Blue Dog Democrat

Actually you're the one that's uninformed and does not grasp the idea. Libertarians are, within our two party dynamic, political eunichs. They have practically no voice or influence, outside of the two major parties, in our body politic.

where did i say the libertarian party has a big influence? i simply said many republicans have left and joined the libertarian party, that is a fact. it appears that you did not properly read my response. it had absolutely nothing to do with influence, it had to do with republicans simply voting and staying the party line.
They are both. They span the spectrum. I did not leave the Republican party to adopt a progressive liberal view point. I abondoned the Republican party because it has adopted extremism and is on the wrong side of history and has denied those with a cetrist or moderate view a voice in their party.

I do not agree with much of the progresive lefts views. Having said that I do have a voice in the Democratic party where I had none in the Republican party. That is why I am a Blue Dog Democrat.

thats actually pretty funny, many staunch conservatives, for example limbaugh (though did get stupid and claim i made him "the" example), feel the republican party has become too centrist and appeasing to the left. if you look at it objectively, it is true. the republican party, overall, left many of their conservative ideas by the way side.

further, it is simply untrue to say the republican party does not allow a "blue dog" approach/or party member in the party. look at the governor of california, arnold broomstick. he is as much democrat, if not more, than republican, yet he won the republican vote to get the governorship, twice.

if i were you , i would spend less time tryign to insult me, and more time learnign the facts.
blue dog democrats are fiscally conservative.... and often pro-life... but the democratic party is a big tent.... a very big tent. Will Rogers said it best when he proclaimed, "I am not a member of any organized political party...I ama democrat"

Blue dogs don't vote with the party lock step, but they are there most of the time, and that is better than the alternative.

so blue dogs are to the dems about like Libertarians are to repugs? is a little tidbit of information: You ARE on ignore. That does not stop me from reading posts in threads started by also does not stop me from clicking on individual posts of yours and reading them on a case by case basis, which I do from time to time.
don't you have ambulances to chase? :321:

1. then you admit you can't debate me as i know now for a fact you have read the maineman challenge, figures, all talk and now show

2. don't you have a flock to corrupt with your sinful preaching?
1. then you admit you can't debate me as i know now for a fact you have read the maineman challenge, figures, all talk and now show

2. don't you have a flock to corrupt with your sinful preaching?

1. bullshit. I can win most any debate against you, and have. you go searching for people on the internet and then try to ruin their lives.... you are a sick twisted little shit.

2. my preaching is gospel based, always. but you know that, because you have read my sermons...

do us both a favor.... leave me alone. I don't want to debate you... I would hope that you would meet the business end of a bus as you step off the curb, as a matter of fact... you are a perverted littel twit and I came back here with the high hopes of getting away from you and your band of weirdos.
there is more to life than the debate about abortion.

one issue voters bore the shit out of me.

And hypocrites bore the shit out of me. Of course, I would love to see you voting for past Democrats who supported slavery or segregation because its just one fucking issue.
That's easy. A Blue Dog Democrat is a person, mainly right of center to moderate politically who has rejected the extremism that reactionary and authoritarian fascist have led the Republican party to. Since the extremist have denied moderates, centrist and just plain right of center people a voice in the Republican party they have abondoned it for the more open and inclusive Democratic party.

The biggest group within the Republicans are the conservatives. The biggest group in the Democrats are the moderates. However, the blue dogs do run pretty conservative, right down into DINO's like my rep Taylor. Taylor may not be as conservative as any Republican who would replace him (which is why he has my grudging support in the primaries, no other Democrat could hold the seat), but if you threw an R behind his name he'd fit in perfectly.

This is not the time of liberalism. I do not believe that there will ever be a time of liberalism again.
The biggest group within the Republicans are the conservatives. The biggest group in the Democrats are the moderates. However, the blue dogs do run pretty conservative, right down into DINO's like my rep Taylor. Taylor may not be as conservative as any Republican who would replace him (which is why he has my grudging support in the primaries, no other Democrat could hold the seat), but if you threw an R behind his name he'd fit in perfectly.

This is not the time of liberalism. I do not believe that there will ever be a time of liberalism again.

Liberalism or utilitarianism?
That is because too many people from the two major parties don't have enough spine to vote whats right and would rather vote to make sure the other guy loses.

Possibly....or it just may be possible that most people don't buy into libertarianism which, from what I've seen, is really just anarchy in drag.
thats actually pretty funny, many staunch conservatives, for example limbaugh (though did get stupid and claim i made him "the" example), feel the republican party has become too centrist and appeasing to the left. if you look at it objectively, it is true. the republican party, overall, left many of their conservative ideas by the way side.

further, it is simply untrue to say the republican party does not allow a "blue dog" approach/or party member in the party. look at the governor of california, arnold broomstick. he is as much democrat, if not more, than republican, yet he won the republican vote to get the governorship, twice.

if i were you , i would spend less time tryign to insult me, and more time learnign the facts.

How can you have an intelligent conversation with someone who doesn't even know what a conservative is. Rush Limbaugh is in no way shape or form a conservative. Rush Limbaugh is an extremist reactionary.

You're argument is weak. First, Arnold is more of a traditional Republican and presently an exception to the rule but compared to the extremist who have taken over the Republican party he would appear, by to be extremely liberal by comparison but this just isn't apparent to an extremist like you.
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there is more to life than the debate about abortion.

one issue voters bore the shit out of me.

Not only are they boring, they aint to terribly bright. I come from a rural area in Ohio (mostly Catholic). Where implementation of Supply Side economic policies and the trade agreements by Republican administrations has devastated the local economies to the point of making rural ghettos out of the region. But do they care about these issues that affect their livlihood?

Fuck no. They care about Guns, Gays and Abortion. They have gotten what they deserve.
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1. bullshit. I can win most any debate against you, and have. you go searching for people on the internet and then try to ruin their lives.... you are a sick twisted little shit.

2. my preaching is gospel based, always. but you know that, because you have read my sermons...

do us both a favor.... leave me alone. I don't want to debate you... I would hope that you would meet the business end of a bus as you step off the curb, as a matter of fact... you are a perverted littel twit and I came back here with the high hopes of getting away from you and your band of weirdos.

Don't hold back Maine.....tell us how you really feel.

And don't boast about beating Spurt in a debate. It doesn't become you. It's like bragging about beating up a 3rd grader.
The biggest group within the Republicans are the conservatives. The biggest group in the Democrats are the moderates. However, the blue dogs do run pretty conservative, right down into DINO's like my rep Taylor. Taylor may not be as conservative as any Republican who would replace him (which is why he has my grudging support in the primaries, no other Democrat could hold the seat), but if you threw an R behind his name he'd fit in perfectly.

This is not the time of liberalism. I do not believe that there will ever be a time of liberalism again.
You need to travel more Water. The rest of the world is not like Mississippi. The liberal political movement is the largest and strongest in the world as they should be as Liberal Democratic forms of Government have proven to be the most affective and representative form of modern government.

Don't let a bunch of wacko reactionaries in your region discourage you. There not representative of the whole by a long shot.
Liberalism or utilitarianism?

Liberalism is a political philosophy. Utilitarianism is an ethical philosophy. Most public officials, regardless of political ideology, practice utilitarianism. The larger their responsibilites and the larger their constituencies, the more they tend to practice Utilitarianism. Politicans who get away from Utilitarianism tend to get into trouble.

That is one reason why W is so unpopular. Unlike his father he was ideologically driven. He did not focus on doing what was in the best interest for the most people. He would not compromise or moderate his position to build consensus. He used brute power and failed. It's a huge part of why he is so unpopular.

Bush is going to have a far harder time of repairing his legacy than either Clinton or Nixon did.
How can you have an intelligent conversation with someone who doesn't even know what a conservative is. Rush Limbaugh is in no way shape or form a conservative. Rush Limbaugh is an extremist reactionary.

You're argument is weak. First, Arnold is more of a traditional Republican and presently an exception to the rule but compared to the extremist who have taken over the Republican party he would appear, by to be extremely liberal by comparison but this just isn't apparent to an extremist like you.

thanks for proving me right!

you actually think you are arguing against my points, but you are not. :pke:

better stick to debating 3rd graders genius.
1. bullshit. I can win most any debate against you, and have. you go searching for people on the internet and then try to ruin their lives.... you are a sick twisted little shit.

2. my preaching is gospel based, always. but you know that, because you have read my sermons...

do us both a favor.... leave me alone. I don't want to debate you... I would hope that you would meet the business end of a bus as you step off the curb, as a matter of fact... you are a perverted littel twit and I came back here with the high hopes of getting away from you and your band of weirdos.

only a loser whines that they can beat someone in a debate, yet will NOT actually debate them. if you could actually win a debate against me, you would. but you don't. you cry like a little boy denied his candy bar at the fair and now claim you want me to leave you alone.

satan's preacher from augusta maine: you DID NOT have to make a post that personally insulted me. YOU STARTED this. your homosexual obsession with me keeps you wanting me, but you know i won't have you, so all you do is insult me and then play this reverse psych game of....*wimpers* leave me alone *wimpers*

you can't debate me, you can't handle me. as such, do not ever reply to any more of my posts. you claimed, before the post above, that you put me back on "permanent" ignore, YET you make this post. i have AGAIN proven you to be a liar. you hate the fact that you lose every time you try to go up against me.

don't worry, i told you that if you stop living a lie and come out of the closet, you will stop being so angry and repressed. it is unfortunate that you are so scared of debating me that all you have are insults. i used to enjoy our debates, but i guess after losing so many times you cry out with angry insults and absolutely refuse any more debates.

i read your sermons BECAUSE YOU ASKED ME TO AND YOU PUT THEM IN THE BLOG ON DP. i already ripped your sermons apart on that board satan's spawn.
only a loser whines that they can beat someone in a debate, yet will NOT actually debate them. if you could actually win a debate against me, you would. but you don't. you cry like a little boy denied his candy bar at the fair and now claim you want me to leave you alone.

satan's preacher from augusta maine: you DID NOT have to make a post that personally insulted me. YOU STARTED this. your homosexual obsession with me keeps you wanting me, but you know i won't have you, so all you do is insult me and then play this reverse psych game of....*wimpers* leave me alone *wimpers*

you can't debate me, you can't handle me. as such, do not ever reply to any more of my posts. you claimed, before the post above, that you put me back on "permanent" ignore, YET you make this post. i have AGAIN proven you to be a liar. you hate the fact that you lose every time you try to go up against me.

don't worry, i told you that if you stop living a lie and come out of the closet, you will stop being so angry and repressed. it is unfortunate that you are so scared of debating me that all you have are insults. i used to enjoy our debates, but i guess after losing so many times you cry out with angry insults and absolutely refuse any more debates.

i read your sermons BECAUSE YOU ASKED ME TO AND YOU PUT THEM IN THE BLOG ON DP. i already ripped your sermons apart on that board satan's spawn.

Spurt...owned by Maineman.