Brandonomics, the gift that keep's on giving

Prices at a Burger King in LA yesterday. Prices went up an average of 6% across the board after California's new $ 20.00 minimum wage law kicked in. Here's a crazy statistic - there are as many fast food workers in the state of California as there are people living in the state of Wyoming - around 560,000.

MSNBC cuts off Democratic congressman’s rant that inflation problem is ‘disinformation’ — to report prices rose 3.5% March

Democratic US Rep. Jim Clyburn claimed on MSNBC that the Biden administration has inflation under control — only to get interrupted on the air with the news that prices rose more than expected last month.

The 83-year-old congressman from South Carolina was in the middle of bashing social media for spreading “disinformation” about inflation — before being cut off for a “breaking news” report that consumer prices “increased at a faster-than-expected pace last month. A signal that inflation remains stubbornly high,” Brzezinski said.
Prices at a Burger King in LA yesterday. Prices went up an average of 6% across the board after California's new $ 20.00 minimum wage law kicked in. Here's a crazy statistic - there are as many fast food workers in the state of California as there are people living in the state of Wyoming - around 560,000.


No wonder your mental and physical health is shit.

You are what you eat.