Bush is not as bad you think

Unlike some I care about others lives, even those I do not know in a foreign country.

but on the note of my life. Well I have lost 1 young friend to Bush's Iraq war.
I paid $4/gal for gas. Still paying quite a bit for propane.
pretty fallacious to expect people to not care about the rights of others don't you think?

um, you can start a thread for that, but i am talking to the majority of folks who hate bush and claim he screwed their lives up. what, personally, about their lives did bush, and bush alone screw up.

if you like, we can add:

1. personally
2. the universe

make you happy?
Unlike some I care about others lives, even those I do not know in a foreign country.

but on the note of my life. Well I have lost 1 young friend to Bush's Iraq war.
I paid $4/gal for gas. Still paying quite a bit for propane.

so bush alone is responsible for the iraq war? bush alone is responsible for the gas prices? nobody else, but bush...
This thread reflects the lack of accountability which has characterized the entire Bush admin.

Bush was a drunk, and a failure in business for 20 years, even with his father's name and connections. He was able to get a partial ownership in the TX Rangers because one of the owners loved his father & would do anything for him. He had a short stint as governor of TX, a state with one of the weakest executive positions, where his daily agenda included a nap and a game of Nintendo.

If his last name isn't Bush, he doesn't get near the Presidency; this is a man who has been in over his head from day 1, and has never grown into the job. Bush was the "decider" on Iraq - his own words. Despite campaign promises, he let pressing issues like healthcare go almost completely unaddressed for 8 full years. His attempt to overhaul education w/ NCLB has failed, and left districts reeling with unfunded mandates. He hired cronies & loyalists over people with actual qualifications, which contributed to his failure with Katrina. He has been a woeful steward of the economy, and is drawing comparisons to Hoover.

It's pathetic that the judgment of a 2-term President comes down to the inane..."He's not so bad...what did he ever do to you?" To answer the question, though, I believe very firmly that when America loses its status as a superpower, we will be able to trace the beginning of the end back to the Bush years & the incompetence that marked them. That affects me & everyone I know.
This thread reflects the lack of accountability which has characterized the entire Bush admin.

Bush was a drunk, and a failure in business for 20 years, even with his father's name and connections. He was able to get a partial ownership in the TX Rangers because one of the owners loved his father & would do anything for him. He had a short stint as governor of TX, a state with one of the weakest executive positions, where his daily agenda included a nap and a game of Nintendo.

If his last name isn't Bush, he doesn't get near the Presidency; this is a man who has been in over his head from day 1, and has never grown into the job. Bush was the "decider" on Iraq - his own words. Despite campaign promises, he let pressing issues like healthcare go almost completely unaddressed for 8 full years. His attempt to overhaul education w/ NCLB has failed, and left districts reeling with unfunded mandates. He hired cronies & loyalists over people with actual qualifications, which contributed to his failure with Katrina. He has been a woeful steward of the economy, and is drawing comparisons to Hoover.

It's pathetic that the judgment of a 2-term President comes down to the inane..."He's not so bad...what did he ever do to you?" To answer the question, though, I believe very firmly that when America loses its status as a superpower, we will be able to trace the beginning of the end back to the Bush years & the incompetence that marked them. That affects me & everyone I know.

your post shows your lack of accountability for anything dem...it all bush's fault...right. maybe if you guys hadn't been playing such fierce partisan politics this country would be better off, instead all you have done is blame bush, taken no responsibility for anything, even since 06...you sould like hillary in her debate about not producing the jobs she promised...it was bush's fault, i thought gore would win.


and you still didn't post a single thing bush did
Wow- was that ever weak.

No; partisan bickering was not what created Bush's failures with Iraq, Katrina, education, healthcare & the economy. This has been a bad President; on many issues, he has not even been there. He has provided no leadership.

As for the intense partisanship under his admin, it was his own team that sought a 51% gov't, and relished close legislative victories over broad consensus.

Fortunately, history is & will be on my side. You can keep squawking about he wasn't so bad, cuz what'd he do to you?
This thread reflects the lack of accountability which has characterized the entire Bush admin.

Bush was a drunk, and a failure in business for 20 years, even with his father's name and connections. He was able to get a partial ownership in the TX Rangers because one of the owners loved his father & would do anything for him. He had a short stint as governor of TX, a state with one of the weakest executive positions, where his daily agenda included a nap and a game of Nintendo.

If his last name isn't Bush, he doesn't get near the Presidency; this is a man who has been in over his head from day 1, and has never grown into the job. Bush was the "decider" on Iraq - his own words. Despite campaign promises, he let pressing issues like healthcare go almost completely unaddressed for 8 full years. His attempt to overhaul education w/ NCLB has failed, and left districts reeling with unfunded mandates. He hired cronies & loyalists over people with actual qualifications, which contributed to his failure with Katrina. He has been a woeful steward of the economy, and is drawing comparisons to Hoover.

It's pathetic that the judgment of a 2-term President comes down to the inane..."He's not so bad...what did he ever do to you?" To answer the question, though, I believe very firmly that when America loses its status as a superpower, we will be able to trace the beginning of the end back to the Bush years & the incompetence that marked them. That affects me & everyone I know.

bingo, lorax.

Without Bush and Bush alone, we would NOT have gone into Iraq, and that alone has cost America over 4200 dead, and nearly 40K wounded.

I am nearly 59 years old and he is without a doubt the worst president in my lifetime and the only one that I can confidently say is not smarter than I am. :)
Wow- was that ever weak.

No; partisan bickering was not what created Bush's failures with Iraq, Katrina, education, healthcare & the economy. This has been a bad President; on many issues, he has not even been there. He has provided no leadership.

As for the intense partisanship under his admin, it was his own team that sought a 51% gov't, and relished close legislative victories over broad consensus.

Fortunately, history is & will be on my side. You can keep squawking about he wasn't so bad, cuz what'd he do to you?

the only thing weak is your failure to address the thread. you went off about bush before he was ever in office...yeah, real pertinent to what he did as PRESIDENT that caused you harm...

i NEVER said the partisan bickering created his failures...stop putting words in my mouth.

i notice you still can't name one thing solely bush did that caused your life or any friends life, harm. all you can do is banter about how bad bush is, without giving one single example of what bush did alone that caused you harm....
bingo, lorax.

Without Bush and Bush alone, we would NOT have gone into Iraq, and that alone has cost America over 4200 dead, and nearly 40K wounded.

I am nearly 59 years old and he is without a doubt the worst president in my lifetime and the only one that I can confidently say is not smarter than I am. :)

so no dems voted for that authorization? :pke:

it is completely untrue that bush and bush alone is why we went into iraq...
jimmy Carter will always have the worst President title up to this time, then Clinton is second..
Sorry to burst your alls bubble..
bingo, lorax.

Without Bush and Bush alone, we would NOT have gone into Iraq, and that alone has cost America over 4200 dead, and nearly 40K wounded.

I am nearly 59 years old and he is without a doubt the worst president in my lifetime and the only one that I can confidently say is not smarter than I am. :)

I'm just a little younger, but he's definitely the worst in my lifetime.

Don't forget all of the dead & displaced Iraqis. When you consider the staggering death toll & human cost because of the arrogance of this man, the mere idea that he "isn't so bad" is beyond words.
I'm just a little younger, but he's definitely the worst in my lifetime.

Don't forget all of the dead & displaced Iraqis. When you consider the staggering death toll & human cost because of the arrogance of this man, the mere idea that he "isn't so bad" is beyond words.

so bush alone is responsible for the iraq war? no dems authorized force? no dems funded it and continued funding it? no dems called for the ouster of saddam?
I'm just a little younger, but he's definitely the worst in my lifetime.

Don't forget all of the dead & displaced Iraqis. When you consider the staggering death toll & human cost because of the arrogance of this man, the mere idea that he "isn't so bad" is beyond words.

I agree. We went to Iraq because the decider decided to. If he hadn't wanted to invade Iraq, we would not have done so. period. ALL that blood and wasted treasure is solely his responsibility.
I agree. We went to Iraq because the decider decided to. If he hadn't wanted to invade Iraq, we would not have done so. period. ALL that blood and wasted treasure is solely his responsibility.

get real, the Democrats voted to go in there also..what about the new Democrat hero Colin Powell, your going to say he was duped also..
get real, the Democrats voted to go in there also..what about the new Democrat hero Colin Powell, your going to say he was duped also..

Yeah, that's right. It was the "resolution to invade & occupy Iraq indefinitely."

I forgot that's what it was called.

You guys wouldn't know accountability if it bit you in the arse. If Iraq was a wild success, you wouldn't be rushing to give the Dems such "credit."
Yeah, that's right. It was the "resolution to invade & occupy Iraq indefinitely."

I forgot that's what it was called.

You guys wouldn't know accountability if it bit you in the arse. If Iraq was a wild success, you wouldn't be rushing to give the Dems such "credit."

did the dems/congress authorize and fund the iraq war?
get real, the Democrats voted to go in there also..what about the new Democrat hero Colin Powell, your going to say he was duped also..

and who submitted the use of force resolution? the fucking TOOTH fairy?????

The fact remains...if the President had not wanted to invade Iraq, we would not have invaded Iraq. period.

and Powell HIMSELF has said that he regrets ever giving that trumped up bullshit speech to the UNSC.

and don't EVER forget.... a majority of copngressional democrats voted AGAINST the use of force...the republican support was nearly unanimous.