Poverty was falling 3X faster for Black Americans vs. White. White lib socialism killed it. The timing couldn't have been worse. :palm:

Scotus ruled against white lib Harvard's racist admissions policies.

If it takes 1000 SAT to get into a college, and they let you in with just 800 SAT. You are already the worst student there. Poor SAT scores are due to white libs denying Black children a good primary education in White Lib run cities.

So in 1959, around 55% of blacks lived below the poverty line.

Today, around 20% of them live below the poverty line.

Yet, you're trying claim the programs that helped reduce that poverty rate from over half to less than a quarter, is somehow a failure?

You're a lying, agenda pushing idiot.

Poor SAT scores amongst black students is due to several factors, most of them having to do with black culture.

Absentee fathers, lack of interest in academics, poor attitudes towards authority especially if the authority figure is white or non-black, distractions caused by the activities of other black youth in their neighborhoods (crime, violence, etc), rap music that encourages antisocial attitudes, etc, etc.

You might want to blame ol' whitey for all the problems blacks have, but that shit won't wash.

The sooner blacks start looking at their own shortcomings, the sooner they'll climb up from the bottom rung of the ladder.

Some people think they like it down there.
So in 1959, around 55% of blacks lived below the poverty line.

Today, around 20% of them live below the poverty line.

Yet, you're trying claim the programs that helped reduce that poverty rate from over half to less than a quarter, is somehow a failure?

You're a lying, agenda pushing idiot.

Poor SAT scores amongst black students is due to several factors, most of them having to do with black culture.

Absentee fathers, lack of interest in academics, poor attitudes towards authority especially if the authority figure is white or non-black, distractions caused by the activities of other black youth in their neighborhoods (crime, violence, etc), rap music that encourages antisocial attitudes, etc, etc.

You might want to blame ol' whitey for all the problems blacks have, but that shit won't wash.

The sooner blacks start looking at their own shortcomings, the sooner they'll climb up from the bottom rung of the ladder.

Some people think they like it down there.
So you blame Black genetics. Spoken like a true White Lib Great White Savior, Massa' of the po' child-like Black race . That is the White Lib narrative. :palm:
So you blame Black genetics. Spoken like a true White Lib Great White Savior, Massa' of the po' child-like Black race . That is the White Lib narrative. :palm:

Weak liars tell weak lies.

That's what you are and what you do.

You brought up genetics, not me.

I was talking about cultural issues.

Mainly ghetto culture, which is what has taken hold of younger blacks.
Weak liars tell weak lies.

That's what you are and what you do.

You brought up genetics, not me.

I was talking about cultural issues.

Mainly ghetto culture, which is what has taken hold of younger blacks.
Not all Black Americans live in the white lib ghettos.

Like all white libs, Moochelle lauded baby daddy culture.
Not all Black Americans live in the white lib ghettos.

Like all white libs, Moochelle lauded baby daddy culture.
When/where did I make the claim that all Black Americans live in ghettos?

You blamed the poor academic performance of black students on white liberals.

I pointed out that the biggest problem holding black students back is modern black youth culture, which is also ghetto culture.

Ghetto attitudes pushed by rappers who emulate and glorify the aforementioned ghetto thug culture.

And almost every last one of you blame everything and everybody else but yourselves.
When/where did I make the claim that all Black Americans live in ghettos?

You blamed the poor academic performance of black students on white liberals.

I pointed out that the biggest problem holding black students back is modern black youth culture, which is also ghetto culture.

Ghetto attitudes pushed by rappers who emulate and glorify the aforementioned ghetto thug culture.

And almost every last one of you blame everything and everybody else but yourselves.
Cracka pleez :palm:
Crime and licentiousness is marketed to all races all the time.

White libs destroyed the traditional Black family. You are listing the symptoms, not the cause.

white lib plantation policies
1. deny Black children an education
2. demonize their religion and fatherhood
3. destroy their traditional families
4. keep Black Americans trapped in Northern ghettos
5. encourage Black women to kill their children before they are born for financial reasons
6. create permanent poverty with generational welfare
7. deny them police protection
8. release criminals back into the community
9. dump infected illegals in their neighborhoods.
10. and "Lynch" Black republicans
Cracka pleez :palm:
Crime and licentiousness is marketed to all races all the time.
Not like it is with or to the extent of gangsta rap.
White libs destroyed the traditional Black family. You are listing the symptoms, not the cause.
More crap-ola.

Blacks have had more than enough time to make more progress than they have.

It's beginning to look like maybe they're comfortable at the bottom.
white lib plantation policies
1. deny Black children an education
2. demonize their religion and fatherhood
3. destroy their traditional families
4. keep Black Americans trapped in Northern ghettos
5. encourage Black women to kill their children before they are born for financial reasons
6. create permanent poverty with generational welfare
7. deny them police protection
8. release criminals back into the community
9. dump infected illegals in their neighborhoods.
10. and "Lynch" Black republicans
Not like it is with or to the extent of gangsta rap.

More crap-ola.

Blacks have had more than enough time to make more progress than they have.

It's beginning to look like maybe they're comfortable at the bottom.


White lib hollywood has glorified the mafia, the mob, and guns. Rock n' roll glorified sex and drugs. Video games glorify violence. You must live under a rock. :palm:

Black Generational welfare and Baby Daddy culture were created by white libs, not rap music.
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White lib hollywood has glorified the mafia, the mob, and guns. Rock n' roll glorified sex and drugs. Video games glorify violence. You must live under a rock. :palm:
White kids watched those TV shows and movies, listened to rock & roll and for the most part, grew out of it, grew up, entered the adult world, many went to post secondary schools or vocational training, got jobs, took on responsibility and became productive citizens.

Some black youth have done the same, but there's still an inordinate percentage of them who've internalized the antisocial messages in rap music and turned to gangs, drugs and violence as a way of life.

IOW, Hollywood and the music industry have not had anywhere near the same effect on white kids as they've had on black kids.

I'm curious as to why.

And video games? Are you going to tell me black kids don't play them?
Black Generational welfare and Baby Daddy culture were created by white libs, not rap music.
So black men running out on the women they impregnated and black women not using contraception then relying on welfare to support them, is all Whitey's fault?

Yeah, sure.

🖕🏼 Dumb racist fuck.
White kids watched those TV shows and movies, listened to rock & roll and for the most part, grew out of it, grew up, entered the adult world, many went to post secondary schools or vocational training, got jobs, took on responsibility and became productive citizens.

Some black youth have done the same, but there's still an inordinate percentage of them who've internalized the antisocial messages in rap music and turned to gangs, drugs and violence as a way of life.

IOW, Hollywood and the music industry have not had anywhere near the same effect on white kids as they've had on black kids.

I'm curious as to why.

And video games? Are you going to tell me black kids don't play them?

So black men running out on the women they impregnated and black women not using contraception then relying on welfare to support them, is all Whitey's fault?

Yeah, sure.

🖕🏼Dumb racist fuck.
Yes, it is the fault of you socialist white libs, duh.

White libs attacked the most vulnerable race first. It is the white libs that tell women fathers are unnecessary. And that welfare culture has been spreading to other races.

What was your point in posting a video that says "All you gotta do is fuck and 9 months later you get the big bucks"?
Yes, it is the fault of you socialist white libs, duh.

White libs attacked the most vulnerable race first. It is the white libs that tell women fathers are unnecessary. And that welfare culture has been spreading to other races.
Please provide some kind of proof of all that malarkey and while you're at it, provide some cause and effect data.

Exactly how/when did white libs "attack" anyone?

What happened next and how was it related to or caused by this so-called "attack"?

Why is it the fault of white libs that black men abandon their women and children?

Why is it the fault of white libs that black women allow themselves to get pregnant rather than use contraception?

Will you support Trump if he gets reelected and allows states to outlaw birth control?

And will doing so make him a "white lib" as far as you're concerned?
What was your point in posting a video that says "All you gotta do is fuck and 9 months later you get the big bucks"?
I wanted to show you that white lib girl singing about how great it is to get free money for having babies.

She IS a white lib, isn't she? 🤔
Please provide some kind of proof of all that malarkey and while you're at it, provide some cause and effect data.

Exactly how/when did white libs "attack" anyone?

What happened next and how was it related to or caused by this so-called "attack"?

Why is it the fault of white libs that black men abandon their women and children?

Why is it the fault of white libs that black women allow themselves to get pregnant rather than use contraception?

Will you support Trump if he gets reelected and allows states to outlaw birth control?

And will doing so make him a "white lib" as far as you're concerned?

I wanted to show you that white lib girl singing about how great it is to get free money for having babies.

She IS a white lib, isn't she?🤔
First, your ignorant white baboon ass knows nothing about Rap music. The first rap album was about chasing "ladies" and boogying, and was released in 1979. And the first rap song to make the top 100 was Ice Ice Baby in 1990.

Yes, judging by her lyrics, the girl in the vid is, politically, a white lib.

Which States are trying to ban The Pill and condoms? Did you just make that up?

The white libs have created a socialist paradigm that incentivizes out of wedlock pregnancy (see your vid) and fatherlessness which targets poorer Americans ... or as you call them, the peasants. The change in Statistics in the Black community over the last 60 years is the evidence. This happened way before Rap became mainstream.
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First, your ignorant white baboon ass knows nothing about Rap music.
So, if I called you a "black baboon", would that be called rayciss?

Of course it would.

Black privilege in action.
The first rap album was about chasing "ladies" and boogying, and was released in 1979. And the first rap song to make the top 100 was Ice Ice Baby in 1990.
Who gives a shit about rap or rap history knowledge?

It's like knowing all about the history of garbage.

Maybe that's part of the problem. Rather than learn real academic knowledge, like American and world history etc, some folks' fill their heads with useless shit knowledge that won't get them a job or anything else of value.

But hey, that shit's all Whitey's fault, in'nit?

Yes, judging by her lyrics, the girl in the vid is, politically, a white lib.
No, she's a typical black ghetto female who knows how having babies will pay $$$ without having to work.

And if the gub'mint didn't offer that kind of assistance, y'all would be marching and rioting and looting.

Which States are trying to ban The Pill and condoms? Did you just make that up?

The white libs have created a socialist paradigm that incentivizes out of wedlock pregnancy (see your vid) and fatherlessness which targets poorer Americans ... or as you call them, the peasants. The change in Statistics in the Black community over the last 60 years is the evidence. This happened way before Rap became mainstream.
Sounds like the usual pseudo-intellectual claptrap typically found on right-wing goofball websites and other publications.

Oversimplifies a complex situation.

Any time you set up a system that pays people without putting them in the often difficult position of finding work or supporting the children they've produced in order to qualify, one can make the charge that it incentivizes all kinds of negative outcomes.

But if you don't set up the system to begin with, the poverty and misery would be many times worse, opening the govt up to charges of not caring about one group and ignoring a social problem, etc.

So it's the rock and the hard place. Damned if they do and damned if they don't.

To make matters worse, ungrateful shit brains like you, refuse to even consider the abdication of responsibility by many of the people who receive the benefits of these efforts.

I'm just wondering how many welfare checks you've cashed and spent partying over the years.
So, if I called you a "black baboon", would that be called rayciss?

Of course it would.

Black privilege in action.

Who gives a shit about rap or rap history knowledge?

It's like knowing all about the history of garbage.

Maybe that's part of the problem. Rather than learn real academic knowledge, like American and world history etc, some folks' fill their heads with useless shit knowledge that won't get them a job or anything else of value.

But hey, that shit's all Whitey's fault, in'nit?

No, she's a typical black ghetto female who knows how having babies will pay $$$ without having to work.

And if the gub'mint didn't offer that kind of assistance, y'all would be marching and rioting and looting.


Sounds like the usual pseudo-intellectual claptrap typically found on right-wing goofball websites and other publications.

Oversimplifies a complex situation.

Any time you set up a system that pays people without putting them in the often difficult position of finding work or supporting the children they've produced in order to qualify, one can make the charge that it incentivizes all kinds of negative outcomes.

But if you don't set up the system to begin with, the poverty and misery would be many times worse, opening the govt up to charges of not caring about one group and ignoring a social problem, etc.

So it's the rock and the hard place. Damned if they do and damned if they don't.

To make matters worse, ungrateful shit brains like you, refuse to even consider the abdication of responsibility by many of the people who receive the benefits of these efforts.

I'm just wondering how many welfare checks you've cashed and spent partying over the years.
You care about Rap music. You blame it for crime, poverty, and baby daddy culture in the Black community that began well before Rap was a thing . Are you retracting that now?

So now you are blaming white lib socialism. Good for you. :thup:

She's Black on the outside and a white lib on the inside.

Yes, white libs consider Abortion to be birth control. It's supposed to be pregnancy prevention. But that is the Orwellian nature of the white lib to change the meaning of words.

White libs were a big part of the rioting and looting during the 2020 dem insurrection. The white lib media and pols pushed the Floyd race hoax 24/7.
You care about Rap music. You blame it for crime, poverty, and baby daddy culture in the Black community that began well before Rap was a thing . Are you retracting that now?
I never claimed it was the sole cause, but it made those problems much worse. Too many black kids internalize that garbage, make heroes out of the wannabe gangstas and thugs who produce it, then try to pattern their lives after it. Sadly, most older blacks like you, don't give enough of a shit to work against it. Blacks like you would rather suffer at the bottom of the heap than admit to whiteys that many of blacks' problems are their own doing.
So now you are blaming white lib socialism. Good for you. :thup:
There is no white socialism in this country. America is a predominantly capitalist society which borrows minor elements of socialism to fill in the gaps where capitalism fails the working class.

So, no I do not blame something non-existent for anything.
She's Black on the outside and a white lib on the inside.
If a white person said that, you'd be howling "racist!!!!".
Yes, white libs consider Abortion to be birth control. It's supposed to be pregnancy prevention. But that is the Orwellian nature of the white lib to change the meaning of words.
How can abortion be pregnancy prevention when it only occurs AFTER the pregnancy has already happened???

How fucking illiterate are you, dawg? Shee-it.
White libs were a big part of the rioting and looting during the 2020 dem insurrection. The white lib media and pols pushed the Floyd race hoax 24/7.
There was no Dem insurrection. At worst, it was a minor temper tantrum in which nobody stormed the Capitol, scaled the walls, smashed out windows, beat up police, entered the building, hunted down lawmakers with the intent of abducting, kidnapping, putting on mock trial, beating, torturing and possibly executing them, etc, etc, etc, etc. All of which were elements of the J6 Trumper insurrection.

You just keep puking your ridiculous lies and I'll keep swatting them down like flies.
I never claimed it was the sole cause, but it made those problems much worse. Too many black kids internalize that garbage, make heroes out of the wannabe gangstas and thugs who produce it, then try to pattern their lives after it. Sadly, most older blacks like you, don't give enough of a shit to work against it. Blacks like you would rather suffer at the bottom of the heap than admit to whiteys that many of blacks' problems are their own doing.

There is no white socialism in this country. America is a predominantly capitalist society which borrows minor elements of socialism to fill in the gaps where capitalism fails the working class.

So, no I do not blame something non-existent for anything.

If a white person said that, you'd be howling "racist!!!!".

How can abortion be pregnancy prevention when it only occurs AFTER the pregnancy has already happened???

How fucking illiterate are you, dawg? Shee-it.

There was no Dem insurrection. At worst, it was a minor temper tantrum in which nobody stormed the Capitol, scaled the walls, smashed out windows, beat up police, entered the building, hunted down lawmakers with the intent of abducting, kidnapping, putting on mock trial, beating, torturing and possibly executing them, etc, etc, etc, etc. All of which were elements of the J6 Trumper insurrection.

You just keep puking your ridiculous lies and I'll keep swatting them down like flies.
You have swatted nothing down. You have only proved you are a racist, ... and think Abortion is birth control.