Biden's FBI tracked and recovered ransom paid to hackers of Colonial Pipeline

Hello reagansghost,

Trump wouldn't have instructed the FBI to track down those thieves, he'd have demanded a cut

Awesome accomplishment.

The OP link goes to something else now, but I found the same story with a quick search.

Trump always hated the FBI because they could be the ones to bring him down.

He lives his life on the edge of ruin.

He has so many underhanded dirty dealing affairs going on he could be exposed, brought up on charges any day.

What a dumb way to live.
Hello reagansghost,

Awesome accomplishment.

The OP link goes to something else now, but I found the same story with a quick search.

Trump always hated the FBI because they could be the ones to bring him down.

He lives his life on the edge of ruin.

He has so many underhanded dirty dealing affairs going on he could be exposed, brought up on charges any day.

What a dumb way to live.

and it's no wonder Trump hates the a bank robber hates them, a rapist hates them, any serious criminal hates them, they are the Foe

ot, I don't think Trump believes he'll be prosecuted, that possibility is something he can't fathom.......for his entire life his MO has been to throw fits and threats when he can't get his way. yell, scream, cry, and most importantly lie whenever required to keep the shitshow on the road
They sent money to the hackers. It shouldn't be too fucking hard to figure out where you sent it. DUH!!

Bitcoin covered up by internet experts. DUH. It is tough to track. That is why it is a common and growing crime. If it were easy, it would never happen, but it is hitting many, many businesses every day.
Hello reagansghost,

and it's no wonder Trump hates the a bank robber hates them, a rapist hates them, any serious criminal hates them, they are the Foe

ot, I don't think Trump believes he'll be prosecuted, that possibility is something he can't fathom.......for his entire life his MO has been to throw fits and threats when he can't get his way. yell, scream, cry, and most importantly lie whenever required to keep the shitshow on the road

He is a very sad man with no friends.

Anybody he has anything to do with is bought.

The people he talks to on a daily basis are either hired help or on some kind of power/wealth lust trip.

There is nobody he simply enjoys spending time with for the sake of enjoying life.

Very sad.

And quite petty.
Trump probably thinks he's an IT guru, doesn't need no pesky highly skilled pros......

The differences between Trump and the Intelligence agencies are striking in their width and depth, given that Trump himself appointed the heads of all these agencies:

On North Korea: the agencies say that North Korean is unlikely to give up its nuclear arsenal, whereas Trump believes his diplomacy has eliminated the threat.

On Iran: Trump views Iran as an implacable enemy, while the agencies believe that Iran is not taking steps to manufacture a nuclear bomb; and is fully in compliance with the treaty signed in 2015, from which Trump has had the U.S. withdraw.

On ISIS: Trump has declared that ISIS is already defeated, enabling an immediate withdrawal from Syria. In the light of the ensuing uproar, Trump said on Wednesday ISIS “will soon be destroyed.” The agencies believe that ISIS will remain a threat for many years.

On Syria and Afghanistan: Trump believes the U.S. should pull out soon. The agencies believe that this will lead to bigger problems down the road.

On Russian meddling in the election: Trump has said that he trusts Putin’s denial, while the Intelligence agencies are convinced that Russia meddled.

On NATO: Trump questions the value of NATO, while the Intelligence agencies all regard NATO as the bedrock of America’s international security.

On trade: The agencies believe that Trump’s confrontations in trade policies and his “unilateralism” have strained the United States’ alliances.

Trump often draws on the wisdom of the talking heads on Fox television — longtime on-air personalities, retired generals, hardline foreign policy experts, and many who have no particular expertise apart from a willingness to praise and defend Trump’s actions, attack his critics and validate his “America First” approach to the world. Appearance on television is often an audition to join Trump’s administration as with National Security Adviser, John Bolton and the Acting Attorney General, Matthew Whitaker.

Yet it's Hillary whose home server got hacked.