Bush authorized the Plame leak


You are the idiot...Valerie was a covert agent prior to the disclosure...when this info was disclosed she was in a admin position at the CIA...I had a top secret clearance...it comes and goes depending on your assignment...as do classifications of duty status...you really need to seek out a credible link source other than edit by user sources...aka wiki!
is that Valerie was not classified as a covert agent at the time of this disclosure..and her husband brought her into the light when he took the reins as a so called expert witness...he and she brought it upon themselves...end of story!

Not according to prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald.
Relax damo...........

All the classes I had to teach on how to handle Classifieds when I was in the Navy. The President has the authority to declassify any material.

Just remember you are talking to a brick wall...people who have never experienced real life just fantacize their opinions!:cof1:
Democrats can't walk down the streets of Washington without stepping in impeachable offenses, they just don't want to play hardball.
No shit....Bush authorized the Plame leak....I can't believe it...thats really astounding news, quite a bombshell.....their is only ONE person responsible for naming Plame. Lil Richard....

So Bush told Richard Amritage to leak Plame's name to Novak...
I sure hope there is POSITIVE PROOF of this news.....
All the classes I had to teach on how to handle Classifieds when I was in the Navy. The President has the authority to declassify any material.

damo, actually the constitution is silent on this, and to the best of my knowledge there is no law regarding this, just custom

however, as commander-in-chief and head of the executive branch he would be the ultimate decider of what is and is not classified - as you said before, we need to be more careful of who we elect - but anyone that thinks that the voters are dumb as a bag of hammers has been proven wrong :pke: :(
damo, actually the constitution is silent on this, and to the best of my knowledge there is no law regarding this, just custom

however, as commander-in-chief and head of the executive branch he would be the ultimate decider of what is and is not classified - as you said before, we need to be more careful of who we elect - but anyone that thinks that the voters are dumb as a bag of hammers has been proven wrong :pke: :(
There are many laws on the handling of classifieds. Some of which are not published. However this one is relatively clear. What isn't clear is if the VP has the same ability. Believe it or not, this question has even come up with this Administration.
God, you guys have really gone off the deep end lately...

This is a lie, upon the premise of a lie.

I'm outa here.
Here is my question...

If the president has the authority to declassify information, does that mean that if he shares classified information with a source, that he has not affrimativly declassified, it is not a crime?

Does he have to affirmativly declassify info before he can release it, or is the act of releasing the information declassifying it. It sounds like a technicallity but I belive it to be an important technicallity.
I just thought of a parallel.

A criminal defendant has the right to have a lawyer present during any questioning, but the defendant must affirmativly invoke that right.

If a criminal defendant, after being read his Miranda rights, says, "I want my attorney present before being questioned.", and the police continue to question him.... any answers the Defendant gives cannot be used against him.

Now if the Criminal defendant does not say "I want my attorney present before being questioned." and he goes ahead and answers questions... those answers can be used against him.

The Defendant had the right to have an attorney present before the answers to questions could be used against him... but unless he invokes that right he does not get the protection that right could have afforded him!