bonkers.. Webb was asked and said no to VP slot.

Chap, again, where does the article you posted say Obama offered the VP to Webb?
So you are saying that Webb would just contact Obama without regard to whether Obama told him he was in the running and tell him, arrogantly so if no contact was made, that he would not be his VP? That Freshmen Senators run around constantly just rejecting VP slots to make themselves feel big or something?
So you are saying that Webb would just contact Obama without regard to whether Obama told him he was in the running and tell him, arrogantly so if no contact was made, that he would not be his VP? That Freshmen Senators run around constantly just rejecting VP slots to make themselves feel big or something?

No, I did not say that. It is Chap who says it was offered, yet there is no evidence of that.

In many circles Webb has been discussed as a possability. I am sure the Obama camp has interviewed him and vetted him. I am sure the Obama camp has discussed his viability, I doubt, at this early date, they have asked Webb.

There are many reasons to say you will not take the slot, even before it has been offered.

Are you so ignorant as to belive taht the only time someone says they are not interested it is a result of having been offered the slot?

Maybe it is a stragety to get asked. Maybe it is polite to say no before it is offered. Maybe he has something hidden and does not want the speculation to continue. Maybe he knows via some back channels they have chose not to ask him and he wants to appear to have turned it down, rather than not be asked. There are lots of reasons, and you are smart enough to know this. Stop playing dumb for the sake of argueing with me.
well from what i recall apparently thats the way that those people there clean there children or something.. thats what webb camp said anyhow.
No, I did not say that. It is Chap who says it was offered, yet there is no evidence of that.

Well, other than the fact that the Webb campaign contacted Obama to inform him that he wouldn't accept it. Either you think what I said, or you pretend that part of the story didn't exist so you can continue to say there is no evidence.

In many circles Webb has been discussed as a possability. I am sure the Obama camp has interviewed him and vetted him. I am sure the Obama camp has discussed his viability, I doubt, at this early date, they have asked Webb.

They have, however, very likely informed him he was on a short list and asked him to consider it and inform them if it was a possibility. Either that or he is one arrogant MoFo.

There are many reasons to say you will not take the slot, even before it has been offered.

Not really. In most cases other than the one stated the offer is made quietly and you refuse it quietly.

Are you so ignorant as to belive taht the only time someone says they are not interested it is a result of having been offered the slot?

In such a public way, yes. Either that or they are setting themselves up for a bad day with one fell swoop Obama could really make him look like an ass if he was just refusing based off of stories. That he contacted the Obama Campaign and that was released for the story tells me that there was dialog between the campaign and Webb. That you pretend that it isn't evidence that such dialog existed doesn't change that it is, at the very least, circumstantial evidence. How is it an attorney would ignore such evidence when any attorney would know many cases have been made on less evidence than this.

Maybe it is a stragety to get asked. Maybe it is polite to say no before it is offered. Maybe he has something hidden and does not want the speculation to continue. Maybe he knows via some back channels they have chose not to ask him and he wants to appear to have turned it down, rather than not be asked. There are lots of reasons, and you are smart enough to know this. Stop playing dumb for the sake of argueing with me.

Rubbish. Had he just announced it and never contacted the campaign then MAYBE you'd have a point. Calling up the campaign and informing them that the answer is "no" does not point to some "strategery" it is evidence of dialog.

They have, however, very likely informed him he was on a short list and asked him to consider it and inform them if it was a possibility. Either that or he is one arrogant MoFo.

speaking of which, I should probably give them a call and let them know that I'm not interested either. I wouldn't want any ugly PR nightmares.
Well, other than the fact that the Webb campaign contacted Obama to inform him that he wouldn't accept it. Either you think what I said, or you pretend that part of the story didn't exist so you can continue to say there is no evidence.

They have, however, very likely informed him he was on a short list and asked him to consider it and inform them if it was a possibility. Either that or he is one arrogant MoFo.

Not really. In most cases other than the one stated the offer is made quietly and you refuse it quietly.

In such a public way, yes. Either that or they are setting themselves up for a bad day with one fell swoop Obama could really make him look like an ass if he was just refusing based off of stories. That he contacted the Obama Campaign and that was released for the story tells me that there was dialog between the campaign and Webb. That you pretend that it isn't evidence that such dialog existed doesn't change that it is, at the very least, circumstantial evidence. How is it an attorney would ignore such evidence when any attorney would know many cases have been made on less evidence than this.

Rubbish. Had he just announced it and never contacted the campaign then MAYBE you'd have a point. Calling up the campaign and informing them that the answer is "no" does not point to some "strategery" it is evidence of dialog.

They may have informed him he was being considered, they even might have asked him if he would accept the position were it offered, I do not bleive it had been offered as Chap said and as you seem to be so sure of.
They may have informed him he was being considered, they even might have asked him if he would accept the position were it offered, I do not bleive it had been offered as Chap said and as you seem to be so sure of.
I didn't say that, I said there was evidence of it. While you seem 100% sure there is none. Which means you are either the worst lawyer in history as you cannot recognize evidence, or you are being disingenuous.
i was making assumption based on what i read that he was on short list and asked if he would accept if offered and is why he made public statement no.
Edwards also said, very publically, a few months ago that he would not take the position.

Do you belive they offered it to him?

Edwards said several times he would not take the position if Kerry offered it to him back in 2002, yet he did.
Edwards also said, very publically, a few months ago that he would not take the position.

Do you belive they offered it to him?

Edwards said several times he would not take the position if Kerry offered it to him back in 2002, yet he did.
There is a difference between contacting the other campaign and informing them officially that you are not going to be their running mate and answering a question put forward to somebody the media speculates about. It is again dishonest to pretend that you are not intelligent enough to first recognize evidence, and later that you can see no difference between these two.
I didn't say that, I said there was evidence of it. While you seem 100% sure there is none. Which means you are either the worst lawyer in history as you cannot recognize evidence, or you are being disingenuous.

There is some circumstantual evidence, no where near enough to legitatmatly make the claim. There are tuns of reasonable explinations as to why Webb would have done what he did, even if the offer had not been made.
There is some circumstantual evidence, no where near enough to legitatmatly make the claim. There are tuns of reasonable explinations as to why Webb would have done what he did, even if the offer had not been made.
You said unequivocally that there was "no evidence" my posts were to inform you that you were either exaggerating (disingenuous) or you were the worst lawyer who ever passed the bar because you cannot see evidence when it is smacked across your face.

My point was, in fact, that there was EVIDENCE, not that it was some sort of surety. Nor do I think he'd been offered a spot, but I also do not think he was just calling up Obama to make an official rejection of something he was not told he was on the short list of....

He officially contacted them because Obama wanted to know whether he should continue to consider him. That seems far more obvious and likely than Webb just grabbing a piece of coattail and just officially contacting them with no prior contact.
So if I call the campaign and tell them I am not interested, one would be reasonable in assuming the position was offered?

hummmm, maybe thats a reason to word it the way Webb did, to keep his stock up!
You said unequivocally that there was "no evidence" my posts were to inform you that you were either exaggerating (disingenuous) or you were the worst lawyer who ever passed the bar.

I was not using the word "evidence" in the legal sense, I was using it in the conversational sense. I should have said, there is no DIRECT evidence, that would have been more correct.
So you are saying that Webb would just contact Obama without regard to whether Obama told him he was in the running and tell him, arrogantly so if no contact was made, that he would not be his VP? That Freshmen Senators run around constantly just rejecting VP slots to make themselves feel big or something?

So what you are saying is that there is no reasonable explination for Webbs actions other than Obama having offered him the position of VP?