Bush Compares Obama To Nazi Appeasers IN ISRAEL

"The White House said Bush's comment wasn't a reference to Obama.

"It is not," press secretary Dana Perino told reporters in Israel. "I would think that all of you who cover these issues and have for a long time have known that there are many who have suggested these types of negotiations with people that the president, President Bush, thinks that we should not talk to. I understand when you're running for office you sometimes think the world revolves around you. That is not always true. And it is not true in this case."

Note.... The above in no way justifies Bush's comments, whether they were about Obama or not....

The White House publicly said it wasn't a reference to Obama, but, as the original post makes clear, privately they tell the truth:

"Some seem to believe we should negotiate with terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along," said Bush, in what White House aides privately acknowledged was a reference to calls by Obama and other Democrats for the U.S. president to sit down for talks with leaders like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Dana Perino is full of shit. She has a tell though. She only lies when her lips move.
Wow, somebody went off.... and I am guessing you never made it to the final line of my post....

"and yes... this is a feeble feeble diversionary attempt as there simply is no response or justification for Bush's comments"

No, I made it to the final line of your post. I thought maybe you wanted to engage on the diversionary topic. Apparently, I was mistaken.
I have never understood this arguement like talking to someone is mututally exclusive of then kicking their ass.

You can talk to them to see if you can make headway even while you are planning just how you are going to punch them in the jaw and kick them in the goods on the way down.

Its what smart people can do ,Its called doing everything you can to try and control the situation.

Bush can only perform one task at a time and then still it comes out badly.
Bush never said, "Obama says this". He said "Some" say this. At least according to the quote. Where is the immediate assumption that he was speaking of Obama coming from?

the fact that the article said those secret anonymous "aides" said it was about "Obama and others". Which means the aide probably stated... it is about everyone who suggested direct talks, which the writer then assumed meant "Obama and others". I mean the world does revolve around Obama and all.

Regardless, it is a moot point. As agreed upon by most on the thread, Bush's comments were ridiculous at best... idiotic at the norm.
the fact that the article said those secret anonymous "aides" said it was about "Obama and others". Which means the aide probably stated... it is about everyone who suggested direct talks, which the writer then assumed meant "Obama and others". I mean the world does revolve around Obama and all.

Regardless, it is a moot point. As agreed upon by most on the thread, Bush's comments were ridiculous at best... idiotic at the norm.
Ah, I see... Aids are always "privately" holding conversations with somebody who hates Bush all the time. Because you know, Bush's Administration tolerates that kind of stuff...

But heck, I hadn't read the huffington article until now, just the quote. It does say that Bush Aides privately told her it was about "Obama and other Democrats" so I should believe it.
Ah, I see... Aids are always "privately" holding conversations with somebody who hates Bush all the time. Because you know, Bush's Administration tolerates that kind of stuff...

But heck, I hadn't read the huffington article until now, just the quote. It does say that Bush Aides privately told her it was about "Obama and other Democrats" so I should believe it.

You certainly should believe the anonymous aides. It is the aides that come out and speak in public that are the liars.
the fact that the article said those secret anonymous "aides" said it was about "Obama and others". Which means the aide probably stated... it is about everyone who suggested direct talks, which the writer then assumed meant "Obama and others". I mean the world does revolve around Obama and all.

Regardless, it is a moot point. As agreed upon by most on the thread, Bush's comments were ridiculous at best... idiotic at the norm.

How the fuck do you know?

That's a neat trick though: 1) Make a baseless assumption based on a baseless assumption 2) ??????, 3) profit.
How the fuck do you know?

That's a neat trick though: 1) Make a baseless assumption based on a baseless assumption 2) ??????, 3) profit.

psst.... I was reading into it what "I" wanted to. Very similar to how many others are doing... yourself included. THAT is the problem with anonymous sources. They are NOT typically going to come out and say..."you twisted my words!" Which gives the writers leeway in their interpretations.
Ah, I see... Aids are always "privately" holding conversations with somebody who hates Bush all the time. Because you know, Bush's Administration tolerates that kind of stuff...

But heck, I hadn't read the huffington article until now, just the quote. It does say that Bush Aides privately told her it was about "Obama and other Democrats" so I should believe it.

It's CNN article by their White House correspondent Ed Henry who I am fairly certain has regular contact with White House aides and gets all sorts of information on background that otherwise would be unavailable.

Links are your friend. You should try to click through once and a while.
Do elaborate...

It's a pop culture reference. You didn't get it (surprisingly).

In any event, is there any question that Bush was referring to Obama and the Democrats with his "some people" bullshit?

And by the way, Damo, tell your guy Schaffer to get a new campaign manager. Fucking amateurs.