Boberts 18 year old son is a Dad


That's hilarious! I'd like to believe that it's true but can't find any verification. Do you have any?
Well sweetie pie. Abortion IS hurting someone else body. That is the whole point of it. And I don't care what trans adults choose to do with their own body. But when you start chopping off little kids penises and breasts that I have a big problem with. People should be old enough to realize the irreversible change gender assignment surgeries cause. 10 is not old enough.

People who pretend on the Internet to be "doctors" probably shouldn't exaggerate medical procedures or make ridiculous claims that little kids are getting "breasts" and penises lopped off. It's not true. You are without a shred of credibility at this point.
I've seen it mentioned 3 or 4 times on various websites not relating to that MEME!

But, it is the Internet! So you have to use your own judgements.

Good point. I'm okay with the knowledge that this grifting bimbo didn't decide that education was important until she decided to expand her grifting to a wider area. It's not the GED. It's the timing. That tells you all you need to know that this person who represents other people doesn't give a shit about education or knowledge, but she now has power over them.
You must be very accustomed to hillbilly virtues and norms in your life.
Not particularly, but it appears you are. I see you couldn't answer the questions

A consistent record of teenage pregnancies in a family tends to be a reflection on their social, cultural, and educational development.

Interesting. So you'd say that it is similarly reflective of the black community's social cultural and educational development with their much larger amount of both teen pregnancy (over twice as likely to have a teen pregnancy than white teens) and abandonment by fathers, right?

At least this young man appears to be interested in remaining and being a part of his child's life instead of being a deadbeat like many black fathers are, and in not murdering the child in the womb. Sounds like a 'hillbilly' is rather superior here.
THAT is so NOT true. Im an old ass man from wayyyyyy back. A good ass and nice pair of long well proportioned slender legs have always been very important to me! :)

Nothing wrong with liking that in a woman you might actually want to hook up with... or in your case, fantasize about hooking up with.

But right-wingers actually base their political choices about who they vote for on that criteria.

And that just indicates that something is wrong somewhere.
Not particularly, but it appears you are. I see you couldn't answer the questions

Interesting. So you'd say that it is similarly reflective of the black community's social cultural and educational development with their much larger amount of both teen pregnancy (over twice as likely to have a teen pregnancy than white teens) and abandonment by fathers, right?

At least this young man appears to be interested in remaining and being a part of his child's life instead of being a deadbeat like many black fathers are, and in not murdering the child in the womb. Sounds like a 'hillbilly' is rather superior here.

Excellent! Nailed his ass to the wall on THAT one! :)
She is 14? Is that a legal age in Colorado?

Minors 14 and younger can consent with someone not more than 4 years older than they are. It's not a great law if you ask me, but I don't think the Boebert kid broke the law. He just knocked up a 14-year-old and got a high five for it from his brainless mom.
Minors 14 and younger can consent with someone not more than 4 years older than they are. It's not a great law if you ask me, but I don't think the Boebert kid broke the law. He just knocked up a 14-year-old and got a high five for it from his brainless mom.

Why do you know this?