Boberts 18 year old son is a Dad


The request, made in December, was made so that the 4-year-old girl could "benefit from carrying the Biden family name," and stated that the "Biden name is now synonymous with being well educated, successful, financially acute, and politically powerful."
The four-page rebuttal by Biden's camp demanded "strict proof thereof that such request is in the best interest of the child."
The filing adds that "it is apparent that [Roberts'] motivations to disregard the once desired protective orders that [she] herself requested and to which [Biden] agreed for the protection and best interest of the child, have now dissipated in the interest of political warfare against [Biden] and his family."

What do you want to bet that Ms. Roberts' court costs and atty. fees were paid for by some Reichwing source?
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It turns out she was 15 and four months pregnant when she realized she was preggers

Or maybe the child knew but didn’t tell anyone until then

So depending on her birthday she was either 14 or 15 at conception

The boy was 17 or 18 at conception

Either way it was under that states laws illegal not consensual sex

It seems the parents didn’t press charges


Of course not. Pedophilia and/or statutory rape are Republican family values. :rolleyes:
Oh I didn’t catch she had the moms last name

Seems she didn’t know who the dad was at first

Yep. She had paternity tests done and Hunter Biden won the bingo game. lol Apparently mama also got "protective orders" to keep any Bidens away from the child, but now she wants her to have his last name. If I were him, I would agree on the condition that he gets to have custody and visitation rights.
In the 911 tape I have a link to the one neighbor is asked if mr Bobert was drunk

The caller laughs and says probably as if the guy is always drunk

Their kids are OUT OF CONTROL
Mr Bobert runs over the Guys mailbox in retaliation for the OTHER neighbor telling the kid that was racing up and down the street to slow down

The guy laughs and says mr Bobert told him to shut the fuck up and he had not said anything yet

The kids need a welfare check
Yeah but she takes her clothes off for fun and profit and looks good nude, so that's all the typical equally-stupid RW male cares about. :laugh:

Matt Gaetz calls homophobic QAnon supporter Lauren Boebert "a spark plug, a jolt of energy." He adds, "When I see her it's like my boxers are on fire and my shoes are exploding and every one of my internal organs is screaming, 'Does Boebert rhyme with yogurt'"

The Biden family wanted to allow the child to grow up and choose wether she wanted the name

The mom wanted her to have the famous name and said so
So why didn't they hang a Christmas stocking for her in the White House like the other grandkids.
Yeah but she takes her clothes off for fun and profit and looks good nude, so that's all the typical equally-stupid RW male cares about. :laugh:
Jealousy looks bad on you. :laugh: What happened to a woman can do whatever she wants with her own body as long as she does not hurt anyone. Hypocrite much???