Bloomberg Victorious! - declared clear Winner of tonite's Democrat Primary Debate

Bigpig showing his stupidity and right-wing slant again. Bernie did well. Bloomberg was embarrassed by the others. He was terrible. That was so obvious and Big lies once again.
He's not telegenic, I'll give you that.

The Globalists (democrats, EU, China, Russia) luv anyone but Trump. And Mini Mike is a China favorite.

I disagree with so-called "experts" take on the debate.

Despite being unconstitutional, stop and frisk was successful at reducing crime and murder in minority neighborhoods.

The courts have never ruled that stop and frisk are unconstitutional; but rather, the method in which it was conducted.

In 2013, US District Court Judge Shira Scheindlin found that New York's stop-and-frisk strategy focused too heavily on black and Hispanic people and was carried out too often without reasonable suspicion.

As a result, she ruled that New York's stop-and-frisk policy was unconstitutional "as applied." Scheindlin specifically said she was not ordering New York to end stop-and-frisk, but instead, she ordered the city's police to reform their training and policing procedures to, among other things, make sure that officers do not engage in racial profiling when determine who to stop. She also appointed a monitor to oversee how the department was carrying out her orders.

Scheindlin's ruling was highly controversial. The Second Circuit Court of Appeals halted enforcement of the reforms she had ordered and returned the case to a lower court for further review. The appeals court also took unusual step of removing her from the case.
Bigpig showing his stupidity and right-wing slant again. Bernie did well. Bloomberg was embarrassed by the others. He was terrible. That was so obvious and Big lies once again.

^Idiot thinks Buttigieg is right wing.

He's not telegenic, I'll give you that.

The Globalists (democrats, EU, China, Russia) luv anyone but Trump. And Mini Mike is a China favorite.

I disagree with so-called "experts" take on the debate.

Despite being unconstitutional, stop and frisk was successful at reducing crime and murder in minority neighborhoods.

it's not just experts, it's anyone not a secret globalist.

so much for the constitution eh?
I hope she wins the nomination; do you think she can trailing even the uber rich Bloomberg hypocrite?

Bloomberg wont get the nomination, I think it will be Sanders, but who knows. I hope its Warren or Sanders, I just think she would do better debating the orange one.
Bloomberg wont get the nomination, I think it will be Sanders, but who knows. I hope its Warren or Sanders, I just think she would do better debating the orange one.

I am in agreement. I am rooting for either to be the DNC nominee. ;)