Boberts 18 year old son is a Dad

They have no morality, no honor, no integrity, no principles. Nothing but the desire to force their religious beliefs on other citizens, no matter what sort of vile creature they have to support to get that.

members of the cult of trump need to disbelieve all facts, because most facts point to their god, trump, is an idiot.
Trump is a private citizen.

It is a proven fact that trump is an announced candidate for the highest public office in the land, so not a private citizen. Hunter Biden is not even a corporate officer anymore. He is certainly not running for public office.

Hunter Biden's drug problems are the affairs of a private citizen. trump's drug problems are the affairs of someone running to be our president.
He evaded over two million in taxes (felony) , he lied on a firearms application (felony) and he uses prostitutes and he used crack cocaine (possibly a felony) he was an unregistered lobbyist (felony). So that isn't "very little". :laugh:

Hunter Biden did not evade taxes, he owed taxes. The first would have been a possible felony, but the second was just a debt. trump has actually admitted evading taxes, and is almost always fairly late in paying his taxes.
Well, the topic is a self-righteous slut's teenage kid getting his young teenage girl friend pregnant. I, along with others, wondered if it was considered statutory rape in that state. So it makes sense that people would look up Colorado's laws on that subject to find out. I've been informed that no laws were broken by the son. Which is, of course, different than being a great thing to do. It's amusing how many of these pompous RW sluts, like $arah Palin, preach at others about how to be "godly" and "chaste," yet their kids are dropping kids like bunnies.

No, that actually isn't the topic. The topic I asked about is dieseasel and his understanding of the nuances of age of consent. You were responding to the thread...I wasn't. I was responding to dieseasel.
Bad parenting and hillbilly virtues.

Among my friends and acquaintances, exactly zero had babies as teenagers.

Oh thats right leftist virtues are so much better....kill the baby in the womb. Why the fuck should you do the responsible thing when you can do the evil thing, right?
Hunter Biden did not evade taxes, he owed taxes. The first would have been a possible felony, but the second was just a debt. trump has actually admitted evading taxes, and is almost always fairly late in paying his taxes.
OMG! He didn't commit an accounting error did he? Call Bragg now!!!! When you fail to declare income it is tax evasion and you still owe the taxes.

Hunter Biden could be charged with tax crimes

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OMG! He didn't commit an accounting error did he? Call Bragg now!!!! When you fail to declare income it is tax evasion and you still owe the taxes.

Hunter Biden could be charged with tax crimes


Same stupid crap you idiots always do

These kids are out of control

They harass their neighbors and respect no one

He got a child pregnant

He seems to think he’s above the laws when it comes to his neighbors and his father is destroying property and intimidating the neighbors when the kid comes home and lies to him about the neighbors

This family is a fucking mess
Bad parenting and hillbilly virtues.

Among my friends and acquaintances, exactly zero had babies as teenagers.
