Billy Batts is in the house.

And it was you libs that equated it to a sex act performed by libs

Wow! We are done here, you do not have any sense. Debate requires respectful engagement. But I'm not going to waste time on people who are willfully ignorant. The six signs of willful ignorance:

(1) The person you’re debating uses nastiness as a substitute for thought;

(2) attacks the source of an argument rather than the argument’s merits;

(3) claims causation from mere correlation (e.g., a rooster’s crowing makes sun rise);

(4) disputes facts on which there’s an overwhelming scientific or historical consensus (Vaccine safety, 911 facts, widening inequality, the Holocaust, Obama's Citezenship);

(5) blames or stereotypes entire groups of people;

(6) repeats the same point without responding to arguments or information you provide.

Basically act stupid and we part company. We all have fun creaking wise occasionally, but you are acting like a buffoon. Sadly you are such a buffoon you are the only one that does not recognize it.
The six signs of willful ignorance:

(1) The person you’re debating uses nastiness as a substitute for thought;

(2) attacks the source of an argument rather than the argument’s merits;

(3) claims causation from mere correlation (e.g., a rooster’s crowing makes sun rise);

(4) disputes facts on which there’s an overwhelming scientific or historical consensus (Vaccine safety, 911 facts, widening inequality, the Holocaust, Obama's Citezenship);

(5) blames or stereotypes entire groups of people;

(6) repeats the same point without responding to arguments or information you provide.

I'm seeing images of Hil-liar-y as I read this.....
Hello all just signed up, feeling my way around getting use to the format. Political leaning Moderate, bailed ship on the GOP after the Tea Party (Baggers) hijacked the party from Conservatives.
Hi Billy. I bailed on the GOP in 2004 over the Iraq invasion. Pretty much a moderate too though the reichwingers classify me as far left cause I'm fairly hostile towards most of their brain dead ideas.
Hi Billy. I bailed on the GOP in 2004 over the Iraq invasion. Pretty much a moderate too though the reichwingers classify me as far left cause I'm fairly hostile towards most of their brain dead ideas.

I bailed when McCain picked Palin for V.P,and he could not offer any solution to health care other than, "maintain the Status quo".
Theses are all committed by you in this very thread:

(1) The person you’re debating uses nastiness as a substitute for thought;

(2) attacks the source of an argument rather than the argument’s merits;

(3) claims causation from mere correlation (e.g., a rooster’s crowing makes sun rise);

(4) disputes facts on which there’s an overwhelming scientific or historical consensus (Vaccine safety, 911 facts, widening inequality, the Holocaust, Obama's Citezenship);

(5) blames or stereotypes entire groups of people;

(6) repeats the same point without responding to arguments or information you provide.
If You've Heard of Someone, Don't Listen to Him.

Wow! We are done here, you do not have any sense. Debate requires respectful engagement. But I'm not going to waste time on people who are willfully ignorant. The six signs of willful ignorance:

(1) The person you’re debating uses nastiness as a substitute for thought;

(2) attacks the source of an argument rather than the argument’s merits;

(3) claims causation from mere correlation (e.g., a rooster’s crowing makes sun rise);

(4) disputes facts on which there’s an overwhelming scientific or historical consensus (Vaccine safety, 911 facts, widening inequality, the Holocaust, Obama's Citezenship);

(5) blames or stereotypes entire groups of people;

(6) repeats the same point without responding to arguments or information you provide.

Basically act stupid and we part company. We all have fun creaking wise occasionally, but you are acting like a buffoon. Sadly you are such a buffoon you are the only one that does not recognize it.

Those rules are too strict and narrow. They won't allow exceptions and are too easily misused. Most of all, they are parroted from self-appointed authorities, which is the problem I have with (4). Another thing about that commandment is that the examples you use are the easiest to accept; from which you illogically preach that all consensus-clique opinions are like that.
Those rules are too strict and narrow. They won't allow exceptions and are too easily misused. Most of all, they are parroted from self-appointed authorities, which is the problem I have with (4). Another thing about that commandment is that the examples you use are the easiest to accept; from which you illogically preach that all consensus-clique opinions are like that.

I think they are reasonable, keeps your blood pressure in check,and they are not written in stone. Break them myself from time to time.
Those rules are too strict and narrow. They won't allow exceptions and are too easily misused. Most of all, they are parroted from self-appointed authorities, which is the problem I have with (4). Another thing about that commandment is that the examples you use are the easiest to accept; from which you illogically preach that all consensus-clique opinions are like that.
I thought it was a pretty good description of Desh.
That is your idea of an intelligent argument? Given that attitude sounds like you could use a pearl necklace splashed on you.

The denigration of an entire group of real conservatives, who, didn't want the obamination healthcare shoved down our throats, was what engendered the asshole comment.
No he's a liberal (self described moderate) coming on a new forum denigrating TEA Party folks as baggers. This is how you know he's really never been a conservative.

Nope- not true. Been voting since 78, actively interested in politics, and history well before that. Why would I say I am something I am not?