Boberts 18 year old son is a Dad


An old time Republican named Negroponte has a daughter that was arrested for murdering her friend in a drunken stupor fight recently

Do you blame him for that murder?

I don’t

She was one of the five children he adopted in a South American nation
She made a very telling admission

She often doesn’t follow her OWN religious tenements


We noticed that already
The Republican Party is jammed pack with people like Bobert

People who insist everyone else follow the tenements of the branch of Christianity people like Bobert pick

But the republicans don’t have to follow their own chosen religious rules

An old time Republican named Negroponte has a daughter that was arrested for murdering her friend in a drunken stupor fight recently

Do you blame him for that murder?

I don’t

She was one of the five children he adopted in a South American nation
NEWS FLASH! She is gay!
You people NEVER show compassion for other humans

You only show compassion to your political side

You condem everyone else in knee jerk fashion

That is not what Jesus taught

Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s

That means Jesus believed in separation of church and state idiots
In her interview she says she doesn’t do the Christian thing every day in her life

Her politics daily imply

others must be burned at the stake if they don’t follow HER religion

There is no part of her religion that says that, you're just an ignorant idiot commenting nonsense because she doesn't like Boebert. I get that, but stop making stuff up about religions, according to current leftist political theory it makes folks shoot up religious schools.

Folks in the DemocratICK Party who pretend that everyone is attacking Muslims should not throw rocks from this glass house. Only an anti-Christian bigot or an idiot would believe this inanity.

Instead let's read what she actually said about this:

“Obviously, I’m a Christian, and there are standards that we like to uphold, but none of us do it perfectly,” Ms Boebert said. “One of the biggest things that I look to is ‘him who knows to do right and doesn’t, it’s sin.’”

Ms Boebert said people can “nitpick what the Bible says is right and wrong,” but the most important thing is “having that heart posture of wanting to serve God.”


“Would I have chose a different path [for him]? Of course,” Ms Boebert said. “But this is where we’re at, and we’re all embracing it, and we’re so happy.”

There are upsides to the pregnancy, Ms Boebert said.

“I get to have him home with me longer, and I get to be GG,” she told Rubin. “So certianly there are some beliefs that you are like, ‘Wait, this isn’t exactly right and exactly what we have taught you,’ but this is where we’re at. And we’re going to teach you about redemption and how to move forward. So I’m happy that he’s close to me and I get to instruct him now on how to be a loving father and how to raise a baby.”

More at link.
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