BREAKING NEWS: Memo finally released!!!!!!!!

It's an interesting question what Wray will do now the memo is out. He or his proxies may elaborate on the "material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy?" Btw, was Wray in on the "coup"?

I have no idea what is going to happen next.

The USAG has authorized action. That's all I know at this moment.
How could anybody believe that the entire Justice Dept. is corrupt and that there's some secret cabal of traitors trying to bring down trump? I can't explain that lunacy because I'm not a REPUBLICAN.

I don't recall claiming that "the entire Justice Dept. is corrupt".

I also know that there is a possibility that there is a "secret cabal of traitors trying to bring down Trump."

Until and unless it's proven either way, it's inaccurate to describe it as "lunacy", unless you're a DEMOCRAT, apparently.

What an absolute DUD.

This all ends soon.
You don't have to play. I don't care if you're aware of what happened today or not - you will be at some point.

Corruption can take a variety of forms. Nothing here rises to even close to a level where an organization like the FBI can be classified as "corrupt."

I'd say Nunes & the admin come closer to that characterization w/ this kind of reckless, partisan maneuver.

Really? Reckless?

How did this compromise national security? Be very specific
Not much else to say. Trump's entire strategy on this - disparage and discredit vital American institutions like the FBI, the rest of the intel community, the media, et al. - just to protect himself, is incredibly reckless and has been from the start. I don't see how anyone can see it as a reasonable, rational thing to do. How do we even calculate the lasting damage that could come out of something like this? And what's next? How soon before something like the Constitution becomes inconvenient?

Exaggerate much?
I don't recall claiming that "the entire Justice Dept. is corrupt".

I also know that there is a possibility that there is a "secret cabal of traitors trying to bring down Trump."

Until and unless it's proven either way, it's inaccurate to describe it as "lunacy", unless you're a DEMOCRAT, apparently.

I never said Y O U claimed it was corrupt but there are certainly a number of posters here who do.

But a different "secret cabal" of traitors who tried and succeeded to bring down Hillary, huh.

trump chose Sessions and Rosenstein. He liked them before he hated them. Why won't he let these people do their jobs and let the chips fall where they may?
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Same reason the DEMOCRATS didn't want the majority memo released.

BTW, the minority memo was authorized for release to the full House membership. Didn't you know that?

I'm surprised it hasn't been leaked.

I meant released to the public like Nunes' memo.
I never said Y O U claimed it was corrupt but there are certainly a number of posters here who do.

Name them.

But a different "secret cabal" of traitors who tried and succeeded to bring down Hillary, huh.

Think so?

trump chose Sessions and Rosenstein. He like them before he hated them. Why won't he let these people do their jobs and let the chips fall where they may?

I don't recall Trump stating that he "hated" Sessions and Rosenstein. Have you got some quotes?