Border security question for JPP leftists

How many on that caravan entered the country?

I keep asking the same question and have yet to receive an answer

Since last August Trump and his right wing media have been fear mongering this Caravan of thousands upon thousands of illegals to include ISIS terrorists, M13 gangsters, and disease inflicted immigrants ready to invade the United States

And now that the Visigths, Vandals, and Huns have reached the border, nothing, a few rock throwing incidents, but nothing. Pretty much puts it all into its proper perspective
Surveillance drones aren't meant to stop people from entering. They're meant to monitor them so that people on the ground can be dispatched to the right spot.

Exactly.. to reduce response time and pinpoint the problem.
I keep asking the same question and have yet to receive an answer

Since last August Trump and his right wing media have been fear mongering this Caravan of thousands upon thousands of illegals to include ISIS terrorists, M13 gangsters, and disease inflicted immigrants ready to invade the United States

And now that the Visigths, Vandals, and Huns have reached the border, nothing, a few rock throwing incidents, but nothing. Pretty much puts it all into its proper perspective

Its beyond stupid for Trump to try and make his case based on a string of lies.. His own government has disputed ALL his fictional data. Now he's just throwing tantrums.
I keep asking the same question and have yet to receive an answer

Since last August Trump and his right wing media have been fear mongering this Caravan of thousands upon thousands of illegals to include ISIS terrorists, M13 gangsters, and disease inflicted immigrants ready to invade the United States

And now that the Visigths, Vandals, and Huns have reached the border, nothing, a few rock throwing incidents, but nothing. Pretty much puts it all into its proper perspective

Migrants climb over fence as caravan arrives in Tijuana

Migrant caravan: Mexico deports group that stormed US border
Migrants climb over fence as caravan arrives in Tijuana

Migrant caravan: Mexico deports group that stormed US border

Well, that's it, thousands upon thousands supposedly invading the US and "truthie" proves it showing dozen or so sitting on the fence. But wait, it's even better;

"Several people jumped or crawled through openings in the fence onto US soil Sunday but quickly ran backwhen Border Patrol agents approached"

So again, what ever happen to those thousands upon thousands of illegals containing ISIS terrorists, M13 gangsters, and disease inflicted immigrants? How come they haven't invaded the US yet?
Well, that's it, thousands upon thousands supposedly invading the US and "truthie" proves it showing dozen or so sitting on the fence. But wait, it's even better;

"Several people jumped or crawled through openings in the fence onto US soil Sunday but quickly ran backwhen Border Patrol agents approached"

So again, what ever happen to those thousands upon thousands of illegals containing ISIS terrorists, M13 gangsters, and disease inflicted immigrants? How come they haven't invaded the US yet?

do not enter into conversations you know nothing about, stupid is not a good look.

If you don't realize there are 20 million+ illegals here, and that our border being porous, sanctuary cities, catch and release, DACA and all of the other bad ideas from liberals just promotes more of that. Not being documented, vaccinated, along with the drug and criminal trafficking is a security, and well being threat to all of us. legal immigrants included.

so go watch CNN, and enjoy the stupidity on your own time, please
So to clarify, are you suggesting that we deploy armed drones to the southern border and if someone is seen attempting to cross, said drone will obliterate them with a missile strike?

That is interesting and something I could support

:good4u: I'm surprised that Burpin' had a good idea for once.
Trump is fear mongering, nothing more.

Since Obama got tough on border crossings, they are one-third of 2006 in the end of Trump's second year.

He struck out in his speech. He is boring.

Getin the ring is boring with her lies. There are about 10.5 million illegals now, down from 12 or 13 million in Obama's terms.

Most country crashers enter by air, not across our southern borders.

You immigrastion haters are just boring.
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Well, that's it, thousands upon thousands supposedly invading the US and "truthie" proves it showing dozen or so sitting on the fence. But wait, it's even better;

"Several people jumped or crawled through openings in the fence onto US soil Sunday but quickly ran backwhen Border Patrol agents approached"

So again, what ever happen to those thousands upon thousands of illegals containing ISIS terrorists, M13 gangsters, and disease inflicted immigrants? How come they haven't invaded the US yet?

You don't have to prove you're a moron every damned day do you? Or perhaps you do. :laugh:
Trump is fear mongering, nothing more.

Since Obama got tough on border crossings, they are one-third of 2006 in the end of Trump's second year.

He struck out Monday night in his speech. He is boring.

Getin the ring is boring with her lies. There are about 10.5 million illegals now, down from 12 or 13 million in Obama's terms.

Most country crashers enter by air, not across our southern borders.

You immigrastion haters are just boring.

Chuck Schumer in 2009: Illegal Immigration is wrong, plain and simple
So to clarify, are you suggesting that we deploy armed drones to the southern border and if someone is seen attempting to cross, said drone will obliterate them with a missile strike?

That is interesting and something I could support

bourbon is an NPC. His brain is only wired to come up with zingers without even realizing what he's saying. This was a textbook good example. He wanted to burn you, but instead he just argued for droning illegal immigrants. Which is hilarious. This is another example of how liberals have few if any convictions, it's all emotional for them, and thus they make very little sense, which is why you get posts like the one you quoted.
I keep asking the same question and have yet to receive an answer

Since last August Trump and his right wing media have been fear mongering this Caravan of thousands upon thousands of illegals to include ISIS terrorists, M13 gangsters, and disease inflicted immigrants ready to invade the United States

And now that the Visigths, Vandals, and Huns have reached the border, nothing, a few rock throwing incidents, but nothing. Pretty much puts it all into its proper perspective

i can't speak for everyone but I don't believe in the stuff about ms13 and that type of fear mongering (which I admit is fear mongering).

for me the issue is about national sovereignty rights. I don't care if it's a bunch of 4 year olds and lovely people. They can't come in. They are poor and undesirable.

I have gone on the record though saying I would support full residential status for all illegals if they were never allowed to become citizens, can't receive welfare and if we got rid of the anchor baby program. that is more than a fair compromise. The takers get to come here and if they ACTUALLY AREN'T TAKERS then they will do fine. They can work and be productive. If they can't cut it though, get the fuck out.
Surveillance drones aren't meant to stop people from entering. They're meant to monitor them so that people on the ground can be dispatched to the right spot.

True. Armed drones are meant to stop people from entering. They're meant to monitor them so that illegals on the ground can be dispatched right on the spot. Much more efficient. Word of mouth would get around quickly also.

Just saying.