Boberts 18 year old son is a Dad

In her interview she says she doesn’t do the Christian thing every day in her life

Her politics daily imply

others must be burned at the stake if they don’t follow HER religion
Biden is a Catholic but believes in abortion but he is almost a practicing Black Christian because he went to a Black church after mass and because he wants their vote.

So we are supposed to praise this woman who has NO MERCY for a person who suffered a horrible head injury as a child because those days she doesn’t do what her CHOSEN GOD commands her to do

Then when her son who she FAILED to supervise properly and apparently she never even taught him how to avoid impregnating someone else’s child we are supposed to just forgive them all
And has a baby that no one in rhe family recognizes..

He sustained a massive head injury you fucking heartless scum

Go do research on what that does to someone’s life you pretend Christian

You shits are horrible people
Not currently huh sin forgiver

He also sustained a massive head as a child in the car crash that killed his mother and baby sister
And a Biden would never lie. :rofl2: So that is the current excuse? "Always a victim and never personal responsibility." The Democrat mantra.
He sustained a massive head injury you fucking heartless scum

Go do research on what that does to someone’s life you pretend Christian

You shits are horrible people

What does that have to do with abandoning his child?
Biden is a Catholic but believes in abortion but he is almost a practicing Black Christian because he went to a Black church after mass and because he wants their vote.


No you fucking unAmerican idiot

He believes not all Americans have his same religious beliefs and have a RIGHT to believe differently than him

You are just a fucking fake assed Christian nazi want to be