Billy Batts is in the house.

Billy Batts

Verified User
Hello all just signed up, feeling my way around getting use to the format. Political leaning Moderate, bailed ship on the GOP after the Tea Party (Baggers) hijacked the party from Conservatives.
Hello all just signed up, feeling my way around getting use to the format. Political leaning Moderate, bailed ship on the GOP after the Tea Party (Baggers) hijacked the party from Conservatives.

you will get along well with 3d (currently Football Jersey)......he's recently walked away from the GOP as well.....though I think his real reason is that he likes the liberal position on gay marriage better.......did I mention he recently got married........
Are you saying that it's okay for Douchebag Donald to support the LQBT community, but not moi?

I AM saying that you prefer the left's view on the LGBT community to the right's view.......nothing else that has been posted since I said that has had any relevancy to what I have actually said.....