Boycott Koch Products!

they donated 43k to Walker.... and you are only allowed to donate to people if the Dems approve of said people.

oh.... and someone pretended to be one of the Kochs... that is clearly their fault and illegal.

"Walker was elected just over three months ago on the heels of an exceptionally expensive gubernatorial race in the Badger State, fueled by groups funded by the Koch brothers, David and Charles. David Koch, the son of a radical founding member of the John Birch Society, which has long been obsessed with claims about socialism and advocated the repeal of civil rights laws, personally donated $1 million to the Republican Governors Association (RGA) in June of last year. This was the most he had ever personally given to that group. (Fellow billionaire Rupert Murdoch matched Koch’s donation to the RGA with a $1 million donation from his company News Corporation, parent company of FOX “News” Channel.)
The RGA in turn spent $5 million in the race, mostly on TV ads attacking Walker’s political opponent, Democratic Mayor Tom Barrett."

David Koch was the founder and chairman of a front group called Citizens for a Sound Economy, which received at least $12 million from the Koch Family Foundations and which is the predecessor of the group Americans for Prosperity...
otably, Americans for Prosperity bragged that it was going to spend nearly $50 million across the country in the November elections. As one of the groups exploiting the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision to allow unlimited spending by corporations to influence election outcomes, it does not disclose its donors and it does not report its expenditures on so-called “issue ads.” It did run such ads in Wisconsin last fall.
Americans for Prosperity has actively supported and promoted Scott Walker in a variety of ways. It featured him at its tea party rally in Wisconsin in September 2009, when he was running for the Republican nomination for governor. Americans for Prosperity also ran millions of dollars in ads on a “spending crisis” (a crisis it did not run ads against when Republicans were spending the multi-billion dollar budget surplus into a multi-trillion dollar deficit), and it selected Wisconsin as one of the states for those ads in the months before the election. It also funded a “spending revolt” tour in Wisconsin last fall through its state “chapter.”

The Kochs have spent millions on Walker and other Teabag toadies.
There are none so blind that refuse to see.
they donated 43k to Walker.... and you are only allowed to donate to people if the Dems approve of said people.

oh.... and someone pretended to be one of the Kochs... that is clearly their fault and illegal.

Is this sarcasm, it is hard to tell at times when you are joking and when you are serious.:pke:
"Walker was elected just over three months ago on the heels of an exceptionally expensive gubernatorial race in the Badger State, fueled by groups funded by the Koch brothers, David and Charles. David Koch, the son of a radical founding member of the John Birch Society, which has long been obsessed with claims about socialism and advocated the repeal of civil rights laws, personally donated $1 million to the Republican Governors Association (RGA) in June of last year. This was the most he had ever personally given to that group. (Fellow billionaire Rupert Murdoch matched Koch’s donation to the RGA with a $1 million donation from his company News Corporation, parent company of FOX “News” Channel.)
The RGA in turn spent $5 million in the race, mostly on TV ads attacking Walker’s political opponent, Democratic Mayor Tom Barrett."

David Koch was the founder and chairman of a front group called Citizens for a Sound Economy, which received at least $12 million from the Koch Family Foundations and which is the predecessor of the group Americans for Prosperity...
otably, Americans for Prosperity bragged that it was going to spend nearly $50 million across the country in the November elections. As one of the groups exploiting the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision to allow unlimited spending by corporations to influence election outcomes, it does not disclose its donors and it does not report its expenditures on so-called “issue ads.” It did run such ads in Wisconsin last fall.
Americans for Prosperity has actively supported and promoted Scott Walker in a variety of ways. It featured him at its tea party rally in Wisconsin in September 2009, when he was running for the Republican nomination for governor. Americans for Prosperity also ran millions of dollars in ads on a “spending crisis” (a crisis it did not run ads against when Republicans were spending the multi-billion dollar budget surplus into a multi-trillion dollar deficit), and it selected Wisconsin as one of the states for those ads in the months before the election. It also funded a “spending revolt” tour in Wisconsin last fall through its state “chapter.”

The Kochs have spent millions on Walker and other Teabag toadies.
There are none so blind that refuse to see.

So basically, they did nothing illegal and spent money to promote their political agenda?

As I said before, "When you get the rich business guys to stop giving money to the democrats, or boycotting them too, I will believe your interest is in protecting the country".

That list shows the top individual contributers in the last election cycle. Of the top 25, only 4 are republican. Should we also boycott all those people?
So everyone should boycott a company based on whether they disagree with the owner's politics?

There are plenty of people who donate money to both sides. Should we only half boycott them?

Also, even if everyone in the US boycotted the Koch bros, it would not put them in the poorhouse. They might have to sell the spare yacht and the 3rd Lear jet, but they won't be poor.

However, the workers at all those manufacturing plants will be unemployed and screwed. But I guess that will be ok since the Koch Bros will have less extra money, huh?

You have the freedom to boycott or not to boycott according to your own principles. Whether you think that exploitation is acceptable to you or not, whether you think that power should be in the hands of the corrupt or not.
The choice is always yours.... and mine of course.
Your point about unemployment is simply a smokescreen. You must learn to see through the smoke and past the mirrors.
You have the freedom to boycott or not to boycott according to your own principles. Whether you think that exploitation is acceptable to you or not, whether you think that power should be in the hands of the corrupt or not.
The choice is always yours.... and mine of course.
Your point about unemployment is simply a smokescreen. You must learn to see through the smoke and past the mirrors.

Yes, the choice is mine. I have participated in numerous boycotts.

But this is not about corruption as much as it is about whining that about the opposition doing something that they find acceptable when it is their party doing it.
As Jim Hightower Says
As our friend and long-time Koch watcher Jim Hightower says of Charles and David Koch: "It's all about them, you see -- they want to be free of anti-pollution regulations, labor laws, corporate taxes, and other policies that serve the common good. The public be damned. Keep your eyes on these two. After all, the higher the monkey climbs, the more you see of its ugly side."
Yes, the choice is mine. I have participated in numerous boycotts.

But this is not about corruption as much as it is about whining that about the opposition doing something that they find acceptable when it is their party doing it.

Corruption is a lot more than brown envelopes being passed under hotel tables.
Actually this is about perverting and manipulating the lives of the powerless. If that rests well with you then thats OK.
Really in 2011 and with the power of immediate communication, there is no reason why people like that shouldn't be made to answer their critics.
'Whining' is one of those silly words whose meaning is entirely subjective. It is used to diss anyone with whom you disagree. Shows very little debating ability.
David Koch was the founder and chairman of a front group called Citizens for a Sound Economy....

A "front" group? What does that mean? They front drugs? Illegal cash? Sex Slaves? What exactly does this group "front" that causes you to call them a "front" group? Sounds like they are a group called "Citizens for a Sound Economy" which leads me to believe it is "citizens" who are "for" a "sound economy!" Are you trying to imply they are a "front" group who just claims to be this, and they are really for something else?

Why don't you just explain yourself Crashk? Instead of throwing out these scurrilous terms to describe something completely inaccurately? There is no "FRONT" group! There is a PAC... funded by the Koch Brothers, just like dozens of other PACs funded by George Soros and other rich Liberals.... what is your complaint? They aren't left-wing anti-American radicals? I see!!
Corruption is a lot more than brown envelopes being passed under hotel tables.
Actually this is about perverting and manipulating the lives of the powerless. If that rests well with you then thats OK.
Really in 2011 and with the power of immediate communication, there is no reason why people like that shouldn't be made to answer their critics.
'Whining' is one of those silly words whose meaning is entirely subjective. It is used to diss anyone with whom you disagree. Shows very little debating ability.

No, the word "whining" fits perfectly well here.

If it were about stopping corruption, then the cry would be to stop all private donations or to create some serious campaign finance reform.

That is not what is happening. This is one party trying to make another party look bad. There are no calls to boycott or stop donations to the candidates they like, just those who donate to the candidates they oppose.

And as for the "smoke & mirrors" comment, it is certainly not that. People's jobs rely on the volume of the business in the products they manufacture. The Koch bros will not go broke, regardless of the success of the boycott.
As Jim Hightower Says
As our friend and long-time Koch watcher Jim Hightower says of Charles and David Koch: "It's all about them, you see -- they want to be free of anti-pollution regulations, labor laws, corporate taxes, and other policies that serve the common good. The public be damned. Keep your eyes on these two. After all, the higher the monkey climbs, the more you see of its ugly side."

ROFLMAO.... oh, well obviously Jim Hightower is who we should listen to. Imagine that.... a 'progressive' who doesn't approve of Libertarians. There is a fucking shocker. Holy crap. Who would have thought.... a person who believes in big government holding the hands of everyone throughout their lives would not approve of people who believe in as small of a government as possible. Who could have seen that coming?
i don't understand this mentality of the left that wants to boycott ALL of a company or a person if someone or some people from either or....donate or support causes that the left deems wrong. first're free to 'vote' with your dollars, that is your right. however, when the right wants to cut spending in government, you CRY about the jobs being lost. yet, you have no problem advocating boycotts of entire companies and industries because some person or a few in a company support a cause you don't agree with.

second, you guys have your own wealthy libs who own companies you really want the entire the right to boycott your companies....? oh wait...i doubt you do because you hate it when we want to decrease union power and/or spending.

here guys are slapping each other on the back for advocating economic harm on someone for their political beliefs, which is again your right....but....then you WHINE that the right is doing this to the unions because the right hates their political beliefs. maybe the right should boycott heinz ketchup or anything soros owns....yeah....i'm sure the left would really support that

No, the word "whining" fits perfectly well here.

If it were about stopping corruption, then the cry would be to stop all private donations or to create some serious campaign finance reform.

That is not what is happening. This is one party trying to make another party look bad. There are no calls to boycott or stop donations to the candidates they like, just those who donate to the candidates they oppose.

And as for the "smoke & mirrors" comment, it is certainly not that. People's jobs rely on the volume of the business in the products they manufacture. The Koch bros will not go broke, regardless of the success of the boycott.

I do not debate. I inform. You should be thankful I do not charge.

Since my information was obviously something you needed to know, we will call it even.

Let me know if you want to discuss a topic instead of just getting snippy.
ROFLMAO.... oh, well obviously Jim Hightower is who we should listen to. Imagine that.... a 'progressive' who doesn't approve of Libertarians. There is a fucking shocker. Holy crap. Who would have thought.... a person who believes in big government holding the hands of everyone throughout their lives would not approve of people who believe in as small of a government as possible. Who could have seen that coming?

I am sorry you don't appreciate Jim, I find him to be very down to Earth.

And I also don't believe he is a fan of big government, so imagine you not knowing what you are talking about once again and being a prig about it.

Jim is just a big fan of the middle class and you aren't :(
Crashk, I have been a conservative my entire life. I have had conservative values as long as I can remember. Until last year, I had never even heard of the Koch Brothers. From everything I can gather, it appears these are wealthy businessmen who believe in the same capitalist conservative principles I've believed my whole life. They have invested a portion of their wealth in political advocacy for capitalism, which isn't illegal or wrong, nor is it unethical or immoral. In fact, if I were wealthy like the Koch Brothers, I might do the same thing with my money, because it's something I believe in. If we lose capitalism, we lose America.

I'm sure he has the same affinity about George Soros and Michael Moore's money...ya think?
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