Blackascoal is an ignorant piece of shit. Go fuck yourself, I don't care.

Thanks. Notice I wrote it twice, and that was no accident.


But in Damo's defense, it is his board and I can understand the need to feel like he should respond to everyone that says anything, but SF? Its like dude....WTF?
I love when people like thor believe that if you don’t answer them, it means they “won”. I have seen others here say that. I guess it depends on who you are dealing with, but I know for myself, I often say what I have to say, and then don’t even go back to the thread after a long back and forth. The reason is there are posters, and good examples here, totally seriously not being sarcastic, would be SF and Damo – who will just never shut the fuck up, and I mean never. They will twist and turn, and reargue the same thing you just finished with 100 posts ago, and never shut the fuck up, and I mean never. And you have a choice – you can either be confident enough that you made your argument and third party readers can make up their own mind, or you can allow them to drag you into their eternal round-robins.

I’m a confident woman.

Your assertion is seated on a throne of bullshit.

I challenged BAC; he replied. Then, I formed a rebuttal.

He has refused to address my arguments.

That's as far as it went. "Eternal round-robins" my ass.