BREAKING NEWS: Memo finally released!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Royal Highness
it goes far deeper than that ILA. I have said this many times, but this is about the actual stability of their reality.

When trump was running for president, they never said "he's unlikely to win" or "he has a chance but it's small." They said he CAN'T win. That it would be IMPOSSIBLE. As in, almost literally against the laws of physics themselves. Go back and look at all the times news anchors would laugh out loud at the very thought. He wasn't a serious candidate. He wont even win one state. He can't win the nomination. He CERTAINLY wont win the general. Maybe there will be a recount. He'll be impeached anyday now.

You see, they lived in a false reality where Trump simply was unelectable. No way could americans vote for him. "That's not who we are" they said.

Democrats have hated plenty of republicans before. Why is trump so different for them? Why the absolute tourettes on behalf of liberals?

The answer is liberals can't admit to themselves that the country they live in, the people around them, the state of existence they dwell in, is far from what they perceived. Thus they must do everything they can to delegitimize Trump. That's why you always hear talk about not letting him "normalize" things.

Nothing scares them more than the powerword "normalization"

There will never be any amount of evidence that will shake them. To do so would fundamentally reshape the world they live in. They cognitively are unable to do that to themselves.
They went nutz .They got a prolonged case of TDS..
They'll use Russian boogeyman and "Russian Operatives" in a desperate attempt to deligitimize.

They simply cannot accept the defeat of Clinton..and to Trump? - that Deplorable??
So they start the delusionary mantras of "Trump is a raycist" - it gives them something to focus on instead of their political identity/correctness politics
We need the documents of source evidence released that were used in the dossier to get the FISA warrant. :cool:
IG report coming up.. next big thing.
I think the DoJ will fight tooth and nail to keep the FISA applications. Then they'll cry how how a
"secret application" can't be compromised.. blah blah when by now there is nothing we haven't known about them..

I think Nunes will try to get the McCabe testimony in front of the House Committee released. but it takes time
according to Nunes only 1 Committee member and 2 staff were allowed to go to DoJ (FBI?) reading room,
and look at the documents.
Which is why only Gowdy was allowed to actually see the underlying docs
So why was McCabe fired?
However, within the Justice Department and FBI, there are competing narratives about the tenor of his departure. A source tells CBS News that the Justice Department is pushing a narrative that McCabe was "told to go," while within the FBI, sources say that it was McCabe's decision.

An internal communication authored by FBI Director Christopher Wray and sent to FBI officials links McCabe's early departure to the results of an upcoming investigation by the inspector general, which says that FBI must perform at the highest standards, according to an FBI source who has read the communication.
Curious if this memo implicates the FBI and certain Dems etc as corrupt and law breakers (as many on this forum insist) then now that it has been released and all these "facts" are out there, shouldn't there have been mass firings/arrests today? Why are those people who "clearly" broke the law still free and allowed to continue breaking the law as we speak? Why isn't Trump demanding they all be fired or arrested or whomever is responsible for such things?

Curious if this memo implicates the FBI and certain Dems etc as corrupt and law breakers (as many on this forum insist) then now that it has been released and all these "facts" are out there, shouldn't there have been mass firings/arrests today? Why are those people who "clearly" broke the law still free and allowed to continue breaking the law as we speak? Why isn't Trump demanding they all be fired or arrested or whomever is responsible for such things? Waiting...

It's called "due process" in the United States of America.
It's called "due process" in the United States of America.

I am patient. I hope for many special counsel prosecutorial investigations. crimes are clearly committed. I am hoping as of today that, Jason chaffetz and trey gowdy have resigned their positions in order to be the special counsel prosecutors in the case of people vs. obama pres. admin. and doj military treason prosecutions. a fella gotta dream.
I am patient. I hope for many special counsel prosecutorial investigations. crimes are clearly committed. I am hoping as of today that, Jason chaffetz and trey gowdy have resigned their positions in order to be the special counsel prosecutors in the case of people vs. obama pres. admin. and doj military treason prosecutions. a fella gotta dream.

Gowdy has been offered a 4th Circuit judgeship and turned it down.

Military law isn't applicable to civilian feds, BTW.
However, within the Justice Department and FBI, there are competing narratives about the tenor of his departure. A source tells CBS News that the Justice Department is pushing a narrative that McCabe was "told to go," while within the FBI, sources say that it was McCabe's decision.

An internal communication authored by FBI Director Christopher Wray and sent to FBI officials links McCabe's early departure to the results of an upcoming investigation by the inspector general, which says that FBI must perform at the highest standards, according to an FBI source who has read the communication.

Yes, I imagine that I.G. Horowitz will have harsh words for this mess to say the least.
Gowdy has been offered a 4th Circuit judgeship and turned it down.

Military law isn't applicable to civilian feds, BTW.

right, civilian servants. ok . I can live with a civilian prosecution of these traitors. gowdy testified that he was going to remain in the justice system, so there is hope that the boss is preparing to restore lawfulness.
right, civilian servants. ok . I can live with a civilian prosecution of these traitors.

I don't think treason will be on the table.

There may be no criminal charges at all.

You can bet that DEMOCRATS and their cronies will do their best to engage in frenzied spoliation of as much evidence as they can to avoid indictments and/or convictions on any charges whatsoever.

In fact, DEMOCRATS seem to think the memo incriminates Trump.
no one person should forget that the inspector general is one of the most deeply holed up swamp creatures there is. I have no confidence in an "inspector general's report". no person can deny that this real total treasonous corruption has been installed by barack over a period of 2009-2017.
I am patient. I hope for many special counsel prosecutorial investigations. crimes are clearly committed. I am hoping as of today that, Jason chaffetz and trey gowdy have resigned their positions in order to be the special counsel prosecutors in the case of people vs. obama pres. admin. and doj military treason prosecutions. a fella gotta dream.

We've been asking for that since the illegal wiretapping by Obama and the illegal unmasking by Susan Rice. Trump is going to have to drain the swamp at the FBI before we see those charges filed.
I don't think treason will be on the table.

There may be no criminal charges at all.

You can bet that DEMOCRATS and their cronies will do their best to engage in frenzied spoliation of as much evidence as they can to avoid indictments and/or convictions on any charges whatsoever.

In fact, DEMOCRATS seem to think the memo incriminates Trump.

what is left to restore peace and lawfulness ? the 2nd amendment ? no; these things must be. it is like the hardheaded Korean era sailor [RIP] who smoked 2 packs a day and only quit smoking when he could no longer inhale the cigarette smoke because cancer had spread from his lungs to his brain to his liver, pancreas, etc.