Bring Your Guns To Work Law.... Brilliant idea!

Not the same thing. It is not like they are wearing it to work. You gun fraidy cats grasp at straws all the time.

Fraidy cats ? LOL. You know me not.

I own guns, have a concealed carry permit and a badge. I faced up to a gun pointed at me by a disturbed vet just a bit over a day ago. I was not even armed, had I pulled a gun someone would have died.

could have been me, him or his wife or child who were present.
Florida and New Mexico have concealed carried laws and all the dire warnings from the gun fraidy cats were WRONG. EVERY SINGLE ONE. If you show me ACTUAL harm on a systemic level then we can talk. But the Luby's shooting in texas, the several shootings in post offices and other work places were in states with no concealed carry laws. Law abiding citizens aren't a threat even when armed.
1. Where did ANYONE say this? If a business owner objects to a gun on their property then it stays off. No one said this and it is an empty argument

from the article:
the so-called "take-your-guns-to-work" measure would prohibit business owners from banning guns kept locked in motor vehicles on their private property.

The motor vehicles are not the property of the business owner. If the business owner allows the cars to be parked on company property, then they should not have the right to dictate to you what is or is not held in your car. (especially if it is legal)
The motor vehicles are not the property of the business owner. If the business owner allows the cars to be parked on company property, then they should not have the right to dictate to you what is or is not held in your car. (especially if it is legal)
Yes but when lefty gun fraidy cats want, they LOVE property rights. So if the guy doesn't want guns or bibles or comic books in your car on his property he should have the right. At least when it suits the purposes of the person that hates guns, bibles or comic books.
Yes but when lefty gun fraidy cats want, they LOVE property rights. So if the guy doesn't want guns or bibles or comic books in your car on his property he should have the right. At least when it suits the purposes of the person that hates guns, bibles or comic books.

funny that.
I agree Soc . and not splittin hairs to me , but I think the owner should be able to ban firearms on his property if he chooses.
I have a gun in my desk right now. I know one divorce attorney who gotten beaten with a baseball bat by a mad spouse in a divorce. THere was another criminal defense attorney in Santa Fe that got shot by his client. You come into my office with a bat you better be on your way to baseball practice and you better be real friendly the whole time. I will put you out of my office on your back with a sheet over your head.

Soc, you are an unreasonably violent and idiotic person, and a threat to the peace in general. One day you are going to be in jail for first degree murder, after having taken a life for a lot less than that.
Soc, you are an unreasonably violent and idiotic person, and a threat to the peace in general. One day you are going to be in jail for first degree murder, after having taken a life for a lot less than that.
I am NOT violent. I believe that I have the right to defend myself, my family and my property. I go to the shooting range regularly to stay profiscient with my weapons. But I have been armed since I was a kid. I have had many guns since I was 8. If I was as "unreasonably violent and idiotic" as you claim I would already be in prison. I very rarely more than ten steps from a fire arm and I haven't killed in anger yet. You are just another of the gun fraidy cats that thinks that gun ownership= violent person. Your flawed logic has gotten in the way of your reason.
I agree Soc . and not splittin hairs to me , but I think the owner should be able to ban firearms on his property if he chooses.

I think the owner should be able to ban people from parking their cars on company property, but the owner should not be able to dictate the contents of the car (as long as the contents are legal). The car is the property of the individual... not the owner and as such the owner does not have the right to dictate to the individual what legal content is allowed in the car.
I am NOT violent. I believe that I have the right to defend myself, my family and my property. I go to the shooting range regularly to stay profiscient with my weapons. But I have been armed since I was a kid. I have had many guns since I was 8. If I was as "unreasonably violent and idiotic" as you claim I would already be in prison. I very rarely more than ten steps from a fire arm and I haven't killed in anger yet. You are just another of the gun fraidy cats that thinks that gun ownership= violent person. Your flawed logic has gotten in the way of your reason.

I have never seen a person so often and so gleefully talk about killing people. Sorry, it just kind of weirds me out how very often you talk about killing.
I think the owner should be able to ban people from parking their cars on company property, but the owner should not be able to dictate the contents of the car (as long as the contents are legal). The car is the property of the individual... not the owner and as such the owner does not have the right to dictate to the individual what legal content is allowed in the car.

I think I should be able to ban people from having deadly weapons on their property.
O _ O

I'm a gun fraidy cat. Things that kill make me feel uncomfortable, sorry. If everyone who wasn't a felon could be trusted to not turn violent, then it would be OK. But that's simply not the case. People without criminal records go ballistic all the time, and I'm not comfortable with the knowledge that a person I've just fired for doing a terrible job has a gun in their car and can just walk in at any moment with it.
O _ O

I'm a gun fraidy cat. Things that kill make me feel uncomfortable, sorry. If everyone who wasn't a felon could be trusted to not turn violent, then it would be OK. But that's simply not the case. People without criminal records go ballistic all the time, and I'm not comfortable with the knowledge that a person I've just fired for doing a terrible job has a gun in their car and can just walk in at any moment with it.
They can also go home and get a gun, or go to Walmart and get a gun, or steal a gun and bring it. They COULD do anything. We don't make rules solely on what people COULD do.
I'm not big on popular violence. But conservatives seem to go out of their way to violate every other single principle they hold dear whenever they hear that guns aren't allowed in certain situations. Little Acorn, for instance, thinks it's completely unreasonable that a "law abiding" citizen such as himself shouldn't be able to walk into a school carrying around a gun. This is the kind of people we're dealing with.