Blue Dog Democrat

the gov of ny picked a blue dog democrat today. i know, roughly, what they stand for, e.g., more conservative dems. however, i am curious as to what you guys think. what are blue dog dems to you? do any here consider themsevles blue dogs? why, if they are so conservative, do they remain in the democratic party?

Republicans who find it easier to get elected under the Democrat label.
i just saw darla's post after this thread, her post is a perfect example of why i am interested in this issue/question. she called the pick a republican in all but name....however, does this lady vote dem? if so, why? especially if people like snarla, from her own party, basically call her a traitor.

LOL it would be the greatest thing in the world if she switched sides, because then we could kick her out in two years and get a real Democrat in there.
blue dog democrats are fiscally conservative.... and often pro-life... but the democratic party is a big tent.... a very big tent. Will Rogers said it best when he proclaimed, "I am not a member of any organized political party...I ama democrat"

Blue dogs don't vote with the party lock step, but they are there most of the time, and that is better than the alternative.
blue dog democrats are fiscally conservative.... and often pro-life... but the democratic party is a big tent.... a very big tent. Will Rogers said it best when he proclaimed, "I am not a member of any organized political party...I ama democrat"

Blue dogs don't vote with the party lock step, but they are there most of the time, and that is better than the alternative.

i'm on "ignore" yet you post in direct response to my OP, you could not have known from the title alone i was asking questions...

ooops, busted AGAIN LOL
blue dog democrats are fiscally conservative.... and often pro-life... but the democratic party is a big tent.... a very big tent. Will Rogers said it best when he proclaimed, "I am not a member of any organized political party...I ama democrat"

Blue dogs don't vote with the party lock step, but they are there most of the time, and that is better than the alternative.

i hate to concede this, but thank you for one of the best explanations so far.
i'm on "ignore" yet you post in direct response to my OP, you could not have known from the title alone i was asking questions...

ooops, busted AGAIN LOL is a little tidbit of information: You ARE on ignore. That does not stop me from reading posts in threads started by also does not stop me from clicking on individual posts of yours and reading them on a case by case basis, which I do from time to time. I have to make an affirmative decision to read your posts and that option keeps me from reading your tripe nearly all the time.

I keep you on ignore precisely because of posts like this... I was adding my voice to a discussion about blue dog democrats... I was not trying to engage you in conversation. I try very hard to NOT do that.

I don't like you. I think you are an unethical lying skunk who would do whatever you could to ruin my life... and I am not at all convinced that you did not play a role in the recent attempt to do so. I have no idea for SURE who tried to hurt me... I have my suspicions... what I DO know is the FACT that you were the first person to make it clear that you did know my real identity... I know that you SAID that you'd never actually DO anything with that information, but I have no reason to trust you any further than I could throw you.

Now... I will go back to completely refraining from opening your posts... and you would do well to quit playing your stupid moronic "gotcha" games like some fucking pimply faced pre-teen.

don't you have ambulances to chase? :321: is a little tidbit of information: You ARE on ignore. That does not stop me from reading posts in threads started by also does not stop me from clicking on individual posts of yours and reading them on a case by case basis, which I do from time to time. I have to make an affirmative decision to read your posts and that option keeps me from reading your tripe nearly all the time.

I keep you on ignore precisely because of posts like this... I was adding my voice to a discussion about blue dog democrats... I was not trying to engage you in conversation. I try very hard to NOT do that.

I don't like you. I think you are an unethical lying skunk who would do whatever you could to ruin my life... and I am not at all convinced that you did not play a role in the recent attempt to do so. I have no idea for SURE who tried to hurt me... I have my suspicions... what I DO know is the FACT that you were the first person to make it clear that you did know my real identity... I know that you SAID that you'd never actually DO anything with that information, but I have no reason to trust you any further than I could throw you.

Now... I will go back to completely refraining from opening your posts... and you would do well to quit playing your stupid moronic "gotcha" games like some fucking pimply faced pre-teen.

don't you have ambulances to chase? :321:

you either have me on ignore or you don't, stop lying...i was willing to bury the hatchet, so i made a nice post after that one and complimented you on yoru answer.

what do you do....

you go for the personal attacks, and slander my good name with multiple lies. why do you constantly bring up shit from the other board? especially lies. you have problem with something that happened on another board, KEEP IT THERE, else why don't you keep your pie hole shut. there is no need for me to repeat the evidence of your lies, i have done it enough, but you seem to think that if you repeat the lie enough, it will become true.

and btw, i doubt anyone actually tattled to your employer, i think you are lying and ran away from that board because you gave too much personal information and you got called on your lies, that you live a lie and that that lie hurts people in your real life. it must suck to be a frady cat and run from people like you do, i guess you shouldn't live a lie.

you're really a pathetic person living a lie. at least my life is honest.
Oh is this your thread? Sorry!

i never said it was my thread in that post did i? please continue making stupid posts in this thread, please, pretty please, oh do absolutely continue, i command you to continue making your senseless posts.

the gov of ny picked a blue dog democrat today. i know, roughly, what they stand for, e.g., more conservative dems. however, i am curious as to what you guys think. what are blue dog dems to you? do any here consider themsevles blue dogs? why, if they are so conservative, do they remain in the democratic party?

That's easy. A Blue Dog Democrat is a person, mainly right of center to moderate politically who has rejected the extremism that reactionary and authoritarian fascist have led the Republican party to. Since the extremist have denied moderates, centrist and just plain right of center people a voice in the Republican party they have abondoned it for the more open and inclusive Democratic party.
Many dems are "traitors" We are not much of a lockstep party like the publicans.
Many of us are functional independents.

Since the Republican party is such a lockstep party it dissassociates independent thinkers.

You'll have to break that down. Spurt is not going to be able to intellectually grasp this concept.
how untrue and uninformed, sad for you. many left the republican party and became libertarians and many criticize their leaders unlike the most dems.

further, if they are so independent, these blue dogs, why do the VOTE DEMOCRAT? actions speak louder than words :pke:

Actually you're the one that's uninformed and does not grasp the idea. Libertarians are, within our two party dynamic, political eunichs. They have practically no voice or influence, outside of the two major parties, in our body politic.
Actually you're the one that's uninformed and does not grasp the idea. Libertarians are, within our two party dynamic, political eunichs. They have practically no voice or influence, outside of the two major parties, in our body politic.

That is because too many people from the two major parties don't have enough spine to vote whats right and would rather vote to make sure the other guy loses.
blue dog dems are the remainder of the conservative democrats from the reagan years.
fiscally conservative, social moderates, but hardly liberal.

That's not exactly true. It depends on how you define "liberal". If you use "Liberal" in the inappropriate manner in which the reactionary right has, with a good degree of success, marginalized it, then you're close. If you use the term by it's true political and dictionary definition, there are quite a few Blue Dogs who are quite libreal on specific issues. Many Blue Dogs would not be considered fiscally conservative by the reactionary right because the don't buy into "Supply Side Economics".

One of the major issues that discourages me with my old Party is their adherence to an economic system that is as immoral and bankrupt as socialism (i.e. supply side economics.).
Calling them socially moderate is a stretch. Blue dogs are still very much liberal

They are both. They span the spectrum. I did not leave the Republican party to adopt a progressive liberal view point. I abondoned the Republican party because it has adopted extremism and is on the wrong side of history and has denied those with a cetrist or moderate view a voice in their party.

I do not agree with much of the progresive lefts views. Having said that I do have a voice in the Democratic party where I had none in the Republican party. That is why I am a Blue Dog Democrat.