Boycott the Left!

Dixie, I wish you would have began here: "Again, I apologize, to you and to them, and to all other women, my words were inexcusable, and I take full responsibility." And finished with: "In the future, I will do my best to not use such inflammatory language."

You could have done without the preamble and conclusion. But it's good to see those two sentences, I will hold you to them!
Dixie, I wish you would have began here: "Again, I apologize, to you and to them, and to all other women, my words were inexcusable, and I take full responsibility." And finished with: "In the future, I will do my best to not use such inflammatory language."

You could have done without the preamble and conclusion. But it's good to see those two sentences, I will hold you to them!

I'm sure you won't have to worry about Dixie as long as someone else doesn't "goad" him into misogynistic frothing again...
I'm sure you won't have to worry about Dixie as long as someone else doesn't "goad" him into misogynistic frothing again...

Nobody can be goaded into that. It has to be in you. For instance with all of the horrible fights I have had with Superfreak, and we have really bad ones, name calling, piece of shit, fuck you, all of it, he has not once gotten misogynistic. But most of the men here I have fought with have. Damo hasn't, but I haven't had the kind of enraged fights with Damo I've had with others mostly because Damo doesn't really get enraged (he certainly has enraged me, he's good at that) - I guess he goes and smokes a pack of cigarettes when he gets mad. I can't really think of anyone else here I've had really bad fights with who hasn't resorted to misogyny. Interestingly, when Lady T posted here daily, I always noticed that if she got into a bad fight with someone, they would eventually fling not just misogynistic comments at her, but racist ones too. But that has to be there. It doesn't get "goaded" out of you. Racism and misogyny don't work that way.
Frothing's fine. It's the misogyny - and you blaming others for it - that's sealing your reputation, not the frothing.

I took full responsibility. You, on the other hand, have yet to accept any responsibility in the matter. You've decided to play the victim, while parading my comment around the board like some kind of martyr for women. Even after the apology, you still want to hurl insults at me and pretend you are a totally innocent victim. Twice now, you have used the term "sealed your fate" or "sealed your reputation" and it's indicative of your intolerance. People can't be forgiven in your world, it's not in your capacity, because when something is "sealed" it can't be changed. Good luck in life with that attitude, is all I can say.
I took full responsibility. You, on the other hand, have yet to accept any responsibility in the matter. You've decided to play the victim, while parading my comment around the board like some kind of martyr for women. Even after the apology, you still want to hurl insults at me and pretend you are a totally innocent victim. Twice now, you have used the term "sealed your fate" or "sealed your reputation" and it's indicative of your intolerance. People can't be forgiven in your world, it's not in your capacity, because when something is "sealed" it can't be changed. Good luck in life with that attitude, is all I can say.

I have ZERO responsibility for your misogyny. ZERO.

I sling arrows and shit here with the best of them. You're thin-skinned and my barbs aimed at your ignorance inflamed your insecurities. If that's what produced your misogynystic response, then you're too sensitive and don't belong here, Dixie. Grow up.
Nobody can be goaded into that. It has to be in you. For instance with all of the horrible fights I have had with Superfreak, and we have really bad ones, name calling, piece of shit, fuck you, all of it, he has not once gotten misogynistic. But most of the men here I have fought with have. Damo hasn't, but I haven't had the kind of enraged fights with Damo I've had with others mostly because Damo doesn't really get enraged (he certainly has enraged me, he's good at that) - I guess he goes and smokes a pack of cigarettes when he gets mad. I can't really think of anyone else here I've had really bad fights with who hasn't resorted to misogyny. Interestingly, when Lady T posted here daily, I always noticed that if she got into a bad fight with someone, they would eventually fling not just misogynistic comments at her, but racist ones too. But that has to be there. It doesn't get "goaded" out of you. Racism and misogyny don't work that way.

I think you are completely misinterpreting things. Misogyny is the hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women. My comments weren't about that at all. Disrespectful and crude? Sure! But that's not misogyny.
I have ZERO responsibility for your misogyny. ZERO.

I sling arrows and shit here with the best of them. You're thin-skinned and my barbs aimed at your ignorance inflamed your insecurities. If that's what produced your misogynystic response, then you're too sensitive and don't belong here, Dixie. Grow up.

No, it was your constant template of throwing out a tasteless personal insult at someone, then trying to make a semi-coherent point. I had been reading your posts for days, using this exact same technique, and when you did it to me, I responded with the same thing, only to a more harsh and crude extreme. You didn't like that, obviously. It is YOUR skin that is thin, not mine.

I am not a misogynist, never have been, never will be. Just like I am not a racist or ignorant. Now you can sit here and ACCUSE me of these things, I can't stop you. But I think it illustrates what an intolerant bigot you are. I have apologized and accepted responsibility, but you can't accept that, you won't accept it... you just keep on hurling insults at me. This speaks for YOUR character, not MINE!
I think you are completely misinterpreting things. Misogyny is the hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women. My comments weren't about that at all. Disrespectful and crude? Sure! But that's not misogyny.

The c word is misogynistic just by itself. The razor blade thing is without a doubt an expression of deep hostility with violent overtones. It is possible to say something misogynistic without actually hating women IMO. I've said misogynistic things in my life (though never anything quite like that!).
No, it was your constant template of throwing out a tasteless personal insult at someone, then trying to make a semi-coherent point. I had been reading your posts for days, using this exact same technique, and when you did it to me, I responded with the same thing, only to a more harsh and crude extreme. You didn't like that, obviously. It is YOUR skin that is thin, not mine.

I am not a misogynist, never have been, never will be. Just like I am not a racist or ignorant. Now you can sit here and ACCUSE me of these things, I can't stop you. But I think it illustrates what an intolerant bigot you are. I have apologized and accepted responsibility, but you can't accept that, you won't accept it... you just keep on hurling insults at me. This speaks for YOUR character, not MINE!

We all name call here. You do it, I do it, she does it. There are no angels here. Practice calling women fucking assholes! I do it all the time, it's amazing how fast you stop thinking in gendered terms when you go to insult someone.
The c word is misogynistic just by itself. The razor blade thing is without a doubt an expression of deep hostility with violent overtones. It is possible to say something misogynistic without actually hating women IMO. I've said misogynistic things in my life (though never anything quite like that!).

Again, it was hyperbolic and inflammatory, and I admit that. It was crude and tactless, I admit that. It was disgusting and vile... admitted! But it was not indicative of a "hatred for women" in any way shape or form. Do you really think I meant the comment literally? Do you just NOT see how the comment was intentionally bombastic and over the top? Have you EVER seen me make a similar comment before? Do you consider my apology sincere or not?
We all name call here. You do it, I do it, she does it. There are no angels here. Practice calling women fucking assholes! I do it all the time, it's amazing how fast you stop thinking in gendered terms when you go to insult someone.

Oh, and I do that, Darla.. I have been posting on these boards a long time, I kinda know how to do it. The point is, this had gone on for days, with Bijou repeating the same tactic, and I decided to give her a taste of her own medicine, and she didn't like it. I understand, that was the intention. But I certainly didn't intend for every woman on the board to believe I am a hater of women, because that's not who I am. Again, that's why I apologized, and meant every word of it.
Again, it was hyperbolic and inflammatory, and I admit that. It was crude and tactless, I admit that. It was disgusting and vile... admitted! But it was not indicative of a "hatred for women" in any way shape or form. Do you really think I meant the comment literally? Do you just NOT see how the comment was intentionally bombastic and over the top? Have you EVER seen me make a similar comment before? Do you consider my apology sincere or not?

It was misogynistic and as I said you can say something misogynistic even if you don't actually hate women.

Yes I take your word that your apology is sincere because you said you take full responsibility and will do better in the future. I can someone being suspicious because you keep trying to claim you were somehow goaded into saying it...but I just think you're embarrassed by what you said and that's why you're doing that. But it really doesn't matter what she was saying to you. That would be like if bac started pissing me off, I wrote oh you n-words! Did he goad me into it? NO ONE could ever goad me into saying something like that. But in an indication that racism is a bigger taboo than sexism, I can be goaded into saying something that could be considered misogynistic. Only by a very rare type of hateful f'er though. But I would never say a sexually violent thing. To me, the razor blade is sexually violent. I have tolerance for rape shit. Even for "rapey" shit. Not because I am "politically correct" either. I'm not.

If someone called me the c word and apologized I would accept their apology immediately. If they said that razor blade thing, it would take me some time to get past that. That's the best I can do and I think I have said enough here, after all I am not the internet referee! I would suck at it for one thing.
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I think you are completely misinterpreting things. Misogyny is the hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women. My comments weren't about that at all. Disrespectful and crude? Sure! But that's not misogyny.

Again, it was hyperbolic and inflammatory, and I admit that. It was crude and tactless, I admit that. It was disgusting and vile... admitted! But it was not indicative of a "hatred for women" in any way shape or form. Do you really think I meant the comment literally? Do you just NOT see how the comment was intentionally bombastic and over the top? Have you EVER seen me make a similar comment before? Do you consider my apology sincere or not?

Lol...gotta love how Dicksee overrationalizes and ends up painting himself into another corner!
Conservatives often claim they are for freedom of speech among other things, but never are they for freedom when it doesn't align with their rigid ideology. It doesn't matter if it is women's rights, civil rights, voting rights or even the fundamental American precept to 'promote the general welfare.' The nature of conservatism is reactionary and it has fought every move towards freedom and responsibility since its came to be after the French revolution. The idea that a conservative can or would found any nation, or for that matter anything at all, is completely alien to a political philosophy that can be summed up in one word: whining.

'A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress'
LMAO.. it's actually the French who brought us liberalism.'s a good one guys... google it and see who's behind them before clicking the link!

I guarantee, it's not a 'fair and balanced' or 'unbiased' source!