Boberts 18 year old son is a Dad

Matt Gaetz calls homophobic QAnon supporter Lauren Boebert "a spark plug, a jolt of energy." He adds, "When I see her it's like my boxers are on fire and my shoes are exploding and every one of my internal organs is screaming, 'Does Boebert rhyme with yogurt'"

Good gods. WTF is wrong with those voters?
Good gods. WTF is wrong with those voters?

I refer to it as the "Eat-Up-With-The-Dumbass" effect! :laugh:

Just look at who still supports Trump here in our little forum!

The only thing they all have in common is- They are all eat up with the Dumbass!

The Dumbass... (see below)

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Jealousy looks bad on you. :laugh: What happened to a woman can do whatever she wants with her own body as long as she does not hurt anyone. Hypocrite much???

Your problem is, you are immature and stupid. Sadly that can't be helped. Here, let me type something that you can't understand, and see if that helps. :laugh:

Most adults, particularly we sane ones on the left, agree that we all should be able to do whatever we like with our bodies as long as it harms no one else. Our problem is with hypocrites like Boebert and Palin, who want to dictate what everyone else can do or not do with his/her body. I'm pretty sure, as a faithful fascist Reichtard, you've seen all the recent news about (R)s passing legislation regarding trans people? Oh, and then there's that whole anti-abortion thing you pretend to love so much, unless of course it's your mistress or you who's knocked up.

What's that thing about getting the log out of your own eye so you can see to remove the speck from your brother's eye?
I did a google search and other than one article on CNBC about the recent court doings, the only sources for all these toxic lies are from far-RW gossip rags. The recent court case has to do with the mother of the little girl wanting to change her last name from "Roberts" to "Biden."

Oh look the nation's oldest newspaper who actually does report the real news has an article on it. The fact that the other paper in town didn't report on it points to a left wing MSM.

Hunter Biden asks court to stop love child from taking his sullied surname
I refer to it as the "Eat-Up-With-The-Dumbass" effect! :laugh:


Remember when a lot of voters claimed they voted for W because he was "like a guy you'd have a beer with." Well, they've devolved to the point where they elect things like MTG and Boebert and Gaetz. Who are more like "someone I'd smoke some meth with."
Your problem is, you are immature and stupid. Sadly that can't be helped. Here, let me type something that you can't understand, and see if that helps. :laugh:

Most adults, particularly we sane ones on the left, agree that we all should be able to do whatever we like with our bodies as long as it harms no one else. Our problem is with hypocrites like Boebert and Palin, who want to dictate what everyone else can do or not do with his/her body. I'm pretty sure, as a faithful fascist Reichtard, you've seen all the recent news about (R)s passing legislation regarding trans people? Oh, and then there's that whole anti-abortion thing you pretend to love so much, unless of course it's your mistress or you who's knocked up.

What's that thing about getting the log out of your own eye so you can see to remove the speck from your brother's eye?

your archaic argument denies the personhood of in utero citizens. thus it is flawed and immoral.

any five year old could tell you this.
Your problem is, you are immature and stupid. Sadly that can't be helped. Here, let me type something that you can't understand, and see if that helps. :laugh:

Most adults, particularly we sane ones on the left, agree that we all should be able to do whatever we like with our bodies as long as it harms no one else. Our problem is with hypocrites like Boebert and Palin, who want to dictate what everyone else can do or not do with his/her body. I'm pretty sure, as a faithful fascist Reichtard, you've seen all the recent news about (R)s passing legislation regarding trans people? Oh, and then there's that whole anti-abortion thing you pretend to love so much, unless of course it's your mistress or you who's knocked up.

What's that thing about getting the log out of your own eye so you can see to remove the speck from your brother's eye?

Well sweetie pie. Abortion IS hurting someone else body. That is the whole point of it. And I don't care what trans adults choose to do with their own body. But when you start chopping off little kids penises and breasts that I have a big problem with. People should be old enough to realize the irreversible change gender assignment surgeries cause. 10 is not old enough.

Remember when a lot of voters claimed they voted for W because he was "like a guy you'd have a beer with." Well, they've devolved to the point where they elect things like MTG and Boebert and Gaetz. Who are more like "someone I'd smoke some meth with."
They wouldn't smoke your meth. :laugh:Methhead.
Well sweetie pie. Abortion IS hurting someone else body. That is the whole point of it. And I don't care what trans adults choose to do with their own body. But when you start chopping off little kids penises and breasts that I have a big problem with. People should be old enough to realize the irreversible change gender assignment surgeries cause. 10 is not old enough.

why do dems love dismembering our youth in and out of the womb?
The only things you give a woman credit for are hanging off her chest and between her legs.

THAT is so NOT true. Im an old ass man from wayyyyyy back. A good ass and nice pair of long well proportioned slender legs have always been very important to me! :)