Blunt puts it bluntly :McCain is a third Bush term

The war and the economy.

where do they differ?

Here dyou go cawacko.

Tell me in what ways McCain and Bush are different?

I have asked this on this thread and others and I never get an answer.
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Yeah cause those are the only two issues.

They are the two issues that most Americans identify as the most important issues in the upcoming elections. And on what other issues does McCain disagree with Bush? Off the top of my head I can think of one, climate change.
McSame is going to have to walk a tightrope. Maintain the perception of being a maverick while not pissing off the bush loyalistas.
So you believe that deficits don't matter?

We have had deficits for the past 48 years....

It will never end because as a society we continue to demand the government provide more and more services, with no regard to whether or not we can afford to pay for them. The stupidity of the two parties on this issue will lead to our demise as an economic power.
Yeah we have had defecits, but this lately is like pressing down on the gas as we approach the wall of the cliff so we will crash so much more spectacularly.
well its the Rs who keep spending more and growing the gov.

How partisan of you. It is BOTH parties that continue to spend Desh. BOTH parties. You will note that the annual budget has not gone down under the Dems leadership in Congress these past two years. Has it?

As stated... it has been since 1960 since they paid down the debt in a given fiscal year. 1960.

US... you are correct, the past 7+ years have been fiscally atrocious (and yes, atrocious on other levels as well).
Tax cuts for the rich and wars for the poor to fight.

When you cut taxes and spend like drunken monkeys you create our current economic conditions possible.
How partisan of you. It is BOTH parties that continue to spend Desh. BOTH parties. You will note that the annual budget has not gone down under the Dems leadership in Congress these past two years. Has it?

As stated... it has been since 1960 since they paid down the debt in a given fiscal year. 1960.

US... you are correct, the past 7+ years have been fiscally atrocious (and yes, atrocious on other levels as well).

Yet one candidate is proposing three times more deficit spending than the other candidates. Both parties may be bad, but in this election it is abundantly clear that one candidate is appreciably worse that the others by a factor of three. You, a self-proclaimed deficit hawk, support that candidate.

You've lost your bearings, if you ever had them.