Bragg Fails to Cite UNDERLYING FELONY that is the Entire Basis of His Case

The fact that Dem elite/permanent Washington is able & willing to use the power of law enforcement to go after political opponents, everyone from parents attending school board meetings to a former president, is evidence that our country is no longer a functioning democracy or a truly free country. It’s time to vote out these anti-democracy politicians and take back our country.


It is too late for that....power has mostly already been removed from the now serves mostly to promote the illusion that what the people want and think still matters.
oh look!! The kids are trying to play with the grownups again. Bigot much?


Goyim filth

No, Holocaust Survivor George Soros Was NOT a Nazi
The Origins of this Infamous Canard and How It Spread.

Whether or not they know it, people who call George Soros a Nazi are echoing a malicious lie that was likely invented in the early 1990s by known anti-Semite and conspiracy theorist Lyndon LaRouche, Jr. As early as December 1993, LaRouche’s Executive Intelligence Report (EIR) was falsely claiming that Soros was a Nazi collaborator. “Soros is doing essentially the same thing now, in terms of what he’s doing to Eastern European economies and others, which he did by looting dead and dying Jews in Hungary,” said LaRouche. These and similar accusations published in the EIR set off a chain of lies about Soros that spread throughout the world and can be found on radio and TV, in print and online.
The grand jury chose to indict not the prosecution!

Irrelevant. The prosecutor STILL has failed to cite the UNDERLYING FELONY he keeps squawking about, which also calls into question the apparent dingbat Grand Jury.

The ENTIRE CASE rests upon that, as yet unnamed, "underlying crime."
I did DUMBFUCK. Bragg claims that they are "crimes" because they hid an "underlying felony", WHICH HE CANNOT NAME, aqnd has STILL FAILED TO DO SO.

Looks like you're the "ASSHOLE".


Flash answered you
Specifically its the state, specifically rendering documents false.

The underlying crime he sought to hide was concealing election information from the public which is a federal and state felony.

Now he has to prove it.
There is zero chance that Trump will get a fair trial in NYC. The chances that the law will be followed approaches zero.
The plan was to haul Trump into court in front of a DC jury, but Manhattan juries can be counted on to conform to the solidarity as well.
Irrelevant. The prosecutor STILL has failed to cite the UNDERLYING FELONY he keeps squawking about, which also calls into question the apparent dingbat Grand Jury.

The ENTIRE CASE rests upon that, as yet unnamed, "underlying crime."

The grand jury decided there is enough evidence to indict!
At his first POST -ARRAIGNMENT presser, Soros-funded. smalltime city lawyer Alvin Bragg failed to cite the UNDERLYING FELONY his entire case rests upon.

Instead of plainly stating what he is prosecuting, he just spewed a mishmash of bullshit, referring to the "underlying felony" that he STILL HAS NOT CITED.



He is FORCED TO SPECIFY IT in the Bill of Particulars, in OPEN COURT.

Can't wait for this...

You mean, you figured this out and Trump's expensive attorneys haven't?
Maybe Trump should fire his expensive attorneys and hire you.

Is your Law License still active, Grokmasturbater?
