Bill Cosby has done it again...

My original question:

Does Cosby get to speak for the whole "black community" by virtue of his blackness or by virtue of his wealth or his success or by virtue of his television series or by virtue of his celebrity? What allows him to speak for everyone and tell Black people how they should wear their hats, their pants, and whether or not they can or should get body piercings and so on?

You continued throughout this thread to profess that Cosby had some kind of privileged position from which to speak to the 'black community" now you either have to tell me what that is based on or pretend that what you have said throughout this discussion is no longer what you believe in light of my question which is what you generally do when I ask you a question, that is pretend that you didn't mean what all of your previous comments imply.

Translation: why is cawacko out celebrating the 49ers win while you are not a sports fan? I pretty clearly said earlier Mr. Cosby speaks his own opinion.

That doesn't answer my question, but I you have settled the issue of whether after seven or eight more years you can read or not and the answer to that is still a resounding no.
Actually in urban areas thats pretty accrate. Its not unusual for surburban dwellers like me to work rather far from home but far less so in a Philly or the like. And dont forget that one's body language is not unlike one's verbal one. And face it, its fact that black youth unemployment is in the 20's. The good doctor has a point and cares enough to risk displeasure of others like yourself who are more concerned about protocol than reality. He is explaining WHY things are as they are. Youcant rectify a problem until you first accept that its a problem.
We cant wish away the causes (Great Society) but its only a lack of will that prevents fixing it now.

So the cause of today's high unemployment rate among black youth was the "Great Society"! Interesting. How come black youth unemployment was less than 10 percent during the Clinton era then?

Just because I put on shorts and go barefooted at the beach doesn't mean I go to work that way. The street corner in the black ghetto is similar to the beach for black youth.
When the Black sociologist Michael Eric Dyson criticized Cosby in his book Is Bill Cosby Right? was Michael Eric Dyson showing his love for white women too, or did he have some genuine and worthwhile criticisms of Cosby?

Described by Michael A. Fletcher as "a Princeton PhD and a child of the streets who takes pains never to separate the two"

Cosby was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is one of four sons born to Anna Pearl (née Hite), a maid, and William Henry Cosby Sr., who served as a sailor in the U.S. Navy.[4][5] During much of his early childhood, Cosby's father was away in the U.S. armed forces and spent several years fighting in World War II. As a student, he described himself as a class clown. Cosby was the captain of both the baseball team and the track and field team at Mary Channing Wister Public School in Philadelphia, as well as the class president.[6] Early on, though, teachers noted his propensity for clowning around rather than studying.[7] At FitzSimons Junior High School, Cosby began acting in plays as well as continuing his devotion to playing sports.[8] He went on to Central High School, an academically challenging magnet school, but his full schedule of playing football, basketball, baseball, and running track made it hard for him.[8] In addition, Cosby was working before and after school, selling produce, shining shoes, and stocking shelves at a supermarket to help out the family.[8] He transferred to Germantown High School, but failed the tenth grade.[9] Instead of repeating, he got a job as an apprentice at a shoe repair shop, which he liked, but could not see himself doing the rest of his life.[8] Subsequently, he joined the Navy, serving at the Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, Naval Station Argentia, Newfoundland and at the Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland.[10]

While serving in the Navy as a Hospital Corpsman for four years, Cosby worked in physical therapy with some seriously injured Korean War casualties,[10] which helped him discover what was important to him. Then he immediately realized the need for an education, and finished his equivalency diploma via correspondence courses.[11] He then won a track and field scholarship to Philadelphia's Temple University in 1961–62,[12] and studied physical education while running track and playing fullback on the football team.

As Cosby progressed through his undergraduate studies, he continued to hone his talent for humor, joking with fellow enlistees in the service and then with college friends. When he began bar tending at the Cellar, a club in Philadelphia, to earn money, he became fully aware of his ability to make people laugh. He worked his customers and saw his tips increase, then ventured onto the stage.[13
Darla has wiped the floor with you several times in this thread and elsewhere yesterday and you haven't lasted two minutes against her, either"!!"

MoFo, you are still not getting a BJ although it is admirable just how much of a lapdog you are for her. Can you lick your own balls as well?
I'm saying that he wasn't speaking for the entire black community anymore than someone who considers white-trash hillbillies to be the entire white community.

He's making a huge generalization but no one wants to address that. He has all the stereotypes down pat.

Where here did anybody even suggest that he was ”speaking for the entire black community?”

Actually, I understood this thread and Bill Cosby to be speaking at the black deadbeats and fucking idiots who’ve been tutored by their leftist white slave masters to be professional”victims” and “in yo face” street criminals.
Yeah I'm familiar with the University Village. It's still there. Not sure if you've seen the campus now but they have a big fence around campus it looks like a prison now (in a matter of speaking). As far as the gang activity during the Rodney King riots, well you probably as a college student know better than me. I was a little pup in the 90's but I know near campus you have gang activity still there. Glad to know another trojan is here.

And I'm a fan of the greatest Trojan of all, :loveu::loveu:Troy Polamalu!:loveu::loveu: