney General for California and a US Senator and currently is the highest-ranking female official in U.S. history and you think she is "dumb as a bag of rocks".
when it came time for the primary voters of California to pick the demmycrat presidential candidate, they preferred a senile old white guy from Delaware to their attorney general and US senator.........
Faulty logic on your part. My criticism of Biden is no different than my criticism of Republicans--they are both financially irresponsible and both favor big government to achieve their goals. You make the illogical assumption a person has to choose sides when neither meet free market principles.
odd you've never mentioned this before......
Anybody still talking about "the Communist party" as the boogeyman is still in the 1950's.

AND you duck the point.

So unarmed protesters were going to overthrow democracy, but rifles are useless against the incredible might of the Biden Regime?

Explain that to us?
And using "communist," "socialist," and "Marxist" without the slightest understanding of what it means. They just think it sounds like a way to smear those with which they disagree with negative connotations.

Says the one claiming that protesting a rigged election is "insurrection."

Woodrow Wilson called and wants his tyranny back.

You Stalinists crack me up.
And using "communist," "socialist," and "Marxist" without the slightest understanding of what it means. They just think it sounds like a way to smear those with which they disagree with negative connotations.

Tell me, is healthcare a human right? Do we have an obligation to ensure a living wage? Is private home ownership racist and causing global warming?
That is exactly how she presents herself.

Harris used a combination of affirmative action and fucking the boss to climb the ladder.

Willie Brown got her inside the top ranks of the Communist party in California. Once she was in, all she had to do was ride the wave - to AG, to the Senate, to VP.

Harris is demonstrably dumb as a bag of hammers.