Brandon the boob

Frankie, remove your Depends and take your head out of your ass. Brandon has not made one correct decision since he entered the office. Because you are in your late 80's you don't give a shit about the struggles the younger generations will have to deal with as a result of this disastrous presidency. Stop thinking about yourself.
That was so cute. I bet the other kids in the sandbox think you are very clever.
He has been outsmarting you MAGAs and the Republican Party right along.

You haven't noticed, huh?

Yeah, that's part of the magic.
Yea, right. That's why he's the least popular, most hated, president in modern history because he's so smart...

Yea, right. That's why he's the least popular, most hated, president in modern history because he's so smart...

He's not...except in the minds of MAGA morons.

But if it helps you get through your days...go with it.

Don't mind if I laugh. I'm not laughing with you...I'm laughing at you.
He's not...except in the minds of MAGA morons.

But if it helps you get through your days...go with it.

Don't mind if I laugh. I'm not laughing with you...I'm laughing at you.


You shoulda left out that "most hated" part!

Wake up.
I don't think anyone is ignoring the SCOTUS these days. Interesting group.

I'm looking for some surprises from them.

We'll see.
The Court told Dementia Joe that he did not have the authority to forgive student debt. He ignored them. Your memory is as bad as Dementia Joe's.
The Court told Dementia Joe that he did not have the authority to forgive student debt. He ignored them. Your memory is as bad as Dementia Joe's.
Joe Biden did NOT ignore the SCOTUS nor their decision. He has discussed their ruling often and in depth...and continues to do so regularly. He and the Secretary of Education are attempting to move to use the authority given in the HEROES Act to get the job done in other ways in order to comply with the concerns of the courts and of the entities of standing in the matter.

You obviously are unable or unwilling to understand the meaning of the word "ignore." Work on that.
