Bill Maher Refuses to Air Kanye (Ye) Interview

For many issues, this is spot on.

Unfortunately, Netanyahu has created a situation around the world where Israel is now viewed as a Nazi state that commits genocide. Ironic for sure.

It's hard to discern if the IDF soldiers are rogue actors or if the orders come from the top? They blew up an ambulance that stopped to rescue a child who was injured/trapped in a car after an explosion. They murdered an American citizen who had his hands up to show he wasn't the enemy.

All Jews are now viewed as being in support of this heinous behavior, so allowing anyone (let alone a delusional pro trump Nazi sympathizer) to spew more hatred is dangerous. It doesn't take much to incite one idiot to blow up a shul.

I'm can't defend the indefensible. All I can say is that it all started on 10/7 when Hamas, who the Palestinians elected to represent them attacked Israel, killed innocent men women and children and took many others hostage.

I will not and cannot and will never support the killing of innocents whether it's done by Hamas or Israel.
Hamas is a terrorist organization that must be eradicated. Much like Bin Laden.

In both cases, thousands of innocents were killed in retaliation that was not commensurate with the original act. In fact, Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.

As such, both leaders took what was near unanimous worldwide support and quickly turned it into condemnation.

The Israel issue is too complex to render down into Oct. 7. But Bibi most definitely had a large part to play in the attack. To ignore the decades of oppression of Palestine, and the continued West Bank expansion, is downplaying the foundation for the Hamas attack. The world watched and did nothing while Israel continued to starve Palestinians.

Now the world watches genocide, and the U.S blocks any attempt to end the massacre.

Every Hamas leader should be hung upside down in the public square. Same for every Hamas fighter.

That is not what is being achieved right now, and Netanyahu is seen as a genocidal maniac on the world stage.

We don't need Kanye to have a voice in furthering the violence against innocent Jews who don't agree with the genocide in the first place.

So, here's what I have to say about that. You know how the Republicans in America are refusing to do anything about immigration in order to keep it an issue they can run against? The Arab countries surrounding Israel are doing the same thing. They could take in and provide aid to the Palestinians, but they don't. Why? To foment hatred of the Israel state. Make no mistake, they're doing it, and it looks like according to you it's working!
It's good for America to see there is actual antisemitism in America
It would be good for you to learn what antisemitism is. Everything you are saying on the matter is comically error-filled virtue-signaling. You are nothing more than a waste of bandwidth.
So, here's what I have to say about that. You know how the Republicans in America are refusing to do anything about immigration in order to keep it an issue they can run against? The Arab countries surrounding Israel are doing the same thing. They could take in and provide aid to the Palestinians, but they don't. Why? To foment hatred of the Israel state. Make no mistake, they're doing it, and it looks like according to you it's working!
You haven't gotten anything right yet.
Hamas is a terrorist organization that must be eradicated.
Actually, it's the Al Qassam brigades that is the terrorist organization. Hamas is a political party. Killing "Hamas" would be the same as killing "Democrats." You're necessarily going after the wrong people, i.e. innocent civilians who never attacked Israel.

Al Qassam should all be rounded up and tried.

In fact, Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.
Too funny. The US invaded Afghanistan after 9/11, not Iraq.

The US invaded Iraq to enforce weapons inspections mandated by treaty. The invasion of Iraq was unanimously supported in UN resolution 1441. The invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with Bin Laden.

Every Hamas leader should be hung upside down in the public square.
Hamas leaders didn't attack Israel, or even knew about it until after it occurred. Iran attacked Israel via their proxy the Al Qassam brigades. You are advocating collective punishment and legitimizing the deaths of thousands of children who were alive and well at the beginning of October.

Same for every Hamas fighter.
Al Qassam brigades.

By the way, all of the perpetrators of the 6 October attack on Israel immediately got out of Gaza. The IDF is only killing innocent civilians and they know it ... by the thousands. When the IDF claims "We just bagged one of the attackers" ... they're lying.
It's you and your nazi trumptards who deny slavery ever existed. Funny you should bring it up. How much more history do you want to deny or recreate? It's the trumptard way, you slobbering, low-life, fat, useless, closet-case fuck.

No one is denying slavery ever existed. It's you idiot leftists who are tearing down statues, renaming sports teams and schools because you are "offended."
So, here's what I have to say about that. You know how the Republicans in America are refusing to do anything about immigration in order to keep it an issue they can run against? The Arab countries surrounding Israel are doing the same thing. They could take in and provide aid to the Palestinians, but they don't. Why? To foment hatred of the Israel state. Make no mistake, they're doing it, and it looks like according to you it's working!
Israel was enjoying the best relations with their neighbors in decades. Many say that this is the reason Hamas attacked.

I would say that Bibi is the one using this incident. He's hated by most of Israel as he usurped power, was halfway to destroying the courts that were about to imprison him, and in no way will agree to a two state solution.

He was nearing an ouster when Oct. 7 happened. We can run down rabbit holes re. whether he actually allowed the attack or not, but he most definitely knew about the plot.

He cannot allow this heinous activity to end, as he is going to prison soon after.

He's playing right into Hamas' hands, as Lebanon is his next target.
Israel was enjoying the best relations with their neighbors in decades. Many say that this is the reason Hamas attacked.

Bibi was about to sign a deal with Saudi Arabia, the nemesis of Iran. Iran funds both Hamas and Hezbollah.
It would be good for you to learn what antisemitism is. Everything you are saying on the matter is comically error-filled virtue-signaling. You are nothing more than a waste of bandwidth.

I didn't think it possible but your trolling is getting even worse. Fuck off, you sorry, low-life trumptard fuck.
No one is denying slavery ever existed. It's you idiot leftists who are tearing down statues, renaming sports teams and schools because you are "offended."

That's a lie. But that's ok. Gaslighting and propaganda is all trumptards have.
Israel was enjoying the best relations with their neighbors in decades. Many say that this is the reason Hamas attacked.

I would say that Bibi is the one using this incident. He's hated by most of Israel as he usurped power, was halfway to destroying the courts that were about to imprison him, and in no way will agree to a two state solution.

He was nearing an ouster when Oct. 7 happened. We can run down rabbit holes re. whether he actually allowed the attack or not, but he most definitely knew about the plot.

He cannot allow this heinous activity to end, as he is going to prison soon after.

He's playing right into Hamas' hands, as Lebanon is his next target.

Well, I hope the world is able to pressure Israel to find a better solution than their current one. I still think the surrounding countries like Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia can offer humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people. It's not like they don't have the funds/resources, and so far, they've been willing to perpetuate the problem.
I'm can't defend the indefensible. All I can say is that it all started on 10/7 when Hamas, who the Palestinians elected to represent them attacked Israel, killed innocent men women and children and took many others hostage.

I will not and cannot and will never support the killing of innocents whether it's done by Hamas or Israel.

Hamas won a minority election in 2004 and there has not been another one since. It actually began when Israel was formed and they booted Palestinians out of their homes and treated them like inferiors. The average Palestinian is 18. They have never seen an election.
Hamas won a minority election in 2004 and there has not been another one since. It actually began when Israel was formed and they booted Palestinians out of their homes and treated them like inferiors. The average Palestinian is 18. They have never seen an election.

There should be no doubt which Palestinian group was the military arm of Gaza. Why are most Palestinians so young? Did all their parents die in suicide bombings or simply abandon their kids?
Well, I hope the world is able to pressure Israel to find a better solution than their current one. I still think the surrounding countries like Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia can offer humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people. It's not like they don't have the funds/resources, and so far, they've been willing to perpetuate the problem.
Given the pact that they were about to craft with Israel, I wonder if they're concerned that Hamas would sneak in with other refugees?


""Some research has shown in Palestinian populations, and others under threat, that they see having children as a way of resistance, in a way," Asi said. "That's kind of seen as a continuation of a bloodline that's been under threat in various ways for 100 years.""

Why aren't any other Arab, or Persian, nations interested in helping the Gazans relocate or build a better future? Why isn't Gaza, with its 25 miles of beach, a tourist Mecca with condos on the beach instead of 300 miles of tunnels?
That's a lie. But that's ok. Gaslighting and propaganda is all trumptards have.

Then tell me, who is tearing down statues, renaming sports teams and schools? Who is denying slavery ever existed? Who is offended by a statue, school's or sports team's names? I'm not.