Biden's FBI tracked and recovered ransom paid to hackers of Colonial Pipeline

No. What makes you think I was trying to be funny? It went somewhere, why can't it be tracked?

I apologize. Yes it can be tracked. Very difficult but it's doable. It takes top experts to do that.

The rest of the money has not been recovered as of yet.
People think we are way behind in Crypto. It is not true. I saw a documentary a few years ago showing a huge mega-complex being built in the hills that was devoted to computer tracking and hacking. We have the world's best experts. We spend a ton on it. It is just a game that changes so fast, that you are always a step behind. We can do a lot more to others than they do to us, assuming the country has an infrastructure to attack. There is no advantage in advertising it. Just stop them, like we did this time.
Clearly some of those hackers made a mistake somewhere.

Using multiple layers of anonymity like using Tor, VPN and such will make it difficult to trace.

Mr. Owl spent his working career in IT. I asked him the other day what's the deal with these companies and why aren't they doing more to harden their systems. He said in a lot of cases it's just cheaper to pay the ransom. He also said that a lot of the intrusions are accomplished by phishing, and that the people working at the company are the weak point that can be exploited.

I'm thinking that we need to have Homeland Security do an assessment of all our vulnerable privately-owned essential-to-national-security companies. That pipeline company and the food packing plants were just warning shots across our bow.
People think we are way behind in Crypto. It is not true. I saw a documentary a few years ago showing a huge mega-complex being built in the hills that was devoted to computer tracking and hacking. We have the world's best experts. We spend a ton on it. It is just a game that changes so fast, that you are always a step behind. We can do a lot more to others than they do to us, assuming the country has an infrastructure to attack. There is no advantage in advertising it. Just stop them, like we did this time.

Well, except that we didn't stop them this time. They shut down an essential service -- the pipelines -- and caused hardship and expense to millions of citizens. It doesn't do the govt. any good to have all these experts if we don't have something in place to force private companies to take security seriously.
Well, except that we didn't stop them this time. They shut down an essential service -- the pipelines -- and caused hardship and expense to millions of citizens. It doesn't do the govt. any good to have all these experts if we don't have something in place to force private companies to take security seriously.
that's p;retty much it as far as I know. there cant be internet connections, there has to be direct servers
( abouot all I know about this - but i'm sure you understand) for the big players like pipelines and critical infrastructure

when it comes to meat packing and such, that's probably not practical, but ther needs to be some kind of business alliance or public -private partnership to do it then

Biden is meeting Putin. Trump said one time they should partner on cybersecurity, i still think that's a good idea
because these are Russian based criminals.not state actors doing the hacking
People think we are way behind in Crypto. It is not true. I saw a documentary a few years ago showing a huge mega-complex being built in the hills that was devoted to computer tracking and hacking. We have the world's best experts. We spend a ton on it. It is just a game that changes so fast, that you are always a step behind. We can do a lot more to others than they do to us, assuming the country has an infrastructure to attack. There is no advantage in advertising it. Just stop them, like we did this time.
they are called "white hat hackers" ( white hats being the good guys)
Well, except that we didn't stop them this time. They shut down an essential service -- the pipelines -- and caused hardship and expense to millions of citizens. It doesn't do the govt. any good to have all these experts if we don't have something in place to force private companies to take security seriously.

How can they compete against SloJo and the Dems who shut down pipelines for free?