Breaking the Gridlock

I recently read a good article by Charles Krauthammer:

According to the pollsters, pundits and pols -- Democratic and nervous Republican -- a great anti-Republican wave is a-coming. Well, let's assume major Democratic gains: 20 to 25 House seats and four to six Senate seats. The House goes Democratic for the first time in 12 years. The Senate probably stays Republican, but by such an excruciatingly small margin that there is no governing majority.

What to say about such a victory? Substantial, yes. Historic, no. Before proclaiming a landslide, one has to ask Henny Youngman's question: "Compared to what?" (His answer to: "How's your wife?") Since the end of World War II, the average loss for a second-term presidency in its sixth year has been 29 House seats and six Senate seats. If you go back to Franklin Roosevelt's second term, the House loss average jumps to 35. Thus a 25/6 House and Senate loss would be about (and slightly below) the historical average.

Krauthammer raises an interesting point, regardless of the outcome, this election will not give a governing mandate to either side. It will simply result in changes in chairmanship seats, if Republicans lose the majority. Legislatively, there will still be a fairly even split, and neither party has the power to implement an agenda.

I used this article to segway into a discussion about gridlock, because this is the classic conditions of gridlock, and regardless of how the elections go on Tuesday, the next Congress is destined to endure it hopelessly. In light of this inevitable reality, and using common sense, one can understand, at some point in time, left and right are going to have to resolve the partisan divide, and get on with what is best for the country. This can't happen when the two sides are so vehemently polarized, and stubbornly defiant. Yet, it will ultimately happen in this instance, just as it has in every previous instance.

The point of this thread, is to discuss how we get from A to B. We realize and understand that we must come to some compromise on our viewpoints at some point, in order to work together again, in bipartisan manner, to address the problems facing America and our future. How can this be done?

Now, I am certain the first pinhead response to this, will be the same old angry and bitter cries to impeach Bush and Cheney and run every Republican out of Washington who they can't lock up.... blah blah blah. But in the reality of the political world we live in, this isn't going to happen. See gridlock/mandate explanation above. Democrats will lack the power in Congress to even bring impeachment hearings, much less, actually impeach the president. This election will not provide enough of a power shift for that to happen, no matter how much koolaid you're currently consuming.

If Democrats do win control of either house, it will not be a mandate, and they have no plan for resolving the current problems, just a generic call for change. But, in the words of the Great Philosopher, Mick Jagger, you can't always get what you want. Change is not conducive with Gridlock.
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So you are finally eating shit are you Dixie... Glad to see you have woken up to reality... I hope Bush and Rove wake up some day!

You are already, three days before the election, trying to minimize the damaga! HA!

Bush claimed a mandate when he BARELY beat Kerry...

Hell, Bush claimed a mandate when he lost the popular vote to Gore!
I bet Bush claims a mandate after this election, too. Just to keep up his optimistism. Meanwhile FoxSpews and other righties are already beginning to blame the media for no good news...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I lived in Washington D.C. in 1994 and the Republicans called there take over of the house historic then!
and one only needs to contrast this posting from the alabama idiot with ones written a little over a year ago when he predicted the demise of the democratic party to know just how everything he writes is just bilious flatulent spewage. The insurgency would wither away and die...democracy would flower across Iraq like a beacon of freedom, we would hardly lose any more troops.... America would rebel against the democrats because of Terri Schiavo - who anyone could tell was coherent and begging to be kept alive ... the US Senate would indeed invoke the nuclear option and do away with filibusters.... Harriet Miers was going to be a great supreme court justice....blah blah blah... and on and on and on and on.

Another day, another helping of verbal diarrhea from Dixie. how-fucking-hum.

I swear....tearing his arguments apart is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.
I recently read a good article by Charles Krauthammer:

According to the pollsters, pundits and pols -- Democratic and nervous Republican -- a great anti-Republican wave is a-coming. Well, let's assume major Democratic gains: 20 to 25 House seats and four to six Senate seats. The House goes Democratic for the first time in 12 years. The Senate probably stays Republican, but by such an excruciatingly small margin that there is no governing majority.

What to say about such a victory? Substantial, yes. Historic, no. Before proclaiming a landslide, one has to ask Henny Youngman's question: "Compared to what?" (His answer to: "How's your wife?") Since the end of World War II, the average loss for a second-term presidency in its sixth year has been 29 House seats and six Senate seats. If you go back to Franklin Roosevelt's second term, the House loss average jumps to 35. Thus a 25/6 House and Senate loss would be about (and slightly below) the historical average.

Krauthammer raises an interesting point, regardless of the outcome, this election will not give a governing mandate to either side. It will simply result in changes in chairmanship seats, if Republicans lose the majority. Legislatively, there will still be a fairly even split, and neither party has the power to implement an agenda.

I used this article to segway into a discussion about gridlock, because this is the classic conditions of gridlock, and regardless of how the elections go on Tuesday, the next Congress is destined to endure it hopelessly. In light of this inevitable reality, and using common sense, one can understand, at some point in time, left and right are going to have to resolve the partisan divide, and get on with what is best for the country. This can't happen when the two sides are so vehemently polarized, and stubbornly defiant. Yet, it will ultimately happen in this instance, just as it has in every previous instance.

The point of this thread, is to discuss how we get from A to B. We realize and understand that we must come to some compromise on our viewpoints at some point, in order to work together again, in bipartisan manner, to address the problems facing America and our future. How can this be done?

Now, I am certain the first pinhead response to this, will be the same old angry and bitter cries to impeach Bush and Cheney and run every Republican out of Washington who they can't lock up.... blah blah blah. But in the reality of the political world we live in, this isn't going to happen. See gridlock/mandate explanation above. Democrats will lack the power in Congress to even bring impeachment hearings, much less, actually impeach the president. This election will not provide enough of a power shift for that to happen, no matter how much koolaid you're currently consuming.

If Democrats do win control of either house, it will not be a mandate, and they have no plan for resolving the current problems, just a generic call for change. But, in the words of the Great Philosopher, Mick Jagger, you can't always get what you want. Change is not conducive with Gridlock.

LOL - all of a sudden, Dixie muses about gridlock and bipartisanship. That's not what dixie was saying mere months ago!


DIXIE, Ocoter 2006: "At what point in time, does the Democrat party actually attempt to "reach out" across the isle and work with those who totally disagree with their viewpoint?"

Examples of Dixie's "bipartisanship" and "reaching out" across the aisle (

-DIXIE: You're Getting Bolton Dammit! Like it or not, John Bolton is going to be the new UN Ambassador! His nomination will move to the floor for a vote…. opposed to him are seeming more and more like little spoiled kids who didn't get their way. I hope and pray the Dumbocrats decide to filibuster this! GO FOR IT ASSHOLES! GO FOR IT! ------I DARE YA!

-DIXIE: There is a mechanism by which unqualified judges can be turned away... it's called "voting them down". Is "Democracy" too difficult for your Socialist ass to understand? Why is it, that after being defeated in the most recent elections, you think that 40% of Congress can run the show and call the shots? How much of a fucking majority do WE need now Care? 80% 90%... does it matter?

-DIXIE: You don't need to end the filibuster, just hold their feet to the fire, make those 40 bastards have to experience a good old fashioned filibuster, and wear their asses out. If it shuts down government for a week, we'll live. It's important that [they learn this lesson now, and stop using this rule to intimidate their will on us. This is not why we elected Republicans! Stand up to these sons of bitches or we'll find candidates with the balls to do it in 2006.

-DIXIE: Personally, I don't care if they change the rules, they have that right according to the Constitution! What I do care about, is the subverting of the rules to obstruct judicial nominees. That practice is going to stop and it's going to stop NOW!

-DIXIE: You can whine and cry about it all you like, but that is how it's going to be, and you may as well get used to it!! Whether they use the "CONSTITUTIONAL OPTION" or hold the Democrats feet to the fire and shut down government for a few weeks, this shit is going to STOP! Have I made myself clear on that?
Also, merely a year ago Dixie, you made a bet that the Dems wouldn't pick up a single seat in either the Senate or the House.
you don't want to discuss anything! You just want to bloviate.

YOu know full well, from back in the days when you were not so desparate and despondent about how terrible things have gone for your side, that you and I were capable of discussing subjects at great after page after page of discussion. Ask yourself what changed. Ask yourself who poisoned the well... not just between you and ME, but between you and all of the folks who view the world differently than you do.
Krauthammer raises an interesting point, regardless of the outcome, this election will not give a governing mandate to either side. It will simply result in changes in chairmanship seats, if Republicans lose the majority. Legislatively, there will still be a fairly even split, and neither party has the power to implement an agenda.

HAAAA le lujah
HAAAA le lujah
halelujah halelujah
Haaa lee lujaahh!!!!
no... there was a time when he could really force you to think...there was a time when I relished our debates...they left me invigorated and exhausted.... there was a time when I viewed Dixie as a very worthy adversary. It would seem that, ever since the war in Iraq started to turn into a bucket of shit, that Dixie has become more and more strident, and move and more willing to shed MORE heat and LESS light on any given subject. My guess is that he can really see it all slipping away...the grand neocon dream is disintegrating before his eyes.... melted, if you will, in the river of unnecessarily shed blood that is Iraq. He was so personally vested in the success of Bush, that Bush's demise has been Dixie's demise.

I do not rejoice in this... I would love to have the old Dixie back, irascible, to be sure, but thoughtful and witty and cogent.

Who he has become is really a shame.
HAAAA le lujah
HAAAA le lujah
halelujah halelujah
Haaa lee lujaahh!!!!

Oh, I am with you, in so far as a 'do-nothing' Congress is a good thing for smaller government. I don't know that I can deal with absolute nutballs running our national security and foreign policy at this time, that's my only concern. If it weren't for that, I would probably just vote libertarian out of principle or something, because Republicans have disappointed me on several issues.

It's amazing how no one seems to want to speak up here, I mean, on topic. At some point in time, we have to move beyond making every topic about Dixie and shifting the thread into a troll-fest. That is the point of the thread, to discuss what has to happen, for the two differing ideological powers to co-exist, because we will have to do so, regardless of this election. You can't live in a delusional fantasy world, believing that if Democrats win, there is suddenly going to be some huge change, and Iraq, NK, Iran, alQaeda, etc... is all going to vanish. Bush, Neocons, Bible-thumpers, rednecks, and conservatives will still be around, they won't crawl off into a cave somewhere and let the Demomonkey's completely run the whole show. So, nothing will really change with regard to policy, and agenda-driven ideas are dead in a gridlock of power. Other than a few chairman seats, and two more years of shrill liberal Bush-hate rhetoric, nothing much is going to change.

History tells us, eventually the gridlock will break, and the two parties will work together again, in bipartisan manner, for the good of the people. So, presuming that we don't have total anarchy and self destruct as a nation, what has to happen for both sides to 'come together' again?
I think that the divisiveness won't much as I would hope that it would.... I have a feeling that the Republicans will do everything they can to be obstructionists....

and maybe that is a good thing...if it slows down the spending.

And the republicans that are left when this wipe out is over, will be plotting, scheming, and coniving their spin so that they can win in 2008....

God willing, Bush/Cheney will be impeached for their impeacable offenses....but the Dems won't have the balls to do it.... :(

God willing, we will redeploy out of Iraq....

The mess the dems will now have in their control to clean up from the Repubs will take a long, long time....a generation to fix, perhaps.... :(
Democrats will lack the power in Congress to even bring impeachment hearings, much less, actually impeach the president.

Ahh your favorite point Dixie. Finally figured that out and are relieved are you ?
Care, the thing is, Democrats lack the public support to make the kind of sweeping change you think needs to be made. Too many Democrats are living this fantasy reality, that if they can just win back power, all the 'evil neocon' nightmares will end, and justice will be served to the 'evil-doers'. Unless you believe in fairy tales, this can't happen because of the relatively even split of ideology in America.

Think about what I am saying here, regardless of whether Democrats win control or Republicans hold control, the margin of control is virtually nothing, and therefore, nothing 'agenda-driven' is going to fly. All of your grandiose plans of impeaching people and 'cleaning up' Washington, isn't going to happen. Those who politically disagree with you, are not going to disappear or become non-existent if you win, they will still be around, and they will still have a strong voice in Congress.

It's really simple, at some point in time, you will have to find a way to accept the half of the country who disagrees with you, and work toward solving the divisive gridlock. It's really about compromise and acceptance, and at some point, some day, Democrats will have to discover this reality.

For instance, you mentioned redeploy from Iraq. If Democrats win control of the house by a few seats, do you really think this will happen? Those who don't favor redeployment are still going to be around after the election, and it doesn't matter if Democrats sweep every seat, they simply will not have enough power to implement this 'agenda-driven' initiative. Impeachment? It takes 2/3 of Congress to impeach, and Democrats are a long way from having 2/3 of Congress on their side. All these things you are hoping will happen, ain't gonna happen! You do not have enough support or power to implement them, and you will not get enough support from this election. You can very well, make a wish list of things you hope will happen, I could do the same thing from my conservative perspective, but the truth of reality is, neither of us are going to see an agenda-driven Congress.
Democrats will lack the power in Congress to even bring impeachment hearings, much less, actually impeach the president.

Ahh your favorite point Dixie. Finally figured that out and are relieved are you ?

No, I've known this all along, I am hoping to educate a few pinheads.
I dont want an impeachment, unless evidence is turned up to warrant one... and then we would have the votes.!

I do want INVESTIGATIONS into what happened over the last 6 years.

I want congress to start doing its job on oversight.
