BLM threatening to stage Uprising/ insurrection!

There's tens of thousands of BLM members; just who is gonna pay for their incarceration? That means we have to feed them, medical, clothe them, supervise them, etc. That all adds up in the big picture of things and we the taxpayer have to foot the bill for it.

No defunding. The communities hire professionals to deal with the problems the police just fuck up with violence.
ROFL. what a torturous excuse to justify defunding.
look at the 2020 crime stats - especially in cites that did defunding ("major cites" have Dem government)

The US saw significant crime rise across major cities in 2020. And it's not letting up
sixty-three of the 66 largest police jurisdictions saw increases in at least one category of violent crimes in 2020, which include homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault, according to a report produced by the Major Cities Chiefs Association
Wait a second. So,...if un jabbed black people die from covid,...and if lefties applaud their deaths. will BLACK LIVES STILL MATTER To left wingers? I would say no. In fact I dont see how a left winger could ever utter that statement again.
Starting in 2017, every year on July 4th, the alt right descends on Gettysburg to defend against Antifa, or BLM, or the secret unicorns, or whoever. They claim that whoever is going to desecrate the Confederate Cemetery At Gettysburg... If you know your Civil War history, you know there is no Confederate Cemetery At Gettysburg. They usually threaten Blacks, and anyone who looks like they might be educated. Back in 2017, one of them actually shot himself in the leg.

What has not happened was Antifa, BLM, or anyone else showing up. There were no plans to show up. It just did not happen.
Starting in 2017, every year on July 4th, the alt right descends on Gettysburg to defend against Antifa, or BLM, or the secret unicorns, or whoever. They claim that whoever is going to desecrate the Confederate Cemetery At Gettysburg... If you know your Civil War history, you know there is no Confederate Cemetery At Gettysburg. They usually threaten Blacks, and anyone who looks like they might be educated. Back in 2017, one of them actually shot himself in the leg.

What has not happened was Antifa, BLM, or anyone else showing up. There were no plans to show up. It just did not happen.

You might as well have just blurted out...." My butts been wiped!" Has about as much to do with the OP as your statement above. Do try and stay on topic if you can.
You might as well have just blurted out...." My butts been wiped!" Has about as much to do with the OP as your statement above. Do try and stay on topic if you can.

You claim there is an insurrection coming... And that excuses your calls for insurrection... But what if this is another one of your fantasies?

Or in other words, we are debating your Neo-Nazi conspiracy theories. That is on topic. You cannot order everyone to stop debating, because the topic is that they must be true.
You claim there is an insurrection coming... And that excuses your calls for insurrection... But what if this is another one of your fantasies?

Or in other words, we are debating your Neo-Nazi conspiracy theories. That is on topic. You cannot order everyone to stop debating, because the topic is that they must be true.

Is there something wrong with you Walt? I am not claiming anything. Right in the opening post there are both quotes AND video of BLM reps threatening to stage an uprising/insurrection. It is right there for all to see. Get your head out of your ass.
Oh really. Hmmmm...So if someone were to say to someone else....." HEY! if you dont give me all your money Im gonna shoot you" That would be fine? THATS not illegal? Yeah,...Uhhh,...pretty sure you are quite wrong. :laugh:
Conspiracy to commit.
Well, to date local and federal law enforcement and security agencies attributed any violent outbreaks at BLM demonstrations & protests to non-members and outside agent provocateurs taking advantage of a situation (i.e., Anti-Fa folk). However, if these "trained Marxist" idiots use language that puts them on the high alert watch list of the FBI and HS, then they are signing the death warrant for their cause, as any further outbreaks of public disturbance or riots will be laid at their feet no matter who started it.

But then again, maybe they'll get the same type of "justice" that the Jan. 6th yahoos in general are getting. Time will tell.
Conspiracy to commit.

You would need to prove an actual conspiracy to commit an insurrection. The easiest way is if there was an actual insurrection, but then you could charge people with the actual insurrection, and would not need "conspiracy to commit" charges. It almost sounds like you do not expect the actual crime, and are hoping for a conspiracy charge to replace the actual crime.
Walt isnt thinking too clearly tonight. Could be its from working 17 jobs in the 23 companies he owns. :laugh:
"Black folk are not going to stand by, or you will see another uprising.
And that is not a threat, that is a promise"

Hmmm ... threatening harm will land you in jail ... what happens when you PROMISE harm ...
Like this uprising?

Starting in 2017, every year on July 4th, the alt right descends on Gettysburg to defend against Antifa, or BLM, or the secret unicorns, or whoever. They claim that whoever is going to desecrate the Confederate Cemetery At Gettysburg... If you know your Civil War history, you know there is no Confederate Cemetery At Gettysburg. They usually threaten Blacks, and anyone who looks like they might be educated. Back in 2017, one of them actually shot himself in the leg.

What has not happened was Antifa, BLM, or anyone else showing up. There were no plans to show up. It just did not happen.

Pennsylvania citizens were why they won't show up.
...." "We are putting the city on notice. Your mandates will not be another racist social distance"
Chivona Newsome spoke at BLM Carmines protest @newyorkvonni

"Black folk are not going to stand by, or you will see another uprising.
And that is not a threat, that is a promise"

:thinking: O.K FBI,.....arrest them and jail them at once!!! And, Evince likes to say,....if they even try anything Violent the cops and NG will make sure they get dead real quick! Right Evince? ;) :cool:

blm is right on this one.

im sending them money.