BLM threatening to stage Uprising/ insurrection!


Well-known member
...." "We are putting the city on notice. Your mandates will not be another racist social distance"
Chivona Newsome spoke at BLM Carmines protest @newyorkvonni

"Black folk are not going to stand by, or you will see another uprising.
And that is not a threat, that is a promise"

:thinking: O.K FBI,.....arrest them and jail them at once!!! And, Evince likes to say,....if they even try anything Violent the cops and NG will make sure they get dead real quick! Right Evince? ;) :cool:
Im sure all the lefties in here will be THRILLED to see every member of BLM arrested and Jailed!!! Tic Toc should have learned from the Frankenstein story. ;)
"We will not sit by and allow you to use this pandemic, for you to use vaccination cards, for you to use masks as another reason to be racist" said BLM Activist Kimberly Bernard, co-founder of Black Women's March, during Cancel Carmines protest in NYC."


...." "We are putting the city on notice. Your mandates will not be another racist social distance"
Chivona Newsome spoke at BLM Carmines protest @newyorkvonni

"Black folk are not going to stand by, or you will see another uprising.
And that is not a threat, that is a promise"

:thinking: O.K FBI,.....arrest them and jail them at once!!! And, Evince likes to say,....if they even try anything Violent the cops and NG will make sure they get dead real quick! Right Evince? ;) :cool:

Nothing has happened, yet. It is not a crime to promise something that is based on a condition.
Something tells me the majority of the board lefties wont touch this with a ten foot pole. GOOD,...thats excellent. The more the left ignores it the more it will GROW. :cool:
But the Mind Molders are claiming that blacks are almost as vaxxed as whites......

Maybe we are being lied to yet again.
Nothing has happened, yet. It is not a crime to promise something that is based on a condition.

Oh really. Hmmmm...So if someone were to say to someone else....." HEY! if you dont give me all your money Im gonna shoot you" That would be fine? THATS not illegal? Yeah,...Uhhh,...pretty sure you are quite wrong. :laugh:
"We will not sit by and allow you to use this pandemic, for you to use vaccination cards, for you to use masks as another reason to be racist" said BLM Activist Kimberly Bernard, co-founder of Black Women's March, during Cancel Carmines protest in NYC."


Yawn. Nobody in BLM eats in NYC restaurants anyway.
Yawn. Nobody in BLM eats in NYC restaurants anyway.

Kind of a dumb statement you just made. If what you are saying is true,....then WHY is BLM protesting a NY city restaurant then? WHY are they trying to cancel it? Are you saying BLM is CRAZY?
Government officials who have been spending most of the last two years swearing fidelity to BLM now problem.
Yawn. Nobody in BLM eats in NYC restaurants anyway.

Actually,....thats a pretty damn racist post you just made? Black people dont eat in restaurants? You dont say,.... sure coulda fooled me. :rolleyes: I see them all the time! :laugh:
Oh really. Hmmmm...So if someone were to say to someone else....." HEY! if you dont give me all your money Im gonna shoot you" That would be fine? THATS not illegal? Yeah,...Uhhh,...pretty sure you are quite wrong. :laugh:

That is a specific threat toward a specific person. Who was being threatened in the original example? And, an "uprising" is a vague concept that does not necessarily involve an illegal act.

It is like Trump's statements on January 6:

""We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."

That does not necessarily involve a specific illegal act aimed at anybody in particular.

It is hard to charge somebody with inciting a riot even after it happened. There was no riot (or any action) in the OP.
Something tells me the majority of the board lefties wont touch this with a ten foot pole. GOOD,...thats excellent. The more the left ignores it the more it will GROW. :cool:
Touch what? Has a demonstration been cited?
Kind of a dumb statement you just made. If what you are saying is true,....then WHY is BLM protesting a NY city restaurant then? WHY are they trying to cancel it? Are you saying BLM is CRAZY?
BLM isn't much different than trump. They love to put their big mouths in front of a camera, but when it comes to taking action that will exact change, they're absent.

See non white turnout in the '16 election.

They're protesting because black people started a mini riot outside a NYC restaurant, and like Sharpton, they decided to make some noise. The female Texans in question were already seated and being served at the restaurant. Two unvaxxed males tried to join them, and were denied access.

That's when they chose to assault the employee.

Pretty cut and dried.
Im sure all the lefties in here will be THRILLED to see every member of BLM arrested and Jailed!!! Tic Toc should have learned from the Frankenstein story. ;)

There's tens of thousands of BLM members; just who is gonna pay for their incarceration? That means we have to feed them, medical, clothe them, supervise them, etc. That all adds up in the big picture of things and we the taxpayer have to foot the bill for it.
BLM isn't much different than trump. They love to put their big mouths in front of a camera, but when it comes to taking action that will exact change, they're absent.

See non white turnout in the '16 election.

They're protesting because black people started a mini riot outside a NYC restaurant, and like Sharpton, they decided to make some noise. The female Texans in question were already seated and being served at the restaurant. Two unvaxxed males tried to join them, and were denied access.

That's when they chose to assault the employee.

Pretty cut and dried.

So then BLM was wrong for what they did at the restaurant that started this all,...thats what you are saying? But wait....How could they have even been there? Wasnt it you that said BLM doesnt eat at NY city restaurants? Im confused....:laugh:
So basically Althea is saying that BLM is pretty much just a bunch of loud mouths who never really accomplish anything substantive? Good to know. ;) And yeah,...I agree with you.