Boberts 18 year old son is a Dad

Maybe the lady didn’t know who the baby daddy was

Maybe after hitting up all the other fuck partners and no DNA match she realized it was that strip club guy she fucked
The Biden family wanted to allow the child to grow up and choose wether she wanted the name

The mom wanted her to have the famous name and said so
When her mother changed her name to cash in

Why wasnt it on the birth certificate?

What was the name on that document?
You said the child's last name is Biden...Is it? or isn't it? Take your time...we'll have to finish the conversation later...time to get ready for some basketball...You should watch...Going to be a couple of great games...;) San Diego State i s playing...I'm sure you know you know...:)
You said the child's last name is Biden...Is it? or isn't it? Take your time...we'll have to finish the conversation later...time to get ready for some basketball...You should watch...Going to be a couple of great games...;) San Diego State i s playing...I'm sure you know you know...:)

The MOM went to court to change the child’s last name to Biden

I think the child was around 2 at that time

The request, made in December, was made so that the 4-year-old girl could "benefit from carrying the Biden family name," and stated that the "Biden name is now synonymous with being well educated, successful, financially acute, and politically powerful."
The four-page rebuttal by Biden's camp demanded "strict proof thereof that such request is in the best interest of the child."
The filing adds that "it is apparent that [Roberts'] motivations to disregard the once desired protective orders that [she] herself requested and to which [Biden] agreed for the protection and best interest of the child, have now dissipated in the interest of political warfare against [Biden] and his family."
TheDemocrats love the poorly educated black and Hispanic populations.Name one major city with a large black population that is not Democrat

Let's get you educated and caught up to date friend!

Elections 2022: The educational divide that helps explain the midterms

Republicans failed to make significant gains in districts dominated by college-educated white voters — or nonwhite voters without degrees.

Democrats control 77% of the U.S.'s most highly educated Congressional districts...

...while Republicans control 64% of districts where the fewest people went to college.


I'm only here- to try and help!
What you evil republicans do is TWIST everything for political gain

Not one fucking second do you think if this child’s welfare

You don’t care that she hears idiots scream that her family hates her and never wants to be in her life

That’s just peachy to you dirt bags

It’s a lie that helps you in your mind

Who cares about the child?

Surely no you scum baits
What the fuck is your legal definition of NOT RECOGNIZE you fucking liar?

Go get a quote from the family or something you shit bag fake Christian

I did a google search and other than one article on CNBC about the recent court doings, the only sources for all these toxic lies are from far-RW gossip rags. The recent court case has to do with the mother of the little girl wanting to change her last name from "Roberts" to "Biden."
She is 14? Is that a legal age in Colorado?

It turns out she was 15 and four months pregnant when she realized she was preggers

Or maybe the child knew but didn’t tell anyone until then

So depending on her birthday she was either 14 or 15 at conception

The boy was 17 or 18 at conception

Either way it was under that states laws illegal not consensual sex

It seems the parents didn’t press charges
We quite definitely are talking about trump. I can understand why. he claims to be a Christian, but shows absolutely no Christianity. And more important, he is a public figure. Why are we talking about Hunter Biden?

Because that's how Reichwingers like Toxic defend Trump's multiple adulteries and illegitimate kid escapades. "Yeah but Hunter!" is the new "Yeah but Hillary!" :rofl2:
I did a google search and other than one article on CNBC about the recent court doings, the only sources for all these toxic lies are from far-RW gossip rags. The recent court case has to do with the mother of the little girl wanting to change her last name from "Roberts" to "Biden."

Oh I didn’t catch she had the moms last name

Seems she didn’t know who the dad was at first
TheDemocrats love the poorly educated black and Hispanic populations.Name one major city with a large black population that is not Democrat

The laundry called. Your robes are ready for pick-up. Hurry, the rally is starting soon!
