Border security question for JPP leftists

So to clarify, are you suggesting that we deploy armed drones to the southern border and if someone is seen attempting to cross, said drone will obliterate them with a missile strike?

That is interesting and something I could support

The night vision would also be useful, to find those that try to cross after dark. :good4u:
How does a drone intercept people?

Is it possible to evade drones?

A drone identifies a person's location so that agents can be sent out to them.

It is possible to evade drones, as it is possible to climb over or under a wall.
So to clarify, are you suggesting that we deploy armed drones to the southern border and if someone is seen attempting to cross, said drone will obliterate them with a missile strike?

please don't entertain anything bourbon posts, he hasn't a brain in his head, is a troll, and dumbs down any thread he is in, and your responses to him,

and on topic, Democrats, and especially the nut-bags inhere have no idea what they intend to do on "border security", they couldn't care less about securing the border, this is their triggered foot kicking, I want my momma response to Trumps insistence that we make America great again in the areas it has been coming up short under Obama, Bush, and Clinton.
please don't entertain anything bourbon posts, he hasn't a brain in his head, is a troll, and dumbs down any thread he is in, and your responses to him,

and on topic, Democrats, and especially the nut-bags inhere have no idea what they intend to do on "border security", they couldn't care less about securing the border, this is their triggered foot kicking, I want my momma response to Trumps insistence that we make America great again in the areas it has been coming up short under Obama, Bush, and Clinton.

The border is already secure.
Many JPP leftists say they support border security and are advocates of drones.

Can anyone explain how drones along the southern border would have stopped the caravan amassed along our border from entering the country?

Other than taking high definition pictures, how would they have been prevented from entering?

All responses welcome. You can't complain about being thread banned. Use this opportunity or you forever forgo your ability to bitch about being thread banned.

How many on that caravan entered the country?
Many JPP leftists say they support border security and are advocates of drones.

Can anyone explain how drones along the southern border would have stopped the caravan amassed along our border from entering the country?

Other than taking high definition pictures, how would they have been prevented from entering?

All responses welcome. You can't complain about being thread banned. Use this opportunity or you forever forgo your ability to bitch about being thread banned.

Surveillance drones aren't meant to stop people from entering. They're meant to monitor them so that people on the ground can be dispatched to the right spot.
You have created a false question. No caravan came to the border. Drones would be used to find small groups heading to the border and intercept them before they died of dehydration.

That is a lie; why do you find the truth and facts so hard to deal with? Or do you just mindlessly parrot what MSNBC tells you? Dunce.

The migrant caravan arrives at California's doorstep, amid protests, cheers and questions

Migrant caravan: First Central Americans arrive at the US-Mexico border