Brandon the boob

MAGA element seems all riled up.


Joe Biden seems to be outsmarting your side from the front; from the back; and from both sides.

And your side has the SCOTUS to count on.

Wonder why the Democrats and Joe Biden manage to beat you so often?

Right, that's why he so far ahead of Trump...

Former President Trump is leading President Biden across seven states that could determine the results of the heated 2024 presidential contest.

A new Bloomberg News/Morning Consult survey asking voters from key states who they would vote for in the upcoming presidential election found Trump is leading Biden 48% to 44% across the seven key swing states in play — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

The poll also found individual state polling from states previously won by Biden in 2020 reveals Trump is now the candidate of choice.}

You Stalinists are