Blackascoal is an ignorant piece of shit. Go fuck yourself, I don't care.

Would you knock it off, you're making a jackass out of yourself.

Go have a glass of warm milk and come back when you've calmed down.
I'm reminded of the speech that started the usage of the word "troll" everytime I hear the scratching on the wall that is these people's ignorant insults and useless additions to the humanity:

"You are so far beyond being able to understand anything anyone here says that this is just converging on uselessness. The really sad part is that you really believe that you're winning. You are a shocking waste of natural resources — kindly re-integrate yourself into the food-chain. Just go die in your sleep you mindless flatulent troll."
He's a condescending piece of shit, a useless addition to humanity. He needs to go kill himself and make the world a better place. He knows it's only the right thing to do.
He's a condescending piece of shit, a useless addition to humanity. He needs to go kill himself and make the world a better place. He knows it's only the right thing to do.

Its a little early to be hittin' the sauce there kid, even for a Sunday.
Am I going to have to make the "Garbage" area where I can move the trash-talk threads? This is getting a bit crazy.
I find this hilarious .. but I have no intention of engaging in the 8th grade antics of this silliness.

For those who missed it, this is what sent Watermark over the edge.

Danold's comment on Sean Penn ...
Anybody who likes him is a left-wing extremist, including Sean Penn, Danny Glover and others in the furthest of the far left of Hollywood.

My response to that ...

The good news is that those of us on the left don't really care what people on the right don't like. I mean really .. who the fuck cares?

I buy my gas almost exclusively at Citgo because it's a Venezuelan company.

Chavez is using gas revenues to educate his people, help them start small businesses, and take care pf their health. They pay about 19 cents a gallon for gas. To a capitalist, that would be stupid when you could milk them for so much more.

He shut down a newspaper that was working with the CIA to destabilize their government. He should have.

The whole of Latin America has taken a sharp turn to the left .. for good damn reason. The US has trained and supported terrorists on American soil for years at the School of the America's, our own terrorist training camp, and unleashed a host of murderers, rapists, and terrorists upon Latin America like a plague. It's called blowback.

Chavez is widely popular all across Latin America and elsewhere throughout the world .. far more popular than George Bush .. for good reason. AND he has been elected, re-elected, and beat down a US backed referendum to remove him .. AND he's been elected in elections that had far more integrity than US elections that installed Bush.

So who really cares what the right is whining about? Penn and Glover are good peace-seeking men, not promoting war, not shilling for corporations, supporting efforts to elevate all people, and risking their careers to stand for what they believe

Bravo to both of them and bravo to Hugo Chavez for putting the health and well-being of his people first.

Watermark thinks I have no right to dismiss what the right-wing thinks or doesn't like. Even after all these years of right-wing lies and deceptions, some of which has dragged this nation into the worst strategic and military blunder in American history and has resulted in a tremendous loss of American honor, stature, power, and influence all over the world ... as well as the needless and senseless loss of hundreds of thousands of innocent lives, including tens of thousands of our own dead and wounded brave men and women in unform ... and in spite of right-wing branding anyone who is opposed to their mindless machinations as "unpatriotic", "unamerican", "loony", and a host of tallk-radio inspired idiocy.

But I have no right to tell the right "fuck off" and I don't give a damn about who or what they do or don't like. .. But I didn't just say fuck off, I also explained why, in my opinion, whining about Sean Penn and Chavez had no merit worth paying any attention to. I didn't attack Danold, I responded to his criticism of "left-wing extremists" by demonstrating the illogic, lack of intelligence, and goosesteppin' tendencies of those on the right.

Not only did I adhere to good debate form, in my opinion, but I'm vested in Iraq and have a stake in telling the right to fuck off. My daughter is on her 3rd motherfucking tour of duty in Hell. This time it looks like it's going to be 15 fucking months. It's 4:30 in the morning here and I'm up again trying to avoid the nightmares of having someone in uniform knocking on my door. Trying to avoid the nightmares of having MY daughter pinned down, lost, or seperated from her unit. She, like her comrades, are stuck in Hell because of right-wing lies and the cowardice of the Democratic Party.

I doubt if Watermark has any comprehension of the pain of those who have loved ones stuck in the Hell of Iraq. A child whom I raised by myself and a daughter whom I love dearly. Yet he has the audacity to pompously tell me I have no right to say what the majority of Americans and almost the entire planet is saying to the right-wing and the neocon horde, "fuck you."

To top that off .. here is his comment on my telling the right-wing to fuck off about Sean Penn ...

It's not a sign of maturity, it's a sign of childness. It's a little child beating his hands on the ground, beating his hands on the ground, and whining to the government "MOMMY! MOMMY! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT ANYMORE!"

Now he creates a thread telling me to fuck off, puts me on ignore as if I care, while essentially screaming "MOMMY! MOMMY! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT ANYMORE!"

He claims he doesn't know why he hates me .. somehow, it just magically happened to him.

I have no desire to get into any flaming name-calling silliness, no desire to create any havoc on this board. I like it here.
"He claims he doesn't know why he hates me .. somehow, it just magically happened to him.

I have no desire to get into any flaming name-calling silliness, no desire to create any havoc on this board. I like it here"

Yes, I know...I think he already explained this vitriolic reaction he has to you, a few weeks ago.

You are not creating havoc, there was nothing wrong with your posts. I agreed with them, and they certainly should not have invoked this reaction. The problem is not you, it's Water. Hopefully he will take a good look and figure out why.

I feel for you about your daughter. Third tour, I cannot even imagine.