Billions in taxpayer dollars now go to religious schools via vouchers

We're talking about individual's tax money. Should they not be able to spend it on the school of their choice? Should they be forced, no matter how shitty the public schools, to put their money toward paying for it?
Your missing the point, private schools can flush students they don’t want, they can pick and choose who they admit, public schools can not be selective, they have to educate anyone who walks thru the door, it is the law

The question becomes is it right for the taxpayer to pay for the education of the chosen at the cost of lost funding for public schools?
Your missing the point, private schools can flush students they don’t want, they can pick and choose who they admit, public schools can not be selective, they have to educate anyone who walks thru the door, it is the law

The question becomes is it right for the taxpayer to pay for the education of the chosen at the cost of lost funding for public schools?
There's a per-student cost to educate them in a public school. If they don't attend, that cost largely goes with them.
I don't agree with the Supreme Court on this.
Democrats have been promising to fix inner city schools for 60 years and nothing has changed. I think we've given them enough time.

"23 Baltimore schools have zero students proficient in math, state test results reveal

Wed, February 8th 2023
Your missing the point, private schools can flush students they don’t want, they can pick and choose who they admit, public schools can not be selective, they have to educate anyone who walks thru the door, it is the law

The question becomes is it right for the taxpayer to pay for the education of the chosen at the cost of lost funding for public schools?
In your socialist One size fits all system, ... good students are punished. That gives you a hard on, ... especially because they are mostly Black and Hispanic children. White libs are sadists.

They are educating no one in many schools. You are lying.
23 Baltimore schools have ZERO students proficient in math, state test results reveal.

Now, if you want to put an income cap on those who can use vouchers, that's fine by me. I am only concerned about the poor and under privileged, not wealthy white libs.
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OMG!!! Kids might get a better education than in public schools.
I believe the statistic is they loose a month of education for every year compared to public schools. It is noticeably worse.

An entire subset of our children is being locked out of real education.
There's a per-student cost to educate them in a public school. If they don't attend, that cost largely goes with them.
Is there? If a class has 24 students, rather than 25 students, how much money is saved? Is the teacher cheaper with one less student? Is the classroom heating cheaper with one less student?