Border security question for JPP leftists

I'm not "triggered." It just shows your lack of intellect by making perverted accusations of someone you don't even know.

LOL! I know him as we all know each other here: from our posts.

Which, in your case, indicates this may be too rough of a place for one with sensibilities as delicate as yours and your sub-par cognitive abilities.

Please be less stupid and trigger less easily, hmmmm? There's a good little troll.
LOL! I know him as we all know each other here: from our posts.

Which, in your case, indicates this may be too rough of a place for one with sensibilities as delicate as yours and your sub-par cognitive abilities.

Please be less stupid and trigger less easily, hmmmm? There's a good little troll.

So why make unfounded and perverted accusations?
The best bit? The best bit is when someone I have on ignore desperately posts to me, pathologically obsessed with me seeing their post, which I never do.

Sad that TD is such a rabid, cock-lusty and yet still self-hating homosexual. He should learn to love himself for who he is.


LOL! I know him as we all know each other here: from our posts.

Which, in your case, indicates this may be too rough of a place for one with sensibilities as delicate as yours and your sub-par cognitive abilities.

Please be less stupid and trigger less easily, hmmmm? There's a good little troll.

I do? What makes you think that? Or did you mean to write "Do you support arresting these illegals and immediately deporting them?"

Assuming that's what you meant, I support apprehending them and then giving them due process, as required by law, including hearings for asylum in cases where they are petitioning for it. If due process leads to a removal order, then I favor removing them.

what in your mind qualifies someone for asylum?
And rough estimate what percentage of of Hondurans do you believe are legit persecuted in their country for these reasons?

I have no idea. Since I've never seen data on Hondurans in particular, I'd be blindly guessing. However, I know that among detained immigrants who have counsel, 49% obtained the immigration relief if they sough. Not all were seeking asylum, but that sounds like a good rough estimate for the overall population.
do not enter into conversations you know nothing about, stupid is not a good look.

If you don't realize there are 20 million+ illegals here, and that our border being porous, sanctuary cities, catch and release, DACA and all of the other bad ideas from liberals just promotes more of that. Not being documented, vaccinated, along with the drug and criminal trafficking is a security, and well being threat to all of us. legal immigrants included.

so go watch CNN, and enjoy the stupidity on your own time, please

Bee Ess. The high-end estimate of illegals here is 11 million, not 20+ million.

If you have proof of 20+ please cite it.
I saw an interview last night with Hannity and some guy who runs the Rio Grand Valley border patrol.

He said last week they caught 400 Chinese.
Sarah Carter put a report on the same show where she confronted 2 men from Bangladesh
( they immediately surrendered to her ! lol)

Truth is we have no idea who is crossing into the USA, but it's more more the just central American