BREAKING NEWS: Memo finally released!!!!!!!!

Plus they continued lying by using the phony dossier as a reason 3 more times when they had to renew it.

If it's such a slam dunk why won't the repubs release the minority document to the public? Afraid that it would contradict their version of the events?
"PraiseKek PraiseKek is online now

Quote Originally Posted by katzgar View Post
You racists are so desperate to discredit Obama that you just flat lie.
Your coup attempt is exposed along with the fascist authoritarian Obama junta:

Furthermore, Deputy Director McCabe testified before the Committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information"

your mental illness is getting worse.
If the Nunes opinion is such a slam dunk why won't the repubs release the minority document to the public?

The dems declined to release the leftist loon memo. They don't want to go through the proper process as was done with the Nunes memo. Now, why do you suppose that is?
It is moron, this is the first proven coup attempt in US history. Your jack booted fascist pigs are through, it's over.

You are out of control, this will barely be discussed in a week! Take a deep breath... not a coup!
[h=1]We couldn't find that page.[/h]
Now you believe anonymous sources?

Nobody disputed that on any of the networks when it came out. Everyone knew that there had to be initial readings (I think by 3 persons). That was ordered to be done by the DOJ. It was those 2 who were never named and Trey Gowdy I believe.
The dems declined to release the leftist loon memo. They don't want to go through the proper process as was done with the Nunes memo. Now, why do you suppose that is?

I don't recall reading that Dems declined to release their memo. It's now in the hands of the DOJ and the FBI to review for redactions. Then it lands on trump's desk.
they dont have any choice at this point, do they?

all they can say is "dud." and deny the existence of reality.

Yes .. HELL YES .. I deny the existence of your reality.

This is all about getting Mueller off the god-king-president, nothing more. AND, the god-king will stop at nothing to accomplish that .. including tearing down the FBI and anything else that gets in his way.

That's the reality that everyone outside of TrumpyWorld knows to be true.

... and oh yeah .. what an EPIC dud that 'memo' was. Incredible. Unfuckingbelieveable.

The dud heard 'round the world.