Boberts 18 year old son is a Dad

Biden is a Catholic but believes in abortion but he is almost a practicing Black Christian because he went to a Black church after mass and because he wants their vote.


No he does not believe in abortion but he also does not believe in stripping a woman of her right to control her own body. The latter is a far bigger crime so you practice how you feel for yourself and accept what you must for others. You are just too fucking stupid to understand that.
You must be very accustomed to hillbilly virtues and norms in your life.

A consistent record of teenage pregnancies in a family tends to be a reflection on their social, cultural, and educational development.

and 60 million abortions reflects yours......

and, beat the demmmycrat she ran against......
Minors 14 and younger can consent with someone not more than 4 years older than they are. It's not a great law if you ask me, but I don't think the Boebert kid broke the law. He just knocked up a 14-year-old and got a high five for it from his brainless mom.

I know, right?......why haven't they killed the kid like intelligent teenagers?......
You are full of shit but who gives a fuck? He isn't a member of congress voting on issues that might make a difference.

????'re right......he's in the Oval be fair, he makes no decisions on issues.......he lacks competence for that.......but someone is using him as a puppet and making decisions in his name.......I consider that worse than Boebart's situation.......
No he does not believe in abortion but he also does not believe in stripping a woman of her right to control her own body. The latter is a far bigger crime so you practice how you feel for yourself and accept what you must for others. You are just too fucking stupid to understand that.

liar....every lib'rul exults in the death of unborn children.......for some reason you think 60 million abortions make you look MORE civilized rather than less......
Because they want to keep it. That's their choice. Just like it should be their choice if they don't want to keep it.

oh wait, do you mean the entire premise of this thread is invalid, that every JPP lib'rul who has posted here is wrong?.......Gosh, I am impressed with your honesty.....
Minors 14 and younger can consent with someone not more than 4 years older than they are. It's not a great law if you ask me, but I don't think the Boebert kid broke the law. He just knocked up a 14-year-old and got a high five for it from his brainless mom.

And the equally immoral far Reichwingers and Qpers.
I see Diesel lurking. Explain why you know how old kids can be before sex is various states. I have to admit I've never thought to look that up. Why did you bother to look that up? And why have you talked about it more than once? Just asking. Some people are curious. And some other people look up the law about age of consent. That's a weird thing to know about.

Well, the topic is a self-righteous slut's teenage kid getting his young teenage girl friend pregnant. I, along with others, wondered if it was considered statutory rape in that state. So it makes sense that people would look up Colorado's laws on that subject to find out. I've been informed that no laws were broken by the son. Which is, of course, different than being a great thing to do. It's amusing how many of these pompous RW sluts, like $arah Palin, preach at others about how to be "godly" and "chaste," yet their kids are dropping kids like bunnies.
oh wait, do you mean the entire premise of this thread is invalid, that every JPP lib'rul who has posted here is wrong?.......Gosh, I am impressed with your honesty.....

No, idiot. We've been commenting on the hypocrisy of a "family values Republican" celebrating her underage son knocking up a 14-year-old girl. They can do whatever they want with the baby. Just like all women can until you psychopaths try to outlaw abortion.
and 60 million abortions reflects yours......

The main reason left wing politicians have pushed so hard so long on abortion is because THEY KNOW that if not for abortion the welfare state would have collapsed a long time ago. If you add back in all the babies that would have been born since Roe, then add in the children that they would have had, then add in the babies that those children would have had, I say...the welfare state would have collapsed LONG AGO already. If the welfare state collapses,....they can NO LONGER BUY VOTES. Simple as that. They could give two shits about women OR their rights. Its all about keeping the welfare state sustainable so they can continue buying votes by throwing poor people CRUMBS. Without abortion they wouldnt even be able to throw the crumbs,...ballgame OVER. Maybe some day people will wake up to this SCAM.
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Its not rocket science. Some of you claim to be sooooooo smart...LOL, Do this,....take the total number of abortions we have had since Roe, then estimate using facts and stats how many of those kids would have been brought up in poverty,....then do the same with the kids that WOULD have been born to the original Roe abortion babies, then do the same to the babies that WOULD have been born to that age group. Now take those numbers and add them to our total population and how many would have turned out living in poverty. the numbers are STAGGERING.
Its not rocket science. Some of you claim to be sooooooo smart...LOL, Do this,....take the total number of abortions we have had since Roe, then estimate using facts and stats how many of those kids would have been brought up in poverty,....then do the same with the kids that WOULD have been born to the original Roe abortion babies, then do the same to the babies that WOULD have been born to that age group. Now take those numbers and add them to our total population and how many would have turned out living in poverty. the numbers are STAGGERING.

That's an argument for abortion.
Not particularly, but it appears you are. I see you couldn't answer the questions

Interesting. So you'd say that it is similarly reflective of the black community's social cultural and educational development with their much larger amount of both teen pregnancy (over twice as likely to have a teen pregnancy than white teens) and abandonment by fathers, right?

At least this young man appears to be interested in remaining and being a part of his child's life instead of being a deadbeat like many black fathers are, and in not murdering the child in the womb. Sounds like a 'hillbilly' is rather superior here.

Teenage pregnancy is bad idea regardless of skin color.

But you MAGAs spent decades complaining about teenage pregnancy in the black community. But when some MAGA losers have a history of teen pregnancy, MAGAs cheer :cheer: and think its wonderful. See post #3.

You questioned why this topic was brought up. It is at least as valid a topic as Obama's tan suit or Hillary's canckles.

Boebert's son impregnated a girl who reportedly wasn't even in highschool yet. When I was a high school senior, I wasn't trolling the Junior high school for girlfriends, and neither were any of my buddies.