Bloomberg Victorious! - declared clear Winner of tonite's Democrat Primary Debate


Democrat slugfest? :rofl2:

Slapfest maybe. Temper tantrum more like it. Lots of whining and stamping of tiny feet.
He exceeded all expectations and crushed multi millionaire socialist Bernie.

Mayor Bootyjudge came in second and may end up being Bloomer's VP, since he has no chance of winning the nom.

you obviously didn't watch the debate big dog.

bloomberg lost bigly.
I know you secret globalist neoconservatives want bloomberg, but globalism really is being rolled back.

the nwo is dead on the vine.

the malignant fruit shall not be. its stillborn.
Interesting how quiet JPP leftists are about the debate

most of them support bloomberg, andd they're ashamed. they know he lost the debate, but don't want to say it. he lost so bigly they can't even lie with a straight face.

it took big dog to lie about it.
Interesting how quiet JPP leftists are about the debate

Yep, not even the Bernie Bros are taking a victory lap. :thup:

The biggest applause of the night was when Bloomie called Soviet Sanders a commie and slammed socialism as a proven failure.
They threw their very best shots at him, and failed to knock him out.

he looked like an out of touch, cold, calculating fool. sorry bigdog.

I know globalists would prefer him. but he sucks ass, and lost this debate, accoeding to my analysis, and all other analysis ive seen.

stop and frisk was elitist and unconstitutional.
Who won the Nevada Democratic debate? Our panelists' verdict

There’s no real winner here. Everyone took a lot of hits from their colleagues and no one crawled out unscathed. But I think we can easily declare a loser, and that would be the moderators. The moderators have indeed been the losers through this whole process. They ask the same questions their colleagues asked in the last 84 Democratic debates, they often don’t follow up when answers are vague or misleading, they pose gotcha questions that have very low stakes.

Thank you, you are a marker. For anyone that has ambiguity, you are a kind of clarity.

There is All of us taking care of one another or selfish manipulated pricks. The modern DNC is who can 'Buy me', you exemplify how one can be manipulated and bought, you ARE the Big Dog of stupidity. Ironically you think you are the 'other side' lol.
You are also a reminder that the binary 2 party system is really just one party with dumb assed manipulated, distraction by Billionaires. Thank you for your clarity.
You are such a good Meat puppet.

Poor CLOWNonapost; still stuck on moron. :laugh:

he looked like an out of touch, cold, calculating fool. sorry bigdog.

I know globalists would prefer him. but he sucks ass, and lost this debate, accoeding to my analysis, and all other analysis ive seen.

stop and frisk was elitist and unconstitutional.

He's not telegenic, I'll give you that.

The Globalists (democrats, EU, China, Russia) luv anyone but Trump. And Mini Mike is a China favorite.

I disagree with so-called "experts" take on the debate.

Despite being unconstitutional, stop and frisk was successful at reducing crime and murder in minority neighborhoods.