Bush will attack Iran if Obama win but not if McCain wins

Daniel Pipes: If Obama Wins, Bush Will Attack Iran in November
June 6, 2008 in News by Eric Garris * 128 comments

Leading neocon Daniel Pipes (director of the Middle East Forum) said in an interview posted Wednesday at National Review Online, that if Barack Obama is elected, George Bush would attack Iran in the remaining ten weeks of his term.

“Should the Democratic nominee win in November, President Bush will ‘do something.’ and should it be Mr. McCain who wins, he’ll ‘punt,’ and let Mr. McCain decide what to do.

He called on powers such as Russia and China to prevent a US unilateral strike by helping Washington increase pressure on Tehran. “Look, if you don’t want an American attack, then you have to join us in being very serious with the Iranians and making clear to them we will attack if they don’t stop.”

Later in the interview, Pipes commented that Israel’s nuclear capability is “substantial.”

He is a top Neocon and one of the people who tell GWB what to do next.
In 2002 and 2003, Pipes was a strong backer of the Iraq War, saying that Saddam Hussein posed an "imminent threat" to the United States.[4] In a New York Post article published April 8, 2003, Pipes expressed his opposition to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's concerned prediction that "[the] war [in Iraq] will have horrible consequences...Terrorism will be aggravated...Terrorist organizations will be united...Everything will be insecure." Though this concern was echoed by various other politicians and academics cited by Pipes in his article, Pipes argued that "the precise opposite is more likely to happen: The war in Iraq will lead to a reduction in terrorism."
Do you really think the guy who years later didnt even know their were Suni and Shia muslims planned any of this?

He was convinced by people who were way smarter than him to do this.
Daniel Pipes: If Obama Wins, Bush Will Attack Iran in November
June 6, 2008 in News by Eric Garris * 128 comments

Leading neocon Daniel Pipes (director of the Middle East Forum) said in an interview posted Wednesday at National Review Online, that if Barack Obama is elected, George Bush would attack Iran in the remaining ten weeks of his term.

“Should the Democratic nominee win in November, President Bush will ‘do something.’ and should it be Mr. McCain who wins, he’ll ‘punt,’ and let Mr. McCain decide what to do.

He called on powers such as Russia and China to prevent a US unilateral strike by helping Washington increase pressure on Tehran. “Look, if you don’t want an American attack, then you have to join us in being very serious with the Iranians and making clear to them we will attack if they don’t stop.”

Later in the interview, Pipes commented that Israel’s nuclear capability is “substantial.”

Desh, do we have a link to the National Review piece regarding what Pipes allegedly said?
We must reward the country that provided most of the 911 terrorists and punish the one that had nothing to do with it. It has become the american way.
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you miss a lot.

No he didn't. Pipes was asked what he thought would happen, his opinion was that if a Democrat was elected, Bush would do 'something.' If McCain was elected, 'he'd let him decide.'

In no way was he saying 'an attack' on Iran. In no way was he saying he KNEW what Bush would do. He was giving his opinion.