Breaking News: 12 year old Brooke Bennett found dead in VT


I dare you to stop us GL
She had been missing for a while now and the news has been covering it. Her uncle had been involved with a pedophile sex group where they take advantage of young girls and force them to have sex with em. If they don't do well, then they cut their throat. The police have said that she was sexually assulted before her death.

What a fucking pathetic excuse of human beings. Those fags are lucky I live in Florida because I'd go away for a long time if I met them.
I don't care. This really pisses me off and I want people to know. If you don't like it then don't post here. And I don't post crime stories all the time. I talk about abortion, obama, McCain, Clinton, illegal immigration, gay marriage, gay adoption, global warming, hannity, beck, olbermann, o'reilly, and Bill Keller. The fact that you say this is all I ever talk about shows how little you pay attention to me.
It's okay KingRaw, Waterhead is just as upset as you are. He routinely posts sarcastic responses to things like this because he thinks it makes him look cool with the chicks. See, he lives in his mothers basement and has never slept wih a woman, much less had sex with one. So this is his outlet for all that pent up frustration. He once stole his Uncle's Penthouse and read where women like 'bad boys', so that is why he tries to act like this.
It's okay KingRaw, Waterhead is just as upset as you are. He routinely posts sarcastic responses to things like this because he thinks it makes him look cool with the chicks. See, he lives in his mothers basement and has never slept wih a woman, much less had sex with one. So this is his outlet for all that pent up frustration. He once stole his Uncle's Penthouse and read where women like 'bad boys', so that is why he tries to act like this.

Actually I go to
One closet-pedophile judge does not mean these monsters will get a slap on the wrist. Actually I take that back. Anything less than biblical tourture/death is a slap on the wrist to me.
So now I'm a conservative? Typical weasel. I've got news for you

I'm about as liberal as they come and when I hear of a judge giving a confessed child rapist a slap on the wrist, I question his or her credibility. Did he really reconsider his sentencing or was he afraid of everyone making his life a living hell?
Yeah, how dare us far-right lunatics want to brutally murder child rapists and child killers/rapists.
Typical of you hysterics. Everyone who disagrees with you needs to be put to death.

Not true. I'd reserve the death penalty for capital murder, rape, and child molestation, when there is DNA evidence and/or an oughtright confession. Also, those who are convicted of high treason should be eligible for death by firing squad.

You should be put to death for making being a human being a living hell for 20,000 years.

People who infringe upon others' rights (i.e. right to life) are the ones who make this world a terrible place to live. As such, they ought to be removed from society.
You are a subhuman barbarian.

I thought we had done away with your kind 100 years ago, but no, you keep rearing your ugly subhuman heads back again.

Explain yourself. Why am I a barbarian, while murderers and child molesters are innocent victims? This is one of many reasons I cannot take liberalism seriously. The same liberal who thinks abortion as a method of "birth control" is acceptable will also hold candle-light vigils outside of a prison where a mass-murderer is being executed. It boggles my mind.

Thankfully, the majority of Americans support the death penalty.

And contrary to common belief, we're not the only first-world nation that supports the death penalty. Capital punishment is also practiced in Japan. I think we can all agree Japan is a very advanced nation in every way.
Who's acting like the troll here? The one who put words in my mouth about wanting to kill the judge or the one who wants child-rapists to be murdered?
Explain yourself. Why am I a barbarian, while murderers and child molesters are innocent victims? This is one of many reasons I cannot take liberalism seriously. The same liberal who thinks abortion as a method of "birth control" is acceptable will also hold candle-light vigils outside of a prison where a mass-murderer is being executed. It boggles my mind.

Thankfully, the majority of Americans support the death penalty.

And contrary to common belief, we're not the only first-world nation that supports the death penalty. Capital punishment is also practiced in Japan. I think we can all agree Japan is a very advanced nation in every way.

Japan executes a couple of people a decade and it's reserved only for murder. I can even tolerate the way that it's used in Japan. The rest of the developed nations do not have the death penalty. America probably makes up 99.9% of the executions in the developed world.

There are two kinds of barbarians in America: murderers and death penalty advocates. You're two sides of the same coin.
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