Border security question for JPP leftists

90 percent of drugs and illegals that come from the south, come through border entry points. Those are holes in the wall big enough to drive a truck full of drugs or illegals through. A new wall would not solve the problem.
No need to thread ban me. You are stupid. I won't participate anyway.

There you go again making excuses so you can run like a little bitch. Typical left wing coward that can't defend what he believes. If it weren't so obvious, the rest of us wouldn't make fun of you.
90 percent of drugs and illegals that come from the south, come through border entry points. Those are holes in the wall big enough to drive a truck full of drugs or illegals through. A new wall would not solve the problem.

What "wall", unless you're trying to say a fence is a wall?? :palm:
and you support arresting these illegals and immediately deporting them?

I do? What makes you think that? Or did you mean to write "Do you support arresting these illegals and immediately deporting them?"

Assuming that's what you meant, I support apprehending them and then giving them due process, as required by law, including hearings for asylum in cases where they are petitioning for it. If due process leads to a removal order, then I favor removing them.
Many JPP leftists say they support border security and are advocates of drones.

Can anyone explain how drones along the southern border would have stopped the caravan amassed along our border from entering the country?

Other than taking high definition pictures, how would they have been prevented from entering?

All responses welcome. You can't complain about being thread banned. Use this opportunity or you forever forgo your ability to bitch about being thread banned.
Many JPP leftists say they support border security and are advocates of drones.

Can anyone explain how drones along the southern border would have stopped the caravan amassed along our border from entering the country?

Other than taking high definition pictures, how would they have been prevented from entering?

All responses welcome. You can't complain about being thread banned. Use this opportunity or you forever forgo your ability to bitch about being thread banned.

Trump kept his promise to our government like he runs his businesses...

bankrupt them, shut them down and don't pay the workers.

Trump kept his promise to our government like he runs his businesses...

bankrupt them, shut them down and don't pay the workers.

LOLOL.. Trump is on TV now claiming that he's a "professional in technology".. and claiming the country is more united behind him than it has ever been..

He's also claiming he NEVER said Mexico would never pay for the wall.

Trump is mentally ill.
Trump kept his promise to our government like he runs his businesses... bankrupt them, shut them down and don't pay the workers.

It is painfully obvious that you have never run a company or owned anything other than your own home. It is also painfully obvious that you are an uneducated low life with the IQ of a centipede and a deranged case of TDS.

LOLOL.. Trump is on TV now claiming that he's a "professional in technology".. and claiming the country is more united behind him than it has ever been..

He's also claiming he NEVER said Mexico would never pay for the wall.

Trump is mentally ill.

It is painfully obvious that you have never run a company or owned anything other than your own home. It is also painfully obvious that you are an uneducated low life with the IQ of a centipede and a deranged case of TDS.


It is painfully obvious that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. :rolleyes:
It is painfully obvious that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

It is painfully obvious that you're an idiot. :laugh:

Tell me snowflake; what companies have you run and started in your pathetic existence. Anything? Or are you an expert at parroting the moronic narratives you are fed by the DNC and MSNBC. It is obvious you are uneducated.
Careful! That's TD's way of coming on to you. He's famous for doing that around here, the poor old queen.

Absurdity; the last refuge for ignorance and fools. Yay you! :clap:

I would say the same about you. You appear to be an uneducated fool on steroids with a misplaced arrogance and pomposity illustrative of someone who has a very tiny mind and penis. I would guess that in your case it is penis envy. You actually wish you had one.

The best bit? The best bit is when someone I have on ignore desperately posts to me, pathologically obsessed with me seeing their post, which I never do.

Sad that TD is such a rabid, cock-lusty and yet still self-hating homosexual. He should learn to love himself for who he is.
The best bit? The best bit is when someone I have on ignore desperately posts to me, pathologically obsessed with me seeing their post, which I never do.

Sad that TD is such a rabid, cock-lusty and yet still self-hating homosexual. He should learn to love himself for who he is.

Hmmm, another idiot who has to resort to perversion while trying to make a "point." Sad...
Please be less triggered, Tinkerbell. I wasn't making any particular point; I was simply offering an observation.

Do you need the fainting couch again?

I'm not "triggered." It just shows your lack of intellect by making perverted accusations of someone you don't even know.