Boberts 18 year old son is a Dad

I said that you're wrong. You're both also truly evil people for thinking it.

you said that abortion was good because it saved you the cost of supporting children living in poverty........both of my kids were adopted.......nobody asked you to support either of them in poverty.......
Your argument is not valid. You're claiming that liberals support a woman's right to choose as a form of population control to maintain welfare. That's cynical and not true. I actually believe all people have a right to control their own bodies. I also think it is more humane in some cases to have an abortion than to bring a child into a world of abuse, neglect, poverty, drugs, etc.

NO DUMMY. As I said in my earlier post,..LW democrat politicians DO. The average lefty voter is too stupid to figure it out,...but the politicians sure know whats up.
you said that abortion was good because it saved you the cost of supporting children living in poverty........both of my kids were adopted.......nobody asked you to support either of them in poverty.......

You have adopted children! Thats awesome! Lots of kids out there need good homes and loving parents. Kudo's for being a man of conviction!
you said that abortion was good because it saved you the cost of supporting children living in poverty........both of my kids were adopted.......nobody asked you to support either of them in poverty.......

No, I didn't, you fucking mental case. I said not bringing a child into poverty is a good enough excuse for me for a woman to have an abortion if that's what she chooses. I did not say anything about saving money to keep welfare afloat. That's Stone's and your fucked up wet dream.
You have adopted children! Thats awesome! Lots of kids out there need good homes and loving parents. Kudo's for being a man of conviction!

So you claim you have 2 adopted kids and think we should think the problems with underage problems do not exist? It is meaningless in the big picture. I adopted a dog and a cat. I do not think I solved the overpopulation and mistreatment of animals.
NO DUMMY. As I said in my earlier post,..LW democrat politicians DO. The average lefty voter is too stupid to figure it out,...but the politicians sure know whats up.

You people need to pull your heads out of the alt reich conspiracy theory shit.
You people need to pull your heads out of the alt reich conspiracy theory shit.

You are a smart guy, I give you that, the numbers yourself, not that hard. There would be no welfare state without abortion. It would have already collapsed.
Those babies who were aborted back when Roe 1st became law would have had their own babies, and those babies would have had their own by now too, and some of those babies would also have had babies by now as well. Figure out the percentages born into poverty. Add it to the existing. Like I said earlier.........JAW DROPPING.
Teenage pregnancy is bad idea regardless of skin color.

But you MAGAs
I despise trump and all of his cronies, nice try.

spent decades complaining about teenage pregnancy in the black community. But when some MAGA losers have a history of teen pregnancy, MAGAs cheer :cheer: and think its wonderful. See post #3.
I haven't complained about anything, dumbcunt. I pointed out that your own words apply just the same to black people (even moreso considering much higher rates of pregnancy), and it appears you can't handle that.
You questioned why this topic was brought up. It is at least as valid a topic as Obama's tan suit or Hillary's canckles.
So it's not valid then. Gotcha.
Boebert's son impregnated a girl who reportedly wasn't even in highschool yet. When I was a high school senior, I wasn't trolling the Junior high school for girlfriends, and neither were any of my buddies.
"reportedly" according to whom? Your ass crack? Students 14 and older are in high school.
My bad. "Over 14" is not an age, so 15 then? We know that she's younger than 17 and that the Boeberts don't want us to know. It'll be confirmed eventually.

The poster I was responding to claimed she was 14. Which is why I asked, and then your reply shows the poster was full of it.
So the girl was at least 15 and Bobert's son was 17.

Close-in-age exemption. Colorado law allows for 15- and 16-year olds to lawfully engage
in sexual behavior with partners who are less than ten years older
, and minors younger than 15
to engage in sexual acts with those less than four years older.

Actually the son was likely 16 then. But this itself shows that there wasn't a law broken.