BREAKING NEWS: Memo finally released!!!!!!!!

well where to start.
The FBI and DoJ were warning about compromising national security sources and methods over this?
Yesterday the Dem were hollering it was too expansive, today it's a nothing burger...blah blah..what a bunch of tools..

The Latests Squaking is McCabe didn't really testify what the memo said about FISA being heavily relied on a "salacious and unproven' Steele dossier. To the point the FISA warrants were renewed 4 times on the same junk dossier -with circular reportage by Iskahoff ( Yahoo News) shopped around by the Russian's dezinformatsiya paid for by HRClinton thru Fusion GPS.. In fact the FISA aplications led with the Dossier!

It's hilarious.

One thing for sure Bruce Ohr / McCabe / Comey ( love his tweets of nothingness) Strzok and Page
are all demoted due to their treasonous activities. Baker too..I suppose that's just a coincidence?
When can we get rid of Rosenstein??
Carter Page was described as an "Idiot" by Russian FSB..yet he was under surveillance since 2013?
and renewed 4 times? Do you THINK the dossier was the main reason the warrants were renewed?
Because Carter Pages 'spy' activities consisted of going to Moscow on Gasprom business otherwise

( and that is a long time for a "Russian Operative" to be walking the streets)
what damage control needs to be done? None. Personally the fact that you can't see how politically funded opposition research for the use of spying on a political campaign isn't a big deal to you says it all.

It is amazing how willfully blind they are being.

I guess this opens the door to Trump using the FBI against his 2020 opponent

He just need to have some lawyer fund some oppo research, get a FISA warrant and BOOM instant surveillance on his opponent

According to all of these libs it is all above board and they won’t say a word
Nobody has claimed the info is false.... that would be a scandal IF the FBI knew.

Comey used the words “salacious and unverified”.

Look it up counselor

Now why would the top cop use “salacious and unverified” information to secure a warrant?

Is that common practice counselor?
it goes far deeper than that ILA. I have said this many times, but this is about the actual stability of their reality.

When trump was running for president, they never said "he's unlikely to win" or "he has a chance but it's small." They said he CAN'T win. That it would be IMPOSSIBLE. As in, almost literally against the laws of physics themselves. Go back and look at all the times news anchors would laugh out loud at the very thought. He wasn't a serious candidate. He wont even win one state. He can't win the nomination. He CERTAINLY wont win the general. Maybe there will be a recount. He'll be impeached anyday now.

You see, they lived in a false reality where Trump simply was unelectable. No way could americans vote for him. "That's not who we are" they said.

Democrats have hated plenty of republicans before. Why is trump so different for them? Why the absolute tourettes on behalf of liberals?

The answer is liberals can't admit to themselves that the country they live in, the people around them, the state of existence they dwell in, is far from what they perceived. Thus they must do everything they can to delegitimize Trump. That's why you always hear talk about not letting him "normalize" things.

Nothing scares them more than the powerword "normalization"

There will never be any amount of evidence that will shake them. To do so would fundamentally reshape the world they live in. They cognitively are unable to do that to themselves.

Great analysis

You are right. His election has completely shaken their world. I have a friend who is a die hard lib that just got a $500 bonus and an increased match in his 401K thanks to the tax cut but refuses to credit Trump.

There was a time in my life when that would boggle my mind, but I have learned to except it

What they don’t realize is that two things happened with the release of the memo today

1) unless Mueller finds actual collusion, Trump will not be indicted OR impeached. Even if Mueller claims obstruction. You can take that to the bank

2) they just guaranteed Trumps reelection if he chooses to run

Personally, I hope he gets two more Supreme Court picks and then says he isn’t running for re-election then turns it over to Pence for two terms.
The Steele dossier was NOT "originally funded by Republicans"

I see a lot of people - even conservatives - repeating the canard that the Steele dossier was initially funded by Republicans.

This is untrue.

Fusion GPS was originally hired to do oppo research by the Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website funded by a Republican.

However, the dossier had nothing to do with them. These backers had bowed out before Steele complied his infamous dossier.

The Steele dossier was completely financed by the DNC and Crooked Hillary.

The Free Beacon says, “All of the work that Fusion GPS provided to The Free Beacon was based on public sources, and none of the work product that The Free Beacon received appears in the Steele dossier. The Free Beacon had no knowledge of or connection to the Steele dossier, did not pay for the dossier, and never had contact with, knowledge of, or provided payment for any work performed by Christopher Steele.”
Where did you read that?

Two senior FBI officials have now reviewed a controversial Republican staff memo alleging abuses of government surveillance programs during the 2016 presidential campaign, a source familiar with the matter told Fox News — adding that the officials “could not point to any factual inaccuracies.”

The two officials — one from the bureau's counterintelligence division and the other from the legal division — followed up after an initial review of the memo during a rare Sunday trip to Capitol Hill by FBI Director Christopher Wray.
FBI statement, Wednesday, Jan 31:

“With regard to the House Intelligence Committee’s memorandum, the FBI was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it. As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

Two senior FBI officials have now reviewed a controversial Republican staff memo alleging abuses of government surveillance programs during the 2016 presidential campaign, a source familiar with the matter told Fox News — adding that the officials “could not point to any factual inaccuracies.”

The two officials — one from the bureau's counterintelligence division and the other from the legal division — followed up after an initial review of the memo during a rare Sunday trip to Capitol Hill by FBI Director Christopher Wray.
What has that to do with me?

It could very well have been a soft coup attempt, as far as anyone knows.

Using a FISA warrant to justify spying on domestic political opponents isn't OK, BTW. Particularly if the applicants failed to disclose to the Court the nature of their probable cause because they knew such a disclosure would result in denial

Plus they continued lying by using the phony dossier as a reason 3 more times when they had to renew it.
How could anybody believe that the entire Justice Dept. is corrupt and that there's some secret cabal of traitors trying to bring down trump?

I can't explain that lunacy because I'm not a REPUBLICAN.

For the umpteenth time in this thread (if you read it all) it's not about the "entire" FBI & DOJ. It's about very specific people.
We need the documents of source evidence released that were used in the dossier to get the FISA warrant. :cool:
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It is amazing how willfully blind they are being.

I guess this opens the door to Trump using the FBI against his 2020 opponent

He just need to have some lawyer fund some oppo research, get a FISA warrant and BOOM instant surveillance on his opponent

According to all of these libs it is all above board and they won’t say a word

Exactly. If Obama can order those wiretaps, so can Trump.